#beginner witch




cunningfoxwitch: vhixxen: seraphickalmagick: This is a charging board!It is a simple way to charge ucunningfoxwitch: vhixxen: seraphickalmagick: This is a charging board!It is a simple way to charge u




This is a charging board!

It is a simple way to charge up and cleanse your crystals without having to focus on visualisation. Simply put your crystal in the center of a piece of paper, and write around it two categories of words: the things you want to fill your crystal with, and the things you want out of them. Then draw arrows pointing into the crystal for the positives, and away from it for the negatives.

This is a visual way to charge/cleanse without having to maintain focus. I’m certain it could work for any object you want to use, not just crystals!

Good idea!

This is brilliant!

This would be especially useful for beginner witches who are learning. Use it as a visual aid.

Be safe and happy witching~ ❤️

Post link
recreationalwitchcraft: Top 10 Herbs for the Lazy WitchMaybe you’re maybe you’re a new witch unsure


Top 10 Herbs for the Lazy Witch

Maybe you’re maybe you’re a new witch unsure of what herbs are worth your time as a beginner, maybe money is tight, or maybe you’re just lazy (like us). If we could only choose 10 herbs to use in our craft, these would be our top picks. 

1. Basil – its the witch’s herb, need we say more? Not only do its magical uses span from protection to love to wealth to exorcism, but it is also delicious in mundane recipes as well. If you can only have one herb, basil is the way to go.

2. Rosemary – this herb is also blessed with a wide variety of uses. Excellent for purification, lust and love, good health, preventing nightmares, and all kinds of sea witchery. Bonus: its fragrance is to die for.

3. Lavender – so you might not be able to find this at the grocery store, but its magical uses outweigh the small inconvenience of tracking it down. Most often used for healing, love, protection, peace, purification, and sleep, lavender is a go-to for any mental health needs. 

4. Chamomile – lavender’s luckier, jovial cousin. Primarily used in love, healing, and stress reducing spells, but can also be used for luck and gambling. It is associated with the sun, and makes a great tea infusion for stress relief. 

5. Thyme – the best herb for social situations. It attracts loyalty, affection, and a good reputation, but we most often bathe in an infusion of thyme for constant flow of money. Also good for increasing courage. 

6. Cinnamon – while technically a spice, cinnamon has many magical uses and is also delicious in cooking. Ideal for prosperity and success, protection, love, and all spells related to the spiritual self. 

7.  Peppermint – a favorite in herbalism for treatment of digestive issues, this herb ideal for cleansing and protecting. Peppermint is also widely available, makes for lovely tea, and is a great addition to any luck spell.

8. Rose – is any love spell complete without rose petals? This flower is the symbol for beauty, marriage, sexuality, divine love, and all kinds of relationships. A larger list of uses for roses can be found here

9. Cayenne Pepper – every witch needs something with a bit of a bite. This spice does wonders as cursing or banishing agent, or even just as an addition to any spell to speed up results. 

10. Mugwort – if we recommend any specialty herb, this is the one. Mugwort is used in spells for divination, astral travel, working within the spiritual realm, and receiving prophetic dreams. (Note: this herb should not be ingested by people who are pregnant)  

Post link



If you’re reading this post, there is a good chance you are a beginner. At this point, you may not even be certain that you believe all this “energy stuff”. My opinion is simple: give it a shot. Read through this and truly go for it. Give it at least two weeks of daily practice. Chances are, you’ll get some results by the end of those two weeks. When you finally make your first psiball, the excitement you get makes it feel like you’ve just created a cure for the common cold. You’ll be so amazed that you were able to do it, and even more so amazed that it’s actually true. But keep in mind: results come from practice. You can’t expect to make your first psiball without having practiced for anymore than 10 seconds. I expect you to sit down in a quiet place, relax, clear your head, and then attempt psiball creation for at least fifteen minutes every day. But believe me when I tell you, the practice more than pays off at the end.

If you’re wondering why you should make psiballs and what energy can do, there is a plethora of uses for them! One example is creating protective wards. 

Visualization — The First and Most Important Step

Keep reading

Hopefully you guys will find this helpful. I haven’t read the full article yet, but it so far it looks really good!


Recently I started a witch circle of close and new friends to practise and support each other. Rather a lot of the members are new to magic and are a bit unsure where to start. So, after dumping about a billion links on them, I decided to make a short compilation of really easy spells to get started with.

I might well make them into a proper pdf one day to pass around.

