




Police Department briefly considers hiring much better qualified fan artist, but then says “fuck it.”

(And shapeshifters are a thing!)

Breaking News:

Outside the City Bank in Milwaukee, WI, reporters standby as they watch a tense standoff between local police and unknown suspects.


Oh, snap. Dean Bean, what have you gotten yourself into now?

One Day Ago:

Our criminally minded Dean Bean is busy flirting (and interviewing) with a jewelry store clerk while Sam interviews another jewelry employee about a recent heist. A former employee was caught in the act of stealing merchandise. A security guard died while trying to stop her. She later killed herself. Frannie, the clerk Dean interviews, lets him know that she wouldn’t mind being interviewed in private sometime.


Dean has to think long and hard before deciding that, yep, that’s a great idea, and asks for her number.

The boys head out. Sam fills Dean in on a bank in Milwaukee getting robbed, much like the jewelry store. They reach the home of, Ronald Reznick, a security guard at the bank heist.


Keep reading

BEWARE THE CHEESEHEAD MANDROIDS in this recap of Nightshifter, now on AO3.

E P I S O D E   P O S T E R S  { s p n }  Season 2

↳ Part 8; (x)
