#no shame here

Absolutely perfect and absolutely why I love my body.

Absolutely perfect and absolutely why I love my body.

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All You Can Eat

I wrote the stupidest Wincest piece with a jealous Dean and an all-you-can-eat buffet and an under-the-table blowjob for @brobonebang. I should be ashamed of myself. But I’m just not.

There are so many good prompts here.

Prompt: under the table at an all-you-can-eat buffet. Thank you @themegalosaurus for the best goofy prompt!!!!!

Word count: 1691

Tags: Wincest, public blow jobs, mildly dubious consent, possessive dean winchester, come swallowing, dean wuvs his little brother, irritated sammy, but sam wuvs his big brother too

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Dean was just being a dick when he told the cute expert on ancient Coptic to meet them at the all-you-can-eat buffet just outside the Beltway. He’d seen the sign for it poking up above the trees when he and Sammy had been driving in to meet her at the National Archives from the only motel they could afford in the D.C. area.

He thought the restaurant would be the last place the pretty brunette who spoke geek in that way that made Sam’s dimples pop out would want to go. But even “all-you-can-eat” had linen napkins in this income tax bracket.

The oversized dining room had gleaming chandeliers and round tables draped in white and food that had no right showing up on an all-American buffet.

She and Sam smiled at each other over their seaweed salads and tofu burgers like they were going to make little vegan babies right there. When she folded her napkin into a perfect square, put it beside her plate, and stood to say she was going to “powder her nose,” Dean was sawing through his steak hard enough to go through the plate.

“Why doesn’t she say she’s gonna take a piss like a normal person?” Dean growled at his twice-baked potato, which was fucking delicious.

“No normal person says that,” Sam hissed back. “What the hell’s your problem?”

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Here is my holiday gift for those that need it.

[Library Genesis]

LibGen has been my savior for finding books online. It has many file types and languages available, and many mirror sites if a link isn’t working. It has quite a bit on witchcraft, including history and analysis, not just spell books. For non-fiction (aka witchcraft), select the “LibGen (Sci-Tech)” button, and “Fiction” for, well, fiction.

[Z Library]

Honestly I just started using this steadily, and I adore it. The selection of magic and spell books here is amazing. This site has a 5-a-day download limit, but if you create a free account it goes up to 10 and increases download speed. With an account, you also get options to save to Google Drive, send to email or Kindle, and convert to other file formats.

Enjoy! :D
