#the graveyard book




Lots of people make fun of Jonathan Harker for not recognizing what’s up with Dracula, despite the warning signs…And I feel the need to point out that Neil Gaiman’s “TheGraveyardBook” had Silas, a character who:

• does not cast a reflection

• only eats one kind of ( unspecified) food

• is very pale, has razor sharp nails, makes people feel insecure/ troubled for no apparent reason

• sleeps through the day and only comes out after sunset

• is neither dead nor alive

• sleeps inside a trunk filled with earth

• crawls down walls head first

• can fly and is compared to a bat when doing so

• has some form of mind control powers

• is bothered/ weakened by sunlight in some form

And people to this day question what kind of being this man could possibly be. I somehow doubt you all would have done any better than Jonathan. Modern readers seem to be just as, if not more more oblivious than him if a story does not explicitly spell out that it’s featuring a vampire.

The OP is not wrong.



Lots of people make fun of Jonathan Harker for not recognizing what’s up with Dracula, despite the warning signs…And I feel the need to point out that Neil Gaiman’s “TheGraveyardBook” had Silas, a character who:

• does not cast a reflection

• only eats one kind of ( unspecified) food

• is very pale, has razor sharp nails, makes people feel insecure/ troubled for no apparent reason

• sleeps through the day and only comes out after sunset

• is neither dead nor alive

• sleeps inside a trunk filled with earth

• crawls down walls head first

• can fly and is compared to a bat when doing so

• has some form of mind control powers

• is bothered/ weakened by sunlight in some form

And people to this day question what kind of being this man could possibly be. I somehow doubt you all would have done any better than Jonathan. Modern readers seem to be just as, if not more more oblivious than him if a story does not explicitly spell out that it’s featuring a vampire.

The OP is not wrong.



Lots of people make fun of Jonathan Harker for not recognizing what’s up with Dracula, despite the warning signs…And I feel the need to point out that Neil Gaiman’s “TheGraveyardBook” had Silas, a character who:

• does not cast a reflection

• only eats one kind of ( unspecified) food

• is very pale, has razor sharp nails, makes people feel insecure/ troubled for no apparent reason

• sleeps through the day and only comes out after sunset

• is neither dead nor alive

• sleeps inside a trunk filled with earth

• crawls down walls head first

• can fly and is compared to a bat when doing so

• has some form of mind control powers

• is bothered/ weakened by sunlight in some form

And people to this day question what kind of being this man could possibly be. I somehow doubt you all would have done any better than Jonathan. Modern readers seem to be just as, if not more more oblivious than him if a story does not explicitly spell out that it’s featuring a vampire.

The OP is not wrong.

I can’t believe I didn’t post this here lol-

Massive artwork for @neil-gaiman’s birthday! Celebrating the man and all his wonderful creations.




Lots of people make fun of Jonathan Harker for not recognizing what’s up with Dracula, despite the warning signs…And I feel the need to point out that Neil Gaiman’s “TheGraveyardBook” had Silas, a character who:

• does not cast a reflection

• only eats one kind of ( unspecified) food

• is very pale, has razor sharp nails, makes people feel insecure/ troubled for no apparent reason

• sleeps through the day and only comes out after sunset

• is neither dead nor alive

• sleeps inside a trunk filled with earth

• crawls down walls head first

• can fly and is compared to a bat when doing so

• has some form of mind control powers

• is bothered/ weakened by sunlight in some form

And people to this day question what kind of being this man could possibly be. I somehow doubt you all would have done any better than Jonathan. Modern readers seem to be just as, if not more more oblivious than him if a story does not explicitly spell out that it’s featuring a vampire.

The OP is not wrong.

Reblogging for how many times I’ve had to tell people Silas is a vampire.   And yes, they’re not wrong.  I’ve met people who didn’t get the pun of Low-Key Lysmith, don’t know Alucard is Dracula spelt backward and couldn’t figure out which fairy tale character Mr. Gold (who makes deals and spins straw into gold for the fun of it) was in Once Upon a Time.

And poor Neil, it’s not just Silas.  There are people who don’t know the protagonist of The sleeper and the Spindle is Snow White, and can’t figure out what the twist was in Study in Emerald.  And it’s not just that Lovecraftian monsters dominate the world.

You’re going to see a lot of Dracula posts right now, by the way. There’s a trend called “Daily Dracula” that retells Dracula as daily E-mails through the day to day events of the novel.

@thenightling I got hundreds of responses from people who were confused by now, and they either never figured it out or thought he was something completely different. I think I’m going to make a compilation of Graveyard Book quotes and the correspondending Stoker quotes



Lots of people make fun of Jonathan Harker for not recognizing what’s up with Dracula, despite the warning signs…And I feel the need to point out that Neil Gaiman’s “TheGraveyardBook” had Silas, a character who:

• does not cast a reflection

• only eats one kind of ( unspecified) food

• is very pale, has razor sharp nails, makes people feel insecure/ troubled for no apparent reason

• sleeps through the day and only comes out after sunset

• is neither dead nor alive

• sleeps inside a trunk filled with earth

• crawls down walls head first

• can fly and is compared to a bat when doing so

• has some form of mind control powers

• is bothered/ weakened by sunlight in some form

And people to this day question what kind of being this man could possibly be. I somehow doubt you all would have done any better than Jonathan. Modern readers seem to be just as, if not more more oblivious than him if a story does not explicitly spell out that it’s featuring a vampire.

The OP is not wrong.

Responses I’ve seen to this post:

• He was a vampire?! OMG I never realized

• There’s people who haven’t realized this?

• Neil?! NEIL GAIMAN ?!!!

• Don’t judge me, I was a child

• I just got dragged by Neil Gaiman

• Turns out we’re all a little bit like our friend Jonathan Harker

• Silas isn’t just a vampire, he’s also my friend! (and hot)

• Graveyard book my beloved

Just got back from IMC 2017 and I’m thrilled to show this drawing of the Indigo Man from the G

Just got back from IMC 2017 and I’m thrilled to show this drawing of the Indigo Man from the Graveyard Book which I created over the course of this last week. Thanks so much to all the instructors and my fellow students for all their help!

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Lots of people make fun of Jonathan Harker for not recognizing what’s up with Dracula, despite the warning signs…And I feel the need to point out that Neil Gaiman’s “TheGraveyardBook” had Silas, a character who:

• does not cast a reflection

• only eats one kind of ( unspecified) food

• is very pale, has razor sharp nails, makes people feel insecure/ troubled for no apparent reason

• sleeps through the day and only comes out after sunset

• is neither dead nor alive

• sleeps inside a trunk filled with earth

• crawls down walls head first

• can fly and is compared to a bat when doing so

• has some form of mind control powers

• is bothered/ weakened by sunlight in some form

And people to this day question what kind of being this man could possibly be. I somehow doubt you all would have done any better than Jonathan. Modern readers seem to be just as, if not more more oblivious than him if a story does not explicitly spell out that it’s featuring a vampire.

Well, I’m happy. @neil-gaiman popped up in my activity as my #4 biggest fan for this month. I don’t know how Tumblr determines this, but it made me happy. If it weren’t for her adoration of The Graveyard Book, I doubt my daughter would have joined me in my taphophilic outings.

Lady Death Returns at Dawn, Graphite & Digital Media, 7″ x 12″, 2017.Inspired in some part by Ne

Lady Death Returns at Dawn, Graphite & Digital Media, 7″ x 12″, 2017.

Inspired in some part by Neil Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book. It’s a very good book.

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How does it feel to be alive among ghosts?

Illustration inspired by Neil Gaiman’s “The Graveyard Book” ✨

Happy Birthday, @neil-gaiman!


