#southern hemisphere witch


hi everyone! id like to thank you for voting for me in this year’s Witchblr Awards and im super excited to say that ive won under the Top Witchling Award!

congrats to all the other candidates, i’ll be tagging them so everyone can check them out because theyre all amazing and they deserve so many followers!

@sageandstudies@scroll-of-thought@gingersguide@risenritual@crown-of-starlight@little-celtic-wiccin @0pal-persphone@labradoritefae@asthecrowcasts@puffballwitchery@noweyesee@skotadi-kai-nychta

also a special thanks to @nightshadeandroses​ for putting this entire thing together, youre amazing!!


If I made a discord with role assignments like baby witch, intermediate witch and advanced witch, for a place beginners can ask advice and learn off of people more experienced than them, would anyone consider joining?

Leave a reply if you would! And with any suggestions

Edit: I’m making one now, I’ll contact people who have liked/replied and repost with a link when it’s up

Here’s the link to my new discord! Everyone is welcome


If I made a discord with role assignments like baby witch, intermediate witch and advanced witch, for a place beginners can ask advice and learn off of people more experienced than them, would anyone consider joining?

Leave a reply if you would! And with any suggestions

Edit: The discord is up! Message me for a link

~my first crystal ball~

bought it earlier today, can’t wait to start practicing!

Warding Social Media Posts

After seeing this postby@lunaesteria i realised i needed to be more careful about the personal information i post while trying to share what i’m learning with you all.

This is because information such as your natal chart, birthplace and time, and pictures of you, can be used as a taglock in curses against you.

A while ago, i posted my natal chart in a post where i explained how to read one and since then, i’ve taken down and reuploaded a version of it that’s warded.

So, i’m going to teach you two quick way to ward posts on social media before you upload them, without anyone knowing! (Keep in mind, you should still remove personal information like your name and where you live, regardless of warding)

Sigil Warding


What you need:

  • A photo editing program which allows you to manipulate layers (eg. photoshop, youdoodle)
  • Pen and paper

What to do:

  1. Cleanse yourself with a method of your choice (crystals, incense etc)
  2. Create a sigil of intent using a phrase of your choice (eg. This image is protected from being used as a taglock/this photo cannot be used as a taglock/this information is not successfully used as a taglock/this photo is bound from being used as a taglock) OR find a warding sigil online
  3. Insert the photo on a background layer
  4. Create a new foreground
  5. Draw the sigil on a transparent background on the foreground layer
  6. Set the transparency of the sigil layer to 1% OR use the eraser tool on 99% and erase the sigil
  7. Export the warded photo out of the editing program and post it

Ritual Warding

What you need:

  • A usb
  • Incense
  • Protective herbs

What to do:

  1. Cleanse yourself AND your room with a method of your choice (crystals, incense etc)
  2. Transfer the photo onto your usb (make sure only content you want to ward is on the usb)
  3. Place the usb on a shallow bowl or plate
  4. Cover the usb any protective herbs such as:
Bay leaves
Cinnamon sticks
Rosemary branches
Mint leaves
Basil leaves
Thyme branches
Whole black pepper

5. Light incense and draw a pentagram or a sigil with the smoke over the bowl with your intent in mind (refer to step 1 of Sigil Warding) 


Here’s the explanation of warding for fellow baby witches

There really wasn’t anything online about this subject before but i took major inspiration from Molly Soda’s virtual spells from New Hive including her usb “get more likes on social media” spell, as well as normal warding techniques using sigils.

Warding is the act of creating a protective energetic barrier around what you direct your energy towards. This makes it difficult for unwanted energies, spirits or people to use these warded object against you.

Usually, methods of warding shouldn’t be shared, because knowing how they’re done means you may be able to break them. On the other hand, if there’s no information about how to ward, people can just curse you anyway. 

A taglock is something like DNA, a name, or a photo, which represents a person and creates a link to them that can be used in spellwork. 

A natal chart is an astrological chart of the positions of the planets and zodiac signs based on the exact time, date and place of your birth. As you can see, this is the type of information that can be used as a taglock.

Happiness Potion (honey milk tea)


This is a tea that my mum used to make for me that I’ve converted into a happiness spell! It’s a very basic recipe, then you can make it your own by changing around the ingredients. I’ve listed some optional suggestions that you could use with different correspondents for different intentions.

As you can see, I added clear quartz crystals and a citrine crystal to charge it further with positivity. Then I stirred a sigil for positivity into the drink with my spoon (I am happy and radiate positivity). Edit: here’s a link on how to make sigils!

What you need: 

  • 2 tsp honey
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • ½ cup boiling water
  • ½ cup milk

What to do:

  1. Mix the honey, cinnamon and water together in a mug until combined.
  2. Froth the milk with a milk frothing tool or by whisking/shaking very violently (Optional)
  3. Add the milk
  4. Garnish with cinnamon


The ratio of boiling water to milk should bring the drink down to the perfect temperature!

With milk, you can add peppermint to soothe the stomach, chamomile to soothe the throat and encourage sleep, ginger to soothe the throat, or cayenne pepper to clear the sinuses.

Without milk, you can add a bit of lemon to boost the immune system.

You can replace the water with a herbal tea of your choices such as lavender or chamomile.

You can replace the milk with almond milk or any milk of choice.


Here’s the explanation for this spell for fellow baby witches

Spells come in many forms, including drinkable ones! You can call them potions if you like. They involve using herbs/flavours/scents etc with specific correspondents to fulfil a specific intention.

Honey signifies happiness and positivity and expels negativity, depression and anxiety.

Cinnamon signifies spirituality, success, healing, protection, power, love, luck, strength and prosperity

Milk has correspondents too! Full cream milk signifies prosperity, nurturing, protection, success. Warm milk eases anxiety and anger. Here’s a list of correspondents for non-dairy milk typesby@heximari

Citrine is a crystal that boosts joy and optimism, and clear quartz is used for protection and as an amplifier for other crystals.

Sigils are statements of intent drawn up into a little picture which you can write on your skin, on a paper, or in this case, stir into tea, to make a spell work better.

New Years Tarot Spread

It’s been a while since i last used my tarot deck, so i started off my giving it a cleanse with incense, then a good shuffle until i felt it was ready. I planned out what i wanted to ask and had them displayed on my phone so i wouldn’t forget. I shuffled a bit more while overlooking my questions to make sure the intention was there to pull for the spread i created.

Two cards actually jumped out separately as i was shuffling, so i used those for 1 and 2. Again, another two cards jumped out but they were sticking together, so i used both of them for 3. Whether this is because my deck was really pushing for me to pick those cards, or my bad shuffling skills, im not too sure, but they did end up fitting with the theme of the reading.

1. Theme of the new year: THREE OF SWORDS

  • You’ll be grieving over the loss of friendships this year. It’ll probably be a gradual thing, and you’ll be quite lonely and hurt. With time you’ll feel better as long as you accept the pain and release your emotions, rather than keep it in.

2. Challenges I will face in the new year: FIVE OF SWORDS

  • Being in danger of losing your friendships and reputation because of self interest. You favouring winning and being right, no matter the costs, which will cause people to push away from you. People may start resenting your success rather than acknowledge it.

3. How to overcome these challenges: KING OF SWORDS (rev) + QUEEN OF WANDS

  • Be cunning. You know what people like to hear, and you’re smart enough to use that in your favour to keep your friendships going.
  • Be independent and passionate. This is what people will like about you. Naturally you are a leader, so step up to move off the path you’re going down. It’ll attract them to you, as long as you radiate positivity and confidence without holding back.
  • (Together, I’m getting a “i know you’re an introvert, but you’re smart and understand people, so confidence? fake it till you make it” vibe)

4. What is my goal for the new year: QUEEN OF CUPS

  • Reaching a state of emotional stability. Be empathetic to troubles your friends are going through, but with healthy boundaries. Your intuition will be right, so let it guide you in decision making. Don’t overthink it, just let it flow and you’ll be okay.

