

from the Otomate Hamefura Pirates Website, translated with GT & DeepL


Katarina:“Keith, does your body hurt? Are you injured? Do you feel sick?”

Keith:“I thought I could protect big sister properly this time, but the fact that your face is looking at me like that……”

Katarina: “What are you talking about! You protected me well!”

Keith: “I see……… That’s good to know…….”

Keith smiled softly.
The moment I saw his expression, I was so relieved and miserable that tears welled up in my eyes.

Katarina: “Keith, pull yourself together ……! Please don’t die, Keith~!!”

Keith: “Big sister….. don’t worry. I’ll…… always be here with you…….”

I feel like I was in a daze.
Keith puts his hand on my cheek, fumbling to wipe away my tears.
And then—
I felt something soft touch my lips as his face came close to mine.



My skirt absorbed the water and sank heavily.
I thought I heard someone’s voice in the distance, but my consciousness was not clear, probably because of the impact of falling into the water.

I’m in pain. I can’t breathe.
I can’t move my body properly.

What should I do?
If I don’t do something, I’ll meet my doom.

please help me——


At that moment, I suddenly felt something touch my lips, and the air I wanted filled my body.
The moment someone touched me, I slowly stopped sinking.

I was supposed to be underwater, but somehow I felt the wind blowing.
I didn’t know whether I was in the water or in the strong wind, but in the midst of this strange sensation, someone was hugging me.


  • These are probably the last previews, I think!
  • They had announced that the game went from the original release date of December 23, 2021, to February 10, 2022. I haven’t check but I’m assuming pre-order period will be extended as well. I’m not too surprised though, they probably wanted to extend the preorder period to last until to Christmas season to increase sales. 
  • If this is the last preview, then translations will end here since I’m not too sure if I can get the game or not. I might translate any spoilers I come across though, we’ll see :))