#new pride flag

Queer Cis and Trans Straight FlagsSome of my friends have been expressing that they can’t make comboQueer Cis and Trans Straight FlagsSome of my friends have been expressing that they can’t make combo

Queer Cis and Trans Straight Flags

Some of my friends have been expressing that they can’t make combo flags displaying the entirety of their identity due to the virtual absence of non-satirical cis and straight flags, so I decided to take a whack at it! Please note that straight people cannot use the Queer Cis flag and cis people cannot use the Trans Straight flag. These flags are for individuals who are still part of the LGBTQIA+ community in some way.


Read more for creative process and meanings:

Queer Cis Flag

I noticed how the trans flag can visually describe trans women (blue stripe leading the eye down to a pink stripe = AMAB + feminine gender) and trans men (vice versa). I built the blue and pink stripes in this flag off that interpretation. In place of the nonbinary white stripe, a thin, dark blue-violet stripe references the historical association between the color purple and queerness.

Trans Straight Flag

The most utilized visual representation of straightness I’ve seen is stripes of black and white. In this flag, they represent attraction to gender(s) one sees as dissimilar to theirs. The stripe of light periwinkle is a callback to the baby blue, baby pink, and white of the trans flag.

Kudos to Pride-Flags on Deviantart for their 23-stripe flag template; I would have been screwed without it.

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