5. How to achieve this goal: EIGHT OF CUPS (rev)

  • Reach your goal by reevaluating your life, where you are and where you’re going. Try looking for a deeper connection with your life purpose rather than being material. Question what makes you happy. Don’t neglect your own needs.

6. What I will gain: THREE OF WANDS

  • Occupational opportunities will become available to you in your chosen work field. Consider every option. You have a lot of unique skills and information, so take those into consideration while looking for work too.

7. What I will lose: THE TOWER (rev)

  • You’ll lose a lot (refer to 2). Not a devastating amount, still more than you’re comfortable with though. Be prepared to take preventative measures to soften the blow (refer to 3), but remember that resisting change and prolonging a negative situation doesn’t help. Take risks to change things fast, and if it doesn’t work then it doesn’t work.

I found these meanings through interpretation of the images, then following up with the guidebook. As you can probably tell by now… 2022 doesnt look great for me which is just awesome.I did see this coming though, as my relationships with my friends have been dwindling.


Here’s the explanation for fellow baby witches

Incense has cleansing properties as an air element, and is a spiritual form of cleansing to remove negativity. Meanwhile, shuffling the deck is a physical cleansing form, and removes traces of the last reading.

When a card ‘jumps’ out of your deck while you’re shuffling, it’s generally considered a sign that your deck really wants you to pick that card. When cards stick together, the idea is that both cards will explain the meaning of whatever question asked. That’s why i used two cards for question 3 instead of splitting it.

When interpreting tarot, you should try 'guessing’ what the card means before looking up the actual meaning. This will help you learn the cards by the names and designs, and will improve your intuition. Reversed cards tend to have the opposite meaning, but in some cases (like the tower), it can mean a diminished form of the upright meaning.

This reading was done during a Capricorn moon, a good time for creating structure and plans, which happened to correlate with the start of the new year when i actually did this reading (2nd of Jan, 2022). Things that commence on a Capricorn moon also generally go to plan, so i believe my reading will be accurate for this year (sadly). On the other hand, it was during a dark moon where spiritual energy is lacking, so maybe it’s an inaccurate reading.


Other info

I chose a 7 card format opposed to a monthly format, simply because i want to do a Year Ahead Birthday spread later on using the 12 months, and i’m born in January so having both would be counterproductive for me.

Want to know how to bond with and care for your tarot deck? Check out my other post here!

If anyone want’s to add anything they’ve noticed to my reading, feel free!

New Years Ritual

This is the personal ritual I’ll be doing this New Year (ie tonight for me in Australia). It’s quite calm and doesn’t use too much energy, since the moon phase is coming out of waning crescent into dark moon, where I’m trying not to use too much magic.

New Years Eve, wake to 4:10pm

Lunar phase: Waning Crescent

  • Pick crystals for the night and give them energy (clear quartz, citrine, amethyst and moonstone for confidence, stress relief, harmony and new beginnings)
  • Write a list of what I’m thankful for in 2021
  • Cleanse myself from negativity with water, candles and incense

New Years Eve, 4:10pm–11:59pm

Lunar phase: Dark Moon

  • Daily tarot card pull
  • Self care face mask, rose quartz beauty roller, lavender body spray
  • Spend time with close friends

New Years Day, 12:00am–4:00am?

