#no therapy gang



Yaz rescuing Thirteen from a bad situation, then Thirteen angrily snapping at her that she’s the Doctor and she doesn’t need rescuing.

Dan shouting “Oi! She just saved your life! You should be grateful!”

(“Just leave it.”)

The Doctor storming off in a mega-huff.

Dan asking if she’s always like this.

“Hmm? No. Not this bad.”

“Not this bad? What does that mean? What sorta baseline are we talking about here?”

Dan being a little less accepting of the Doctor’s faults. Maybe it’s cus he’s spent more time with Yaz than her, and she’s nicer to him. Or cus his mate Karvanista makes him feel like he’s got space-travel options if he wants them.

Dan chatting to her, aware that he’s prying. That he’s getting involved. Making her question things she wasn’t questioning.

His wife skipped out just before their wedding.

He knows how anger and snapping at people happens. Maybe someone sat with her and had the same conversation he’s having with Yaz. So he should tell her to be patient, that it’s just a blip, difficult circumstances and all that. But instead he asks if Yaz is happy. If this is what she wants. And starts getting longer mixed answers with lots of ‘yes’s and ‘but’s and ‘I wish she would’s, like she’s never been asked before, like she hasn’t really thought about it until hearing it come out of her own mouth.

He asks her if she’s ok. There is no long answer for that one. But there is quite a long hug.

Maybe he shouldn’t be interfering.

He always tells himself he won’t. But then he sees someone upset, and he just can’t stop himself getting involved.
