#nico x leo


Nico adores curly hair

Nicos got taste essentially and can’t stop playing with his own hair (I hc he used to have it long long but was forced to cut it at Westover) and he adores leos hair and will n e v e r stop playing with it and he likes curls so much he just go eeeeeee cute and and and once leo says sumn negitive abt his hair nico plops himself in leos lap (psh like he isnt already there 24/7) and tells him off because its so fucking cute

no im not projecting because im a nico kinnie in love with leo

gifts <3

Nico loves gifts, he loves giving them (Includes baking) and receiving. He’s actually really good at 2D stuff not as good as Rachel but still pretty good and he talks to Jason and gives him a painting of Festus that he made and a ton of other tiny dragon-themed things.
Leo basically sobs but he makes tons of shit for Nico and it’s all on display in his cabin and he will never even consider throwing one out because he’s sentimental like that.
Leo sobs harder when he sees how much he loves it

Nico has an obsession with ceramic frogs. Leo learns how to make them for a present and just starts making them randomly after the smile he received from nico

Nico, holding out a drawing manikin: look leo, this ones name is Michael :)

leo, already grabbing a sharpie: what vibes do they have babe?

nico: he’s a smug one

everyone else:???

percy, used to them by now: give him an eyebrow slit.

nico and leo, at the same time:genius

nico has this thing where if he has a bad day he’ll just put all of stuff down and lay face down on the floor. after days of realizing nico doesn’t want to talk leo will just put a blanket over nico and sit next to him until nico is ready to vent.

Nico: Leo are you a campfire because your hot and I want some smore
Leo: did you just-
Nico: ;)
Leo: *kisses him*
Nico: I didn’t plan this far ahead


despite all of the death energy surrounding him, nico has a surprisingly green thumb.

he loves having something living in his cabin to remind him not everything is bad.

he has this one kid in the demeter cabin that knows this and secretly helps him start a mini garden near the hades cabin.

(its definitely katie)

leo and nico are both huge fans of the sims, and have days where it’s all they do.

nico spends hours in cas and build mode making the perfect family with a perfect house. he spends time making every aspect perfect. he also enjoys doing challenges, and the occasional murder spree.

leo is chaos, a vengeful god, mass destruction. he spend the whole time crashing the game, destroying lives. he has so many mods for fun gameplay, including pretty much every murder mod. his game barely chugs, but it adds to the fun.

nico: of all the universes we CV ould have been put into, we got the one where his fictional. :(

leo: babe :(

everyone else: what the fuck

nico: started seeing someone.

leo: as in dating or hallucinations?

*cookies/cookie mix - Nico he bake
*adhd - Leo wants to feel validated
*brain mush - also leo u know what i mean full on vaporwave stare out
*DaveSolKat- Nico likes homestuck end of story
*wheeee - leo.
*valdangelo- both or neither idk man too meta
*depression delete - nico depressed gang
*pickup lines -Leo we stan some pickup lines
*cursed images -both?
*Karquius - again nico he likes homestuck shush no judgey
again i know im weird shut

leo: *draping himself on the counter* w h e e
nico: *joins in* wheeeee
both: wheeeee
literally anyone else: what the F U C K

Valdangelo   Jercy
                        some fucking gay dumbasses who love classic rock
Valdangelo can both cook so superior gays 
I mean percy can too but jason puts cheese on fucking lays and thinks its nachos

Leo goes thrifting and nico goes w him, but hates it, mainly because nico can afford anything(via dad + casino card) so there’s this skinny emo boy buying 500$ sum in beverly hills and constantly sees celebs but hes just :/ he becomes an urban legend and Leo is sitting there in his 3$ hawaiian shirt like why. however, they share clothes no matter what

nico gets a switch and convinces everyone it’s for the game hades, but leo walks in on him crying cause he missed a orchid mantis in ac.

clothing headcanons

  • nico and leo both have atrocious fashion, but in opposite directions
  • nico is in the horrible marriage of punk/emo/grunge
  • leo is the even worse marriage of grunge and swag fashion
  • leo wears pants with pockets that make no sense and also are fake, but also not?
  • he also buys pants a size bigger on purpose in order to seem smaller
  • which is pointless cause he’s a shrimp of a boy
  • nico wears those ironic shirt you find at thrift shops
  • he has so many that are hilariously bad youth group shirts.
  • he bought that “women want me fish fear me” hat for percy, and percy refused to acknowledge him for a week.
  • before they fully got together, leo bought the big foot is real and ate my @$$ shirt while nico bought the hat
  • they saw each other and laughed for ten minutes straight
  • they also ended up making out at some point that night

nico and leo sing ghostbusters theme song.
that’s it. That’s the post.

roommate au where Nico tries to get Leo to do his share of cleaning by pretending to be a girl on a dating app and flirting with Leo. (he saw it as a meme one day) but it backfires when Leo falls for the fake girl and Nico falls for Leo.

Leo and Nico don’t keep their relationship secret, but their friends are just so dumb. it takes 3 whole months of dating and them making out in front of the whole group for the idea to sink in. Percy knew before they did, Jason still doesn’t get it even after watching them make out.

they made jokes and called each other babe, but somehow Percy and Reyna were the only ones with brain cells.
