#nostalgia posts



Me: *kills spider* Haha, fuck you spider! *To adjacent spider* You’re next.

DM: Yells intimidations to mindless things, check.

Me: Hey, I yell at everything.


Jon, after reading an inscription from a note the DM passed him: Using “shall” twice in the same sentence is tacky as fuck.

DM: -2 experience.


Doug: Where’s Amun when you need him?

Jon: Eh, we’ve got Gander.

Me: Gander is like the cut-rate version of Amun. The free version, with all the ads.


Ajax: Let’s get the fuck outta here. Like, yesterday.

Me: Finally! Let’s go! (OOC) I drag Ajax away.

Gander: Wait, what? Why?

Ajax: Apparently I’m being dragged away.

Doug: You’re not getting past [Gander], he can block the hallway.

Scott: I am, I am blocking the hallway.

Me: Why?? Move your fucking ass, Gander!

Gander: Whoa, wait a minute-

Me: Move your skinny, useless ass, Gander!

Gander: Whoa, wait, why are we getting out of here, why do you want to leave?

Ajax: Okay, so, you ever hear of the Gemari?



Me: No. You’re a liar. Shut up.

Gander: I’m sure I have. I’m a pretty smart guy. I’m learned.

Jon, to the DM: Has he?

DM: With his previous recollection, he’s a little hazy on the subject, but the name rings a bell.

Ajax: So, this is a Gemari cave.


Helker: What the fuck is a Gemari?

Ajax: Kind of like an elf, but powerful. Like, a lot more powerful.

Gander: Magical powerful?

Me: Gonna-kill-us powerful?

Ajax, pointing to me: That kind of powerful!

Me: Okay, Gander, move your skinny useless ass!

Gander: Whoa whoa wait a minute! Magical powerful?

Ajax: Magical, can-turn-invisible-and-kill-us powerful.

Me: Gander, I will bowl you over! Move!

DM, to Jon: Wait, let me clarify: are you associating the [inaudible]?

Jon: No. I’m associating the person who DISAPPEARED.

DM: Okay, because [inaudible].

Jon: Look. I saw her, she saw me and disappeared.

Gander: Wait, what, who, what, who disappeared?

Me: Gander! Move! We can discuss this upstairs!

Gander: Who disappeared?

Me: Roll to bowl Gander over! *rolls* What is that, a Strength check?

DM: Are you doing a Bullrush?

Me: Yeah, sure.

Gander: Are you Bullrushing me?

Me: I’m trying to get past you with Ajax, because you are being an asshole.

DM: Your CMB versus his CMD.

Me: Uh, 19.

Scott: I’m 16.

DM: Okay, she pushes you five feet.

Me: I’m just trying to get past him.

DM: Well, he’s not letting you.

Gander: Wait a minute, wait a minute-

Me: Moooove, we can discuss this upstairs! Gander, I will knock you out.

DM: *bursts out laughing*

Me: I am not joking around.

Gander: But wait a minute-

Me: No! We can discuss this upstairs! Get up the fucking rope.

Gander: Lady, calm down-

Me: No! This thing will kill us all!

Gander: What thing? What is it?

Me: I will explain upstairs.

Scott: Does she even know what it is?

Me: I just listened to Ajax describe it. It will kill us. *rolls* 11, I don’t think I made it this time.

Gander: So, wait, Ajax, you saw somebody down here-

Ajax: Yeah, I did!

Me: Okay, I’m going to roll to hurl Ajax over his head. What is it, roll my CMB versