#nobody owens


How does it feel to be alive among ghosts?

Illustration inspired by Neil Gaiman’s “The Graveyard Book” ✨

Happy Birthday, @neil-gaiman!

Nobody “Bod” Owens and Silas from @neil-gaiman‘s The Graveyard Book! Bod is a living boy raised by g

Nobody “Bod” Owens and Silas from @neil-gaiman‘s The Graveyard Book! Bod is a living boy raised by ghosts in a graveyard, and Silas is his guardian. He’s also heavily hinted to be a vampire imo, so I went for the whole black-cape thing while trying not to do the classic Dracula style loll

As for what this scene is about … I’m not quite sure ^^;; It could be set somewhere during Bod’s School Days, since there were a few tense conversations between them in there XDD

Reference photos for Silas

Reference photo for Bod: RebeccafromA Clothes Horse

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