#new year tarot


Seems fitting that my draw for the new year is the upright Wheel of Fortune!

What does this mean?

This card is about luck, change, and fortune. The wheel symbolizes life is always changing – if you’re going through a rough patch, remember that it will end! Good luck and fortune will come in time. “This cycle shows why it is so important to cherish the blissful moments in your life and make the most of them while they are within reach – because in a flash they could be gone.” (Biddy Tarot) However, even when in a period of good fortune, life will return to normal. It also reminds us that karma comes back always, don’t forget it! 

Want a free tarot reading?  Message me today with your favourite New Year’s emoji! 

New Years Tarot Spread

It’s been a while since i last used my tarot deck, so i started off my giving it a cleanse with incense, then a good shuffle until i felt it was ready. I planned out what i wanted to ask and had them displayed on my phone so i wouldn’t forget. I shuffled a bit more while overlooking my questions to make sure the intention was there to pull for the spread i created.

Two cards actually jumped out separately as i was shuffling, so i used those for 1 and 2. Again, another two cards jumped out but they were sticking together, so i used both of them for 3. Whether this is because my deck was really pushing for me to pick those cards, or my bad shuffling skills, im not too sure, but they did end up fitting with the theme of the reading.

1. Theme of the new year: THREE OF SWORDS

  • You’ll be grieving over the loss of friendships this year. It’ll probably be a gradual thing, and you’ll be quite lonely and hurt. With time you’ll feel better as long as you accept the pain and release your emotions, rather than keep it in.

2. Challenges I will face in the new year: FIVE OF SWORDS

  • Being in danger of losing your friendships and reputation because of self interest. You favouring winning and being right, no matter the costs, which will cause people to push away from you. People may start resenting your success rather than acknowledge it.

3. How to overcome these challenges: KING OF SWORDS (rev) + QUEEN OF WANDS

  • Be cunning. You know what people like to hear, and you’re smart enough to use that in your favour to keep your friendships going.
  • Be independent and passionate. This is what people will like about you. Naturally you are a leader, so step up to move off the path you’re going down. It’ll attract them to you, as long as you radiate positivity and confidence without holding back.
  • (Together, I’m getting a “i know you’re an introvert, but you’re smart and understand people, so confidence? fake it till you make it” vibe)

4. What is my goal for the new year: QUEEN OF CUPS

  • Reaching a state of emotional stability. Be empathetic to troubles your friends are going through, but with healthy boundaries. Your intuition will be right, so let it guide you in decision making. Don’t overthink it, just let it flow and you’ll be okay.

5. How to achieve this goal: EIGHT OF CUPS (rev)

  • Reach your goal by reevaluating your life, where you are and where you’re going. Try looking for a deeper connection with your life purpose rather than being material. Question what makes you happy. Don’t neglect your own needs.

6. What I will gain: THREE OF WANDS

  • Occupational opportunities will become available to you in your chosen work field. Consider every option. You have a lot of unique skills and information, so take those into consideration while looking for work too.

7. What I will lose: THE TOWER (rev)

  • You’ll lose a lot (refer to 2). Not a devastating amount, still more than you’re comfortable with though. Be prepared to take preventative measures to soften the blow (refer to 3), but remember that resisting change and prolonging a negative situation doesn’t help. Take risks to change things fast, and if it doesn’t work then it doesn’t work.

I found these meanings through interpretation of the images, then following up with the guidebook. As you can probably tell by now… 2022 doesnt look great for me which is just awesome.I did see this coming though, as my relationships with my friends have been dwindling.


Here’s the explanation for fellow baby witches

Incense has cleansing properties as an air element, and is a spiritual form of cleansing to remove negativity. Meanwhile, shuffling the deck is a physical cleansing form, and removes traces of the last reading.

When a card ‘jumps’ out of your deck while you’re shuffling, it’s generally considered a sign that your deck really wants you to pick that card. When cards stick together, the idea is that both cards will explain the meaning of whatever question asked. That’s why i used two cards for question 3 instead of splitting it.

When interpreting tarot, you should try 'guessing’ what the card means before looking up the actual meaning. This will help you learn the cards by the names and designs, and will improve your intuition. Reversed cards tend to have the opposite meaning, but in some cases (like the tower), it can mean a diminished form of the upright meaning.

This reading was done during a Capricorn moon, a good time for creating structure and plans, which happened to correlate with the start of the new year when i actually did this reading (2nd of Jan, 2022). Things that commence on a Capricorn moon also generally go to plan, so i believe my reading will be accurate for this year (sadly). On the other hand, it was during a dark moon where spiritual energy is lacking, so maybe it’s an inaccurate reading.


Other info

I chose a 7 card format opposed to a monthly format, simply because i want to do a Year Ahead Birthday spread later on using the 12 months, and i’m born in January so having both would be counterproductive for me.

Want to know how to bond with and care for your tarot deck? Check out my other post here!

If anyone want’s to add anything they’ve noticed to my reading, feel free!