Lunar phase: Dark Moon

  • Celebrate the New Year with friends
  • Meditate before sleep

Lunar Phase Meanings and Associations

Southern Hemisphere Edition

New Moon — time used for starting anew, personal growth and setting new intentions

  • Magic: consecrating new tools, cleansing and banishment
  • When: the moon is directly between the sun and earth, so we see the dark side of the moon

Waning Moon — time used for gratitude and banishing negativity

  • Magic: cleansing and banishing rituals
  • When: the sun begins to move further from the moon so we see the first dark crescent until the moon is dark

Full Moon — time used for using power and energy and sealing intentions

  • Magic: cleansing and charging rituals, manifesting and divination
  • When: the sun is opposite the moon so we see the entire light side, two weeks after the new moon, for three days before and three days after

Waxing Moon — time used for gaining power and energy and acting on intentions

  • Magic: love and attraction magic, cleansing and protection rituals
  • When: the sun begins to move closer to the moon so we see the first crescent of light until the moon is almost full

Dark Moon — time used for regaining energy and reflection

  • Magic: no magic is performed, focus on personal matters and self care
  • When: three days before the new moon, the moon cannot be seen in any phase


Here’s the explanation for fellow baby witches

Fun fact: The moon appears upside down from Australia! That means the waning/waxing phases appear opposite to how they would from the southern hemisphere, which is why the emojis seem incorrect (this is an edit because im stupid and didnt realise)

It’s generally accepted in witchcraft that we get our energy and power from the moon. As the moon goes through different phases, so do our abilities. This is why it’s important to pay attention to the moon phases, so we know which forms of magic are best to perform and what time for the highest success rate.

I never did this, and I dont know why, but i regret it. I lost motivation in witchcraft for a while because nothing i seemed to be doing was impacting my life. I had a recent spark that brought me back though, and i regret not paying more attention to this stuff, because i’m a very structured person as it is.

An important note is that this isnt a complete list of all the phases, it’s an overview. there are more detailed versions all over tumblr with crescents, gibbouses and quarters, but this is my current understanding at my current level, and one day i’ll expand it.

Also, other versions have setting new intentions during the waxing phase, whereas i have it in new moon. This is just personal preference because it’s what makes sense to me. If you have questions or corrections, let me know!

Window Sigils

Sigil tips for closet witches!

This one works especially well in the colder seasons: breath on your window to fog it up and draw on your sigil before it fades. It leaves an imprint on the glass that can only be seen once you fog it up again. Every now and then you should redo it to make sure it continues working to it’s full strength!

Also this was super hard to get a clear photo of, sorry it’s kinda bad haha


Happiness Potion (honey milk tea)

This is a tea that my mum used to make for me that I’ve converted into a happiness spell! It’s a very basic recipe, then you can make it your own by changing around the ingredients. I’ve listed some optional suggestions that you could use with different correspondents for different intentions.

As you can see, I added clear quartz crystals and a citrine crystal to charge it further with positivity. Then I stirred a sigil for positivity into the drink with my spoon (I am happy and radiate positivity). I’ll link a post on how to make sigils once I’ve uploaded one!

What you need: 

  • 2 tsp honey
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • ½ cup boiling water
  • ½ cup milk

What to do:

  1. Mix the honey, cinnamon and water together in a mug until combined.
  2. Froth the milk with a milk frothing tool or by whisking/shaking very violently (Optional)
  3. Add the milk
  4. Garnish with cinnamon


The ratio of boiling water to milk should bring the drink down to the perfect temperature!

With milk, you can add peppermint to soothe the stomach, chamomile to soothe the throat and encourage sleep, ginger to soothe the throat, or cayenne pepper to clear the sinuses.

Without milk, you can add a bit of lemon to boost the immune system.

You can replace the water with a herbal tea of your choices such as lavender or chamomile.

You can replace the milk with almond milk or any milk of choice.


Here’s the explanation for this spell for fellow baby witches

Spells come in many forms, including drinkable ones! You can call them potions if you like. They involve using herbs/flavours/scents etc with specific correspondents to fulfil a specific intention.

Honey signifies happiness and positivity and expels negativity, depression and anxiety.

Cinnamon signifies spirituality, success, healing, protection, power, love, luck, strength and prosperity

Milk has correspondents too! Full cream milk signifies prosperity, nurturing, protection, success. Warm milk eases anxiety and anger. Here’s a list of correspondents for non-dairy milk typesby@heximari

Citrine is a crystal that boosts joy and optimism, and clear quartz is used for protection and as an amplifier for other crystals.

