#nico x leo


Leo has accidentally set nicos hair on fire (more than once) and has cried every time.

one time afterwards Nico had to have an undercut and Leo spent a whole day crying about it

roommate au where Leo and Nico are childhood friends that start living together as sophomores in college. Nico has developed a huge crush and hopes if he ignores it enough that it’ll just go away. but Leo has also developed a crush and is not even trying to hide it.

chaos ensues because they are both dumb and insecure. and they’re dumb.

Nico gets hit hard when pets die cause he gets attached and then has to feel them pass. so he only gets dead or semi immortal pets.

but when they are dating for awhile him and leo adopt some rats. one night when they’re cuddling Nico just looks distraught and rushes over to the rat cage and just brings one over to the bed. and Leo immediately understands so they spend the rest of it’s life telling it how good of a guy it was as it passes.

Nico definitely cries and it breaks Leos heart.

thinking about how if it was any other situation or story Nico and Leo would just be really good boyfriends cause they just manage to be so similar? but ofc it takes place in a place that could never happen cause it’s a tragedy micro managed by Disney.


Nico and Leo go on a road trip as kinda friends and eventually fall in love. it stays out as Leo wanting to get out of camp but doesn’t want to go alone and to avoid getting questioned about why, he asks if Nico can come with him. Nico is looking for a reason to get out of camp as well.

brb might write this out

Nico and Leo both are huge fans of lonely island, Nico as a guilty pleasure band.

Nico/Leo vs Piper/Annabeth hyping up their partners to debate on Archimedes vs Daedalus and honestly they try to help too

Nico whilst pining over Leo rants to Jason, and Jason being the good bestie he is IMMEDIATELY pulls out his notes and does his best to throw them in fanfic-like situations. Nico is too busy crying over Leo’s cute fluffy hair to really care, but psssst Leo did the same thing and Jason is like u should ask him out! I know it’ll work! Why? um yes! @ both of them and I’m right

they’re both artist, leo is really good at realism and blueprints while nico goes for a more cartoony and comic style.

nico definitely had an anime art phase, but he burned all but one of those sketchbooks. him and leo pull it out to laugh at sometimes. it’s extremely edgy if you can imagine.

Nico and Leo have binging nights before they get together. Nico gets caught up with what he missed in the hotel and Leo gets caught up with what he couldn’t catch running.

they binge watch old mtv shows, cartoons and disney channel shows.

nico: babe why is the toaster singing don’t stop believing?

leo: I needed morning affirmations.

nico: … leo what else is going to sing at me?

leo: I don’t want to tell you.

nico and leo adopt a dog (in either an au or in cc) and name them Barkimedies.

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Random Headcanons

  • nico is a huge dog person, and doesnt mind cats. leo likes dogs, but wouldn’t get one due to being scared of setting them on fire
  • nico adopts a hell hound(in this one hell hounds are smaller) so that if leo sets on fire, the hell hound wont get hurt.
  • nicos love language is giving small things that remind him of people
  • like If he finds a nice rock or something silly in dollar tree
  • he also touches to show affection, so hell just attach himself to leo or sit in his lap tucked into his neck
  • he’ll also kiss people on the cheek as a hi or goodbye when he gets comfortable
  • when he did it to percy, percy sobbed
  • leo short circuited and was unreachable for two days afterward
  • nico gave leo a tattoo of the dick cat on his lower back.
  • nico eats straight tums as a snack
  • leo chews on shit when he’s nervous, so he always has something in his mouth
  • nico buys books that will never read but eventually hell get to.
  • he wont.
  • Leo’s eyes change based on mood, nicos do too, but it’s less noticeable except when he is extremely pissed
  • when nico is pissed his eyes turn green.
  • nico is really, really good at just dance
  • hes unbeatable
  • he somehow always gets perfects, even without the body movements.
  • leo is not good at just dance, but only cause he does his own moves
  • he doesnt want to do those boring moves, let him do the robot
  • Nico drinks coffee and tea, Leo drinks anything with high caffine levels
  • nico likes screen printing and makes shityy custom shirts for the rest of the seven + other camp members he tolerates