#niamh awtwb



I just did a review of AWTWB on my bookstagram, but i felt that i wanted to do a more comprehensive one here with minimal spoilers cos I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS OMFG so here we go:


This is it. The end of the Simon snow trilogy that I have grown to love and treasure for the past 4 years. I’ve got to say, Rainbow Rowell really did it with this final book, which I thought was a  perfect conclusion to the series that tied everything up neatly. Rainbow mentioned that this book was “an ending about endings, about catharsis and closure, and how we choose to move on from the traumas and triumphs that try to define us.” I couldn’t agree more.

Everything that I found to be incomplete and unsatisfying in Wayward son (Simon Snow Series #2) was handled relatively well in this book, at least to me. Simon and Baz’s relationship felt much more real, as they both started to tackle the complex issues that were holding them back from having the solid relationship that they both desired. Not gonna lie, the first half of the book gave me a lot of pain, especially with all the pent up grief and pain Simon was struggling with, but I soon realised that it was essential for Simon and Baz to overcome these obstacles in order to properly find closure and comfort in each other. Seeing how their relationship evolved throughout the series is extremely heartwarming, as now I am glad that they both love & treasure the true, raw versions of themselves, which I think is essential in a healthy and loving relationship.

Another aspect of this book that I really enjoyed was Shepard. I don’t remember seeing much of him in Wayward son, which made his character very distant to me, but this book fixed it. His character was just CHEFS KISSES n ngl i wish there was more of him!! what a hottie Penny and Shepard’s relationship was one that I definitely saw coming, and I am so glad that Penny got the ending that she deserved.

And Agatha!! Oh my god i was so happy for her, she finally got the ending she deserved and i am so happy for her After all that she was put through, Im glad she got her own happy ending.

Even though this book might seem too real to be true (esp with all the happy endings), I still think it was the best way to wrap up this whole story, with everyone getting the life that they deserved. There was a small part of the ending that I wish was elaborated on morebut other than that, this finale met most of my expectations.

With this, Thank you @rainbowrowell for creating this magnificent and beautiful series, for it is one that will continue to live on within me for as long as possible.

I GOT SO EMOTIONAL WRITJNG THIS becos it just dawned on me that this is the last simon snow book……lord…

okay but why does it feel like RR wanted to write the agatha pov epilogue from like a realllllly long time and now she’s just rubbing her hands together and cackling ??