Sigils are statements of intent drawn up into a little picture which you can write on your skin, on a paper, or in this case, stir into tea, to make a spell work better.

Ooh I wasn’t expecting this ol’ post to blow up, I’m glad so many people liked it!! Since I can’t reply to comments (damn you tumblr for not warning me about the limitations of secondary accounts), I’m replying here haha

@sweet-poetry-ho I’m glad you like the explanations!! When I just got into the community I wished posts actually explained each part of a spell, because that’s just how I like to learn so i figured I might as well add it

@alexfang96 I had no idea it could be a fae offering! I don’t know much about fae yet but I’m staying away for now, I know it’s above my level haha, thanks for the info though

@minoven I’m glad you think my mug is pretty ^_^

And to @brujadesnuda @illyrianwitch@punkrockpixiegirl@knxmagics I’m glad you enjoyed the potion!

What to include in a grimoire

 i believe a grimoire can come in any form; written or typed, images or words, or a mix. personally i have mine typed on my laptop, but you could put yours in an empty book, you could make a pinterest collage, include it in a bullet journal, or ive even seen someone upcycle an old book to hide it in plain site.

remember this is just a rough outline based on my grimoire and you can add to it how you like

some sections overlap so you can choose what to put where


  • if written, leave 2 pages
  • if typed, add to start of document

about me

  • my witchy name and the meaning behind it
  • natal chart
  • sun, moon and rising
  • birthtime
  • patron planet
  • zodiac symbols
  • zodiac element
  • tarot birth cards
  • birth number
  • name number
  • favourite colour/tools/herbs/crystals
  • witch type


  • ‘what is witchcraft to me’
  • intent, law of attraction, karma, goals etc.
  • terminology
  • visualisation, meditation, grounding
  • history
  • salem 
  • paisley
  • crowley
  • specific to my culture/geography



  • pronunciation
  • dates
  • how to celebrate
  • samhain, yule, imbolc, ostara, beltain, litha, lammas,mabon

tools (not correspondents)

  • how to use
  • alternatives
  • diy
  • broom
  • wand
  • athame
  • pentacle
  • cauldron
  • cardinal directions
  • chalice
  • bell
  • candles
  • incense
  • candle snuff
  • crystals 


  • how to set it up
  • virtual/drawn altar (optional)


  • lunar phases
  • months
  • days of the week
  • numbers (numerology)
  • elements
  • incense/scents
  • (native) flowers/plants/herbs
  • fruits/vegetables
  • charged waters
  • shells
  • colours
  • tea
  • crystals
  • perfume
  • trees/wood
  • animals
  • planets
  • zodiac


  • who i have a connection to
  • meanings
  • symbols
  • how to bond
  • culture-specific myths


  • crystal grids
  • crystal care
  • crystal shapes
  • my crystals


  • tarot
  • get-to-know, spreads, tarot deck care, meanings
  • shufflemancy
  • colourmancy
  • pendulums
  • palmistry
  • runes
  • scrying
  • black mirror, water, crystal ball, fire



  • potions
  • glamour
  • curses
  • protection
  • food
  • spell pouch
  • spell jar


  • cleansing
  • smoke, air, dirt, water, crystal grids, full moon
  • warding
  • invoking/banishing
  • circle casting/removing
  • charging
  • dressing candles


  • witch crafts
  • instructions

霊気 (reiki)

The 2020 Witchblr Awards! I’m sure many of you remember that I was lucky enough to win in the Top Witchling category, which was the best overall blog with less than 500 followers. One of the awards for this was a one-hour distance energy healing session with @nightshadeandroses which I’ve been permitted to write about and review (thank you xx)

Prim first explained to me how she’d conduct the session by using Reiki, which she described being “universal healing energy that can help encourage healing on a spiritual level”. It’s a Japanese technique to promote healing and relaxation based on Life Force Energy (気 ‘ki’ or 'qi’ meaning energy, life and consciousness), which is the belief that there is unseen energy which keeps us alive. It’s a completely natural and safe method of healing, which Prim assured can never do any harm to a person. 

She instructed me to get comfortable in my room and get rid of distraction for the hour, although I could keep music on to help me relax (I just put on the loft hip hop live stream on youtube). I was allowed to set the intention for the session which I made to focus on my self-confidence. Once that was done, Prim began the session on her end.

She cleansed herself and her space with blessed water and a selenite wand, then grounded herself with meditation and prayer. To send the reiki to me, she drew specific symbols and visualised the both of us as if performing an in-person session, directing the Reiki energy towards the main energy centres. After closing the connection, she cleansed and grounded again. All that had to be done on my end was to stay relaxed, and I fell into a sort of meditative state where I let my mind clear for the hour.

During this session, I noted that my emotions were all over the place. I went from extremely happy to on the verge of tears, them emotionless back to happy. Prim explained that this was because Reiki clears the negative thought we have pushed down and hurried within ourselves by bringing them back up so they can be released. She described it as a “brief moment where you become acutely aware of that negative energy”, which causes changes in one’s emotional state. I also experienced tingling an a comforting pressure on my head and face, which Prim explained to be normal.

Afterwards, she suggested I keep myself hydrated and pamper myself for the following three days as that’s how long the Reiki energy is expected to remain active in my system for. Prim described that water helps the Reiki energy flow through the body and helps flush out your system, as energetic waste can exist in physical forms. This would help promote the healing process after the session so I could get the most out of it.

Overall, I think the session was extremely beneficial to boosting my confidence, and I think it was great first exposure to Reiki! I’d recommend it to people who are feeling overwhelmed or exhausted and are looking to return to their normal state. @nightshadeandroses does distance sessions for USD 60/hour, or USD 90/hour for an in-person session. These prices are negotiable if it’s out of one’s budget, and she offers a sliding scale payment system. If you’re interested, defiantly send her a message! I’d also recommend you check out her blog if you haven’t already, she posts a lot of really great information and content!

Special thanks to Primrose for the session, providing information, and hosting the 2020 Witchblr Awards 

Someone requested I revise my printable Wheel of the Year Pages for the southern hemisphere, so I did so :) Southern Hemisphere wheel is available on my etsynow

Clockwise and Anticlockwise

Is a common “baby witch” question I see a lot. I also see it answered a lot, but I rarely see it stated that it’s the opposite in the two hemispheres and I’ve never seen it explained. So here we go.

The powers behind clockwise and anticlockwise are whether you are turning with or against the direction of the sun:

  • East to West in the Southern Hemisphere (anti-clockwise)
  • West to East in the Northern Hemisphere (clockwise)

Witch use of these directions probably comes from the Scottish druidic practices and surrounding folklore where sunward, or clockwise in their neck of the woods, was known as deasiland the opposite direction was known as widdershinsortuathal.

Deasil was considered the auspicious direction, whilst traveling widdershins around a temple or conducting a business such as stirring an offering in this direction was bad luck. A tale even told of a boy dancing widdershins around a fairy circle 9 times and being taken by the fairy court as a result.

Now in common magic practice deasil is considered best for healing, drawing magic, and closing circles. Widdershins is used for undoing magic such as opening circles and breaking curses or banishing.

Similarsunward and away from sun rules are found in Tibetan and Hindu cultures, particulalry in the passing and construction of shrines and temples, however which direction is favourable is not consistent across practices even within the same country.


If you’re still struggling with recalling this on your own I highly recommend obtaining a sundial and getting highly acquainted with it so you’re familiar with the suns movement and its translation onto a flat plane (you can make ones at home with paper plates) xoxo


Sharehouse Peace Witch’s Ladder

This one’s been in the works for me for a week or so but I finally had enough peace in my busy moving schedule to sit down and make a pair - one for the front door and one for the back.