Neil Gaiman, critically acclaimed science fiction and comic book author, best known for his comic book series The Sandman and novels such as CoralineandThe Graveyard Book, also happens to be Jewish. Here’s how we know:

-His family is largely of Eastern European Jewish background and he has had a bar mitzvah. [x]

-He has said that he feels his Jewish background has influenced his writing. [x]

-He has written about growing up Jewish in a largely-Christian culture. [x]

-He has participated in events such as a Jewish Book Week and a presentation put on by an Israel and Jewish Studies center at a university. [x] [x]

Got a Jewish fave you want us to spotlight? Suggest it through our askorsubmit box!



Lots of people make fun of Jonathan Harker for not recognizing what’s up with Dracula, despite the warning signs…And I feel the need to point out that Neil Gaiman’s “TheGraveyardBook” had Silas, a character who:

• does not cast a reflection

• only eats one kind of ( unspecified) food

• is very pale, has razor sharp nails, makes people feel insecure/ troubled for no apparent reason

• sleeps through the day and only comes out after sunset

• is neither dead nor alive

• sleeps inside a trunk filled with earth

• crawls down walls head first

• can fly and is compared to a bat when doing so

• has some form of mind control powers

• is bothered/ weakened by sunlight in some form

And people to this day question what kind of being this man could possibly be. I somehow doubt you all would have done any better than Jonathan. Modern readers seem to be just as, if not more more oblivious than him if a story does not explicitly spell out that it’s featuring a vampire.

The OP is not wrong.



Lots of people make fun of Jonathan Harker for not recognizing what’s up with Dracula, despite the warning signs…And I feel the need to point out that Neil Gaiman’s “TheGraveyardBook” had Silas, a character who:

• does not cast a reflection

• only eats one kind of ( unspecified) food

• is very pale, has razor sharp nails, makes people feel insecure/ troubled for no apparent reason

• sleeps through the day and only comes out after sunset

• is neither dead nor alive

• sleeps inside a trunk filled with earth

• crawls down walls head first

• can fly and is compared to a bat when doing so

• has some form of mind control powers

• is bothered/ weakened by sunlight in some form

And people to this day question what kind of being this man could possibly be. I somehow doubt you all would have done any better than Jonathan. Modern readers seem to be just as, if not more more oblivious than him if a story does not explicitly spell out that it’s featuring a vampire.

The OP is not wrong.



Lots of people make fun of Jonathan Harker for not recognizing what’s up with Dracula, despite the warning signs…And I feel the need to point out that Neil Gaiman’s “TheGraveyardBook” had Silas, a character who:

• does not cast a reflection

• only eats one kind of ( unspecified) food

• is very pale, has razor sharp nails, makes people feel insecure/ troubled for no apparent reason

• sleeps through the day and only comes out after sunset

• is neither dead nor alive

• sleeps inside a trunk filled with earth

• crawls down walls head first

• can fly and is compared to a bat when doing so

• has some form of mind control powers

• is bothered/ weakened by sunlight in some form

And people to this day question what kind of being this man could possibly be. I somehow doubt you all would have done any better than Jonathan. Modern readers seem to be just as, if not more more oblivious than him if a story does not explicitly spell out that it’s featuring a vampire.

The OP is not wrong.

 “I have not always done the right thing. When I was younger…I did worse things than Jack. Worse tha “I have not always done the right thing. When I was younger…I did worse things than Jack. Worse tha “I have not always done the right thing. When I was younger…I did worse things than Jack. Worse tha

“I have not always done the right thing. When I was younger…I did worse things than Jack. Worse than any of them. I was the monster, then, Bod, and worse than any monster.”

The Graveyard Book

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Nobody “Bod” Owens and Silas from @neil-gaiman‘s The Graveyard Book! Bod is a living boy raised by g

Nobody “Bod” Owens and Silas from @neil-gaiman‘s The Graveyard Book! Bod is a living boy raised by ghosts in a graveyard, and Silas is his guardian. He’s also heavily hinted to be a vampire imo, so I went for the whole black-cape thing while trying not to do the classic Dracula style loll

As for what this scene is about … I’m not quite sure ^^;; It could be set somewhere during Bod’s School Days, since there were a few tense conversations between them in there XDD

Reference photos for Silas

Reference photo for Bod: RebeccafromA Clothes Horse

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