#nordic languages



learning a scandinavian language is just *watches skam* *“this is a weird norwegian dialect oh it’s danish”* *dreams about northern lights* *watches movie in swedish instead of norwegian because you’ll take what you can get* *goes to ikea with friends and tells them what all the names of things mean even though they don’t care* *drinks voss* *pretends that cheese in a tube actually doesn’t taste that bad* *tries to make friends with natives but they speak your own language better than you do*

(Freya’s Tears by Gustav Klimt)Óðr went off on long travels, and Freyja stayed behind weeping.

(Freya’s Tears by Gustav Klimt)

Óðr went off on long travels, and Freyja stayed behind weeping. Her tears are red gold. 

Óðr fór í braut langar leiðir, en Freyja grætr eftir, en tár hennar er gull rautt.

(Prose Edda, ch. 35)

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