

May 2019: Famous Geiko Marika (Tsurui Okiya) of Gion Kobu hosting a tea ceremony.

Source:Masanobu Kido on Instagram

May 2019: Maiko Mamesumi (Ninben Okiya) of Gion Kobu performing Kurokami, “black hair”. It’s a special dance that is almost exclusively performed during a Maiko’s sakkou period.

A “sakkou period” are the two to three weeks before a Maiko has her Erikae and becomes a Geiko. She wear the special, elaborate sakkou hairstyle (very well visible in the picture above), and wears a special, self-designed kanzashi consisting of lucky motifs. They also wear special outfits, but those depend on the customs of the kagai. In Gion Kobu, Maiko wear a formal black kimono, a golden obi and a mostly white collar.

At the end of their sakkou period, the end of the girl’s bun is symbolically cut off to signify her transition from Maiko to Geiko, from girl to woman.

Mamesumi’s Erikae will take place on the 30th of May! It’s the first Erikae from Ninben/Shibata since Mamesome’s in February of 2013.

Source:takutanimoto on Instagram