Keep reading

Fantastic beginner witch spells. I will definitely be doing some of these. motherofallthingscupcakefloating-inthe-clouds






This list will explain common stones that are either toxic to use for drinking in gem water or stones that are soluble in water. :)

Alunite: Non toxic but soluble in water

Anglesite: Toxic and slightly soluble in water

Arsenopyrite: Potentially toxic

Azurite: Harmful

Azurite-Malachite: Harmful

Azurite-Pseudomalachite: Harmful

Bunsenite: Toxic; allergen; avoid skin contact

Calomel: Possibly hazardous to health

Cerussite: Toxic

Chalcanthite: Harmful; easily soluble in water

Cinnabar: Very toxic!

Cinnabar-Opal: The cinnabar stored in the opal is toxic

Crocoite: Toxic 

Cuprite: Harmful

Durangite: Potentially toxic

Eclipse Stone: Limestone with orpiment, toxic

Eilat Stone: Harmful

Erythrite: Potentially toxic

Fiedlerite: Toxic

Fluorite,Antozonitevariety: Potentially harmful

Galenite: Toxic and slightly soluble in water

Gaspeite: Harmful; allergen; avoid skin contact

Greenockite: Toxic

Halite: Not toxic in small quantities, but dissolves easily in water

Iron-nickel Meteorite: Harmful; allergen; avoid skin contact

Jamesonite: Potentially toxic

Lemon Chrysoprase: Potentially harmful; allergen; avoid skin contact

Lopezite: Very toxic! Hazardous even through skin contact

Malachite: Harmful

Millerite: Toxic; allergen; avoid skin contact

Minium: Toxic

Nickeline: Toxic; allergen; avoid skin contact

Olivenite: Potentially toxic

Orpiment: Toxic

Proustite: Potentially toxic

Psilomelane and Pyrolusite: Harmful

Pyromorphite: Potentially toxic

Rauenthalite: Toxic

Realgar: Toxic. Store in dark, securely locked place.

Scorodite: Potentially toxic

Sphaerocobaltite: Harmful; allergen; avoid skin contact

Stibnite: Harmful

Tetrahedrite: Potentially harmful

Ulexite: Non toxic but slightly soluble in warm water

Valentiniteand Senarmontite: Harmful

Vanadinite: Toxic

Wulfentie: Potentially toxic

Reblogging complete post so that it is not truncated and lost :3

Signal boost. This is vital information, folks.

Also turquoise is water soluble

selenite is also water soluble, and feldspars like labradorite and rainbow moonstone can lose their luster if left submerged.

Lapis lazuli should also not be placed in water, as it is semi-porous and could potentially ruin the stone (also, I think it might be somewhat water soluble, but this is unconfirmed).


A break-down of why your magickal intent may not be taking effect in your life

Hi there! So, if you’re reading this, you’ve probably had this problem at one time or another; in fact, almost all witches experience a ‘fizzled’ spell every once in awhile… but what happens when you’ve been casting multiple, and they all just won’t take? Here are some reasons why this could be happening:



  • The spell was not transferred enough energy to take effect. Think of this as filling up a balloon with helium ~ If you don’t put enough in, the balloon with just roll around or float a few inches above the floor, rather than floating high in the air like you intended for it to do. This can also happen with spells! There needs to be enough energy transfer (The energy you put in, the energy you’ve taken from something/someone else, etc.) to allow the spell to ‘take hold’ and manifest strongly and in the way you preferred. 
  • You’re not helping the magick along when it requires you to do so. For many spells, such as magick geared towards jobs, people, physical events, etc. there needs to be more than just one magickal variable working towards your intent to manifest. You need to work for it; If you cast a spell for a job, you also better be turning in that application and resume along with it ~! A spell can increase your chance, luck, and appeal, but it cannot contact your employer and set up an interview. 
  • (A break-off from the above reason) Your conditions just don’t allow the magick to materialize easily. This is the most possible to happen in weather spells, such as those to bring heavy rain to a dry climate area, or magick for something that your life/area just cannot manifest. For example, imagine somebody trying to cast a spell to ‘make one of their friends fall in love with them’ whilst having not a single friend in their life; the spell is incapable of materializing, because their are no variables for it to work with! It is a sad thing to think about, certainly, but this example shows how casting a spell that is wrong for your life situation can cause it to work improperly or not at all. (Tip: This person should have cast a spell for new friends first! This also shows how you may be casting spells that are wrong for the situation) 
  • Your wording was not the best. Similar to how people will often word things in a positive or future-tense manner (EX: ‘I AM BRAVE’ / rather than ‘I WILL BE BRAVE’) during spellwork or how in some fairytales the genie will grant a wish in a horrible way according to the wording of a wish, you must be careful to be clear and concise in what you’re wanting! Stay away from vague or general wording; You’ll wish you had when you try to cast a spell for a person to love you romantically, and later find that they love you like a sibling or best friend ~ 
  • You forgot to/incorrectly grounded after a spell. Grounding is not only important to maintain your own energies, but it is also a good tool for assuring that the energies of your spell don’t simply go on floating ‘up in the clouds’, failing to come down to earth and manifest! Grounding after a spell also increases the chances that it will work faster. 
  • Your focus/energy was off during the spell. Common for those with a low rate of focus, who’s mind wanders easily, or with low/confidence and doubt (which can especially put off your energies) you might have broken the intent of the spell while casting it. Not to worry, for spells can be re-cast and focus can be sharpened, but be sure to have a strong mind when performing visualization or transferring your intent into a spell! This can lead to a spell manifesting in a different way than you intended (which may not always be a bad thing) or just all-together not working.
  • (For people-directed magick)The person on the other end of your spell has a protection ward. If you’re simply trying as hard as you can to curse, heal, bless, cast upon another witch without their knowledge, there’s a chance that they have up some magickal barriers of their own. Be cautious with curses on other witches especially, since there are wards to reflect curses back upon the sender, and you never know! This can also be so if you are casting magick upon somebody to improve an aspect of their life; they may unknowingly be mentally/spiritually guarding, or ‘closing’ their energy, making it difficult for the magick to attach to them. 
  • Further tip: Have patience! Some spells take a while to manifest or come to be, and if you’re becoming discouraged after them not working within a week, you need to have a bit of patience.