Use 9 silver [coloured] bells in place of knots or feathers so that these double as a door protection Witch Bell/s. Their peal as the door is opened wards off dark energies and brings in positive energy.

Use 3 threads:

  • Blue - for peace, calm, healing and protection
  • Yellow - for clear communication (So important in a share house)
  • Black- to absorb negative energy

I used embroidery thread but strips of fabric or anything you have around will do fine, as long as your bells can thread on.

Tie a loop large enough to slip on to your door handle, and then thread on your first bell. I always thread my bells onto the black thread so that they will reinforce each others ability to repel and control dark energies.

Start plaiting! Each time you cross a thread over repeat to yourself its purpose: “peace and calm, clear communication absorb the negative, peace and calm, clear communication, absorb the negative-” I find this helps my intent stay focused for such long projects.

When you’ve plaited enough space that your bells won’t touch, thread on another. Repeat this until the 9th bell. Tie this one on with a strong ending statement such as “In this Home!” Or “So mote it be!”

Trim your excess thread (unless you want straggly-chic). Plop it on your door and thank it in advance for its work. You’re done!

This is still heavily doing the rounds (well, relative to the rest of my stuff) and, wow?

I bring an update.

They seemed to work beautifully for me. And then, due to medical requirements, I moved…

New house and new housemates. My instincts told me to make new ladders but I ignored them, eep. I reused these two. One broke within a month (the loop snapped) and household peace REALLY broke. It’s been a whole lot of drama for 8 months, really. Housemates breaking lease, crazy accusations, people being unwilling to pay their bills or clean…

So… do as I say, don’t do as I do, and make new ones for each house!!

Meanwhile I’ll be doing a massive deep cleanse this beltane…

So this covers the wall in my yard and I thought to ID it today after I was pointing out to my boyfriend the edible nasturtium and he asked about this one next to it.

A quick go through my preferred plant key…

A google…

Edible AND potentially magical! Also apparently it can be used as a poultice to stop bleeding, and the flowers make a yellow dye. I guess I should start respecting this little weed and maybe ask its protection.

THIS ISN’T THE ONLY ARTICLE I READ. May be toxic in large quantities. Known to contain chlorine, and thought to potentially contain arsenic in red tissues.

When your friend group is multicultural, multispiritual, you live in Australia, AND it’s your friends birthday that day so you’re planning to host a Dìa de las Beltane Hallows!:

  • Spooky skeletons ✅
  • Flowers: red, orange, and yellow! ✅
  • Candles ✅
  • Gold and silver baubles ✅
  • Native leaves for incense ✅
  • A banquet of bread, goats cheese, pork, oat cakes, and various in-season salads ✅
  • A tiny maypole altar ✅
  • Costumes ✅
  • Spooky Decore ✅
  • Mutual respect ✅

Our Ostara feast ❤

Devilled eggs, lemon roast, spring sprout salad, then for dessert Ostara honey cakes and ambrosia (+ cocktails and mocktails)

I had big plans for this Mabon.

My new kitchen has a huge oven and I was excited to host the sabbat banquets of my dreams. I’d invited my closest loves weeks in advance, I had multiple meals planned…

And then life struck… all of us.

1. Even if I COULD find all the ingredients I needed for my recipes right now, I don’t think I could have morally justified a banquet at this time.

2. I am currently unemployed and my partner works in a non-ICU area of the hospital so his employment is up in the air. I couldn’t justify the cash drop.

3. Social. Distancing.

4. To top it all off, Mabon morning I got hit with one of my signature migraines. It lasted 3 days, in all.

But I did acheive a thing!

I made Buckeyes.

I actually realised halfway through that I had no skewers or toothpicks for dipping so after desperately thinking I settled on… the wooden end of an incense stick!

My household adored them, and so did I.

Sometimes it’s the little things.

I’m thinking of all of you xo
