#no way home

Spidey selfieI want to believe that they took a picture and it still exists on Peter One’s pho

Spidey selfie

I want to believe that they took a picture and it still exists on Peter One’s phone TToTT. After watching SM: No Way Home, I was very compelled to draw spider-men. Didn’t know what tho lol so I did a bunch of little sketches and I liked this one.

You can see my art before everyone and get a platypus sticker by supporting me on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Imaplatypus

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entering back into my marvel phase after seeing nwh 4 times in theaters … feels good ngl

Y/N muttering to themselves as they fix up their desk as the new secretary of Nelson and Murdock

Y/N: I just know his d*ck is big lord I know it is.

Matt who had been listening in drops his coffee

Y/N rushes into his office: Oh my- *Stops themselves* Are you okay Mr.Murdock?

Matt slightly flustered: Y-yes could you help me?

Y/N: Yes of course! *Rushes off to get paper towels*

Matt internally:Y/N is going to be the death of me.

benji-the-art-blog:It’s been a very rough weekend for Peter.


It’s been a very rough weekend for Peter.

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I’m sorry but not calling MIT back is the most relatable/realistic thing Peter has done.

Peter literally got shot here, while he was crying over May. People don’t talk about it enough.

Look at his face omg

This line alone tells us that had NWH not happened, our Strange probably would’ve done the same to America. The events of NWH and his friendship with Peter Parker changed him for the better.

And the movie confirmed that Strange still remember the events of NWH, so…..