Keep in mind that these are things anybody can do without knowing; they do not at all make you a bad or incapable witch, but it is important to know and accept why they may not be working. I hope for those that experience it, these reasons can provide some insight ~ This post was inspired by all of the anons who have been asking this question frequently

Send me a message if you have any questions or comments ♡ Thank you!


Witch of The Week


What is ‘Witch of The Week’?

Every week, I randomly choose one amazing, underrated witchblr to feature! I want to make sure that more people discover these great blogs, and also to Wake Witchblr, because there are a LOT of interesting blogs to follow; you just haven’t found it yet ‍♀️


JustAWitchyGirl is a devotee of Aphrodite and she posts a lot of sweet appreciation posts of her

Her blog gives you a daily dose of wholesome relatable Aphrodite appreciation along with plenty of posts directed at baby/beginner witchies.

She also runs the discord server 'Just a Witchy Coven’, which I absolutely LOVE. It has a strict anti-bigotry policy and everyone there is just so welcoming.

Currently, she is looking for a mentor. I’m not sure if she is still looking atm, but if you feel you would be interested in this, definitely contact her, and join her discord too, while youre at it!



no witch succeeds with their spells 100% of the time. here’s a short list of reasons why it could have happened and some solutions

possible reasons why:

distraction- a spell you’re not invested in isn’t going to have much power behind it. if you’re concentrated more on you. if you cast a motivation spell while planning out your vacation, it’s going to subtract from that motivation. 

rosemary replaces everything - supposedly. it supplies general power, but if you add nothing into the spell that has any real meaning to you, then what is that power supposed to do? where does that energy go with no direction?

associations - the correspondences everyone else lists for herbs and stones and planets can be very useful, but sometimes you have a personal conflicting association. perhaps lavender is gross to you, and not peaceful at all. then that dream sachet isn’t going to give you peaceful dreams. 

didn’t help the spell -magic does not exist in a vaccum. spells can only do so much, but if you don’t make the effort, it much less likely to work. job spells dont work if you don’t fill out applications, love spells don’t work if you don’t go out and talk to people, and so on. 

too many cooks - if you cast 10 love spells, and yet no one is attracted to you, it’s entirely possible they all did work but they all conflicted with each other, and ended up canceling each other out. 

shot for the stars- sometimes you try to achieve something, and you set your expectations too high. either it’s impossible, you’re trying from the wrong angle, or you didn’t get as much as you wanted.

cancellation - sometimes a spell may appear not to work when it does, but the results are invisible because it canceled something else out. say you cast a money spell and get no extra cash after several weeks, it could be just helping you maintain your current income and blocking extraneous expenses.

impatience- unless you programmed a working time limit into it, the spell could be working and you just don’t see the results yet. these things can take time.

out of your depth - if you don’t feel like you’re ready to do a spell, your lack of confidence or discomfort can either disable the spell or not give it enough power to work

what to do:

  • take a break, ground, cleanse, and give it time. refocus your intentions
  • contemplate each ingredient and step in the spell, and modify
  • use the ingredients that you know best work for you, old standards hold up.
  • think about what you could do to help the spell work. what mundane methods haven’t you tried?
  • take a step back and look at it realistically. is there another angle you can approach this from, can you break it down into smaller steps?
  • return to the spells you are comfortable doing, and work from there.


PSA about my infographics

All of the infographics I use are made by me unless stated otherwise. You are more than welcome to use them if you’d like, just please give me credit (and don’t edit/crop out my watermark) :)

Here are some of my favorite ones I’ve made:

The reason I make infographics are to help those who learn better with visuals, not unlike myself.

