#nice nice nice




13 year old Walker has most recently been in The Adam Project where he played the younger version of Ryan Reynolds’ character. 

Below is a screenshot from the call where Rick and Becky told him he was picked to play Percy!




man look i love Din i do, but I know a lot of the time on merch Boba usually gets passed over for Din as The official mandalorian

but something about the sw celebration poster having them all on there (or most of them at least) and putting Boba front and center on top just like thats him!!! thats THE first mandalorian thats the one that started it all!!



my stickers from @hate-kill-repeat arrived a couple days ago !!

every time i make an abled uncomfortable 5 minutes gets added to my lifespan, i’m about to live forever <3

shklancezine:      Sign ups for Orion: A Shklance Zine are now open!We will be accepting a total of


     Sign ups for Orion: A Shklance Zine are now open!

We will be accepting a total of 30 participants made up of 12 writersand18 artists!

  • July 28th: Applications open at midnight EST!
  • August 28th: Apps close at midnight EST!
  • September 4th: Acceptance/Rejection emails will be sent out. 

Application Requirements:

We’d like you to show us 3 examples of what you consider to be your best work. Writers should submit pieces that are 1-3k in length each, and we welcome excerpts from longer stories. Artists should provide 3 examples of what they consider best represents their art style. Your examples do not need to be Voltron related, but it’s recommend that at least one of them is!

As always, if you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to shoot us an ask! We look forward to seeing your submissions!!!



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[Disclaimer:I’m a fairly newtranslator, but I’ve tried my best making sense of the story with pretty liberal, but careful decisions when it comes to making the story flow.]

If anyone’s curious about my pacing, all releases (for now) are going to focus on 14 pages each unless a chapter seems to have fewer pages than others. Because I work alone, the chapters will be released depending on my time or unless someone offers help.


Keep reading


the devil’s historians: how modern extremists abuse the medieval past, kaufman and sturtevant

starridge:having thoughts,


having thoughts,

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nice nice nicenice nice nicenice nice nicenice nice nice
valeriannnn:we finished the campaign!  my pathfinder group just killed karzaug, so i can finally posvaleriannnn:we finished the campaign!  my pathfinder group just killed karzaug, so i can finally posvaleriannnn:we finished the campaign!  my pathfinder group just killed karzaug, so i can finally posvaleriannnn:we finished the campaign!  my pathfinder group just killed karzaug, so i can finally pos


we finished the campaign!  my pathfinder group just killed karzaug, so i can finally post the portraits in celebration

in order: Daevis Dalinji (Gendarme Cavalier) and Jimbo (Dog), Santhel (Magus), Lank (Bard/Pack Mule) and Johnbo (Crossbowman Fighter), and Theoth Ernathan (Cleric/Stargazer of Neria)

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lethecreator: Starting the new year with yet another batch of fusions. This is the tenth set, so… Dalethecreator: Starting the new year with yet another batch of fusions. This is the tenth set, so… Dalethecreator: Starting the new year with yet another batch of fusions. This is the tenth set, so… Da


Starting the new year with yet another batch of fusions. This is the tenth set, so… Dang, I really have drawn ninety of these little freaks by now. Geez.

You know the drill. The fusion generator’s over here. https://japeal.com/pkm/

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See what you did, @urdnot-wrekt? See what you did!?

Two things:
1) GO read Osiris
2) Apparently my sexuality is Shepard in oversized/comfy clothes.
I don’t even know don’t ask.


I know this is basically a Silco Shrine, but dude, hear me out:

Father Paul


okay red shoes and the seven dwarfs really said right out of the gate looks mean nothing when it comes to determining good and bad people
