#shepard from omaha


good morning to half-dragon guys, gay-harry-styles vampire dudes, cursed black guys with a truck, biracial girls with glasses that got dumped and blonde beauties that got kidnapped by next gen vampires ONLY

I think of those mechanical bulls. Are those real? We didn’t see any in America.” — Chapter 63, AWTWB

A deep quote turned in something silly by me. I’ve been thinking in those mechanical bulls.


Shep Fic Recs!

Ok I have a new tag game for Shep’s bday y'all. Post some of your favorite Shep fics. That’s it, that’s the game. Happy birthday Shep!

Closer to the Sun (E, 6k) by @mostlymaudlin

Some amazing simpard with dragon!simon. (And baz doesn’t exist in this universe so no feeling sad about simon not being with him instead lol)

Based on a Fake Story (T, 2.5k) by @facewithoutheart

Absolutely hilarious fic inspired by a Lonely Island song lol. Shep is the bestest friend.

Two Polecats, a Fomorian, and a Banshee Walk Into a Diner (G, 1k) by foolofabookwyrm

Shep finds new magical creatures! Includes awesome art by @krisrix!

Keep reading

Shepard: I’m gonna mix a can of Red Bull with seventeen shots of espresso in a fishbowl and then chug it while Kids by MGMT plays in the background so I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and fight my own soul.