I plan on making many more in the future! If you’d like to see something made into an infographic let me know.


Easy Witch Tips: Moon Water Edition

Are you in the broom closet?

Are you tired as fuck?

Are you lazy and don’t wanna do the things?

Me too. Which one? Take some educated guesses (All three. I’m all three. Don’t judge me-)

What to do with Moon Water when You Simply Can’t:

  • Brew coffee/tea
  • Make ice cubes out of it
  • Wash your hands/hair/face
  • Water your plants
  • Keep a pitcher of it and drink a cup every morning
  • Make moon water from sparkling water and infuse it with fruits that help you focus/love yourself/energize you/etc
  • Use it to paint
  • Rinse your makeup brushes with it after washing them
  • Put it in your pet’s water dishes
  • Make a cleansing room spray

Literally just do stuff. Replace normal water with moon water. Splash it on your face, throw some into your washer, or your bath. Just d o s t u f f. Witchcraft doesn’t have to be just Spell Jar, Tarot, Full Spell Casting. Nothing is stopping you from just dousing yourself in moon water to help you get reset.

Happy splashing and blessed be <3

Tips and Commissions for a struggling witch: Ko-Fi


Low Effort Magic

I have a hard time doing something that involves magic every day, even though I’ve been on this path for quite some time.

Practicing magic a lot is by no means mandatory but it does help (in my opinion) to get better at it and it just helps with everyday problems. So here are some low effort activities you can do everyday that will hopefully help those of you with similar problems!

  • Write words like “protection”, “healing” or whatever you want into your drink with a straw or spoon before you drink it. Or draw sigils in it.
  • If you feel super exhausted for no apparent reason, open a window and scream or, if you like it, put on some angry punk or metal music to banish whatever is feeding on your energy. While you’re doing that, keep in mind that you want to banish. Otherwise you’re just playing angry music. Yelling “Fuck off” also does the trick.
  • When you eat or drink something, try to pinpoint at least one magical property of each ingredient in your drink/food. It can also be one that has no historical evidence but is personal to you. That will help keep you in the magic mindset and also helps you to get all if that info into your long-term memory.
  • Open the window, stand in front of it and breathe in the air deeply with your eyes closed while you remind yourself that tge wind is part of nature and that you’re connected to it. It doesn’t have to be a half hour meditation, 5 seconds get the job done as well.
  • Offer everyday activities to your deities. For example: cooking for Hestia, standing up for yourself for Loki, practicing magic or **self care time** for Freyja, disposing of trash the correct way to your local nature spirits, etc
  • Take a shower or a bath, or just wash your face or brush your teeth with the intent of cleansing yourself from all that negative energy that has built up over the day.

That’s all for this time. If you like it I’ll do another one. :)


Reading Candles for Yes/No Answers

High, steady flame:Yes

Low, steady flame: No

Short, weak flame:No

Dancing flame: Needs more focus. Reground and try again.

Violent flickering flame: Strong no. Take this as a warning if you are certain this isn’t caused by an outside force or natural defect in a candle.

Sputtering/Cracking flame: There is more to your answer than a simple yes or no,

Dual-flame:Thinking, waiting for an answer.

Flame leaning to left:Yes

Flame leaning to right:No

Candle will not light: Ask later

Candle will not go out: You are not done yet. There is more you need to hear.

The candle goes out during the session: Now is not the time to ask.


How to Make a Flower Crown!

I made myself a flower crown today and I wanted to share it with you all. Flower Crowns are really awesome, and everyone deserves one.

I used the Weaving method, detailed below in the link provided! Here’s a visual guide as well, if you’re a visual learner like myself.


To Banish:
• Burning to ashes and sweeping away the ashes
• Cast out a window, down a cliffside, etc
• Bury it and spit on the spot

To Bind:
• Wrap in black thread
• Cover in wax or other material
• Seal in jar and hide in dark spot

To Hide:
• Wrap in ribbon
• Place in a (painted) black jar or other container
• Cover in cloth or other material and bury

To Encourage:
• Plant or bury near the front door/steps
• Plant or bury near a window
• Place near a window

To Communicate*:
• Anoint a candle
• Leave out an offering
• Meditate
• Open the front door and/or windows

To Glamour:
• Leave under the full moon
• Work with its reflection

To Cleanse:
• Bury in salt
• Burn herbs and pass through the smoke
• Let it bathe in the moonlight

To Protect:
• Leave sigils/wards on doors and windows
• Carry sigils/wards on every day items (keys, phone case, etc)
• Enchant jewelry with protection spells

*: Communication with deities, spirit guides, etc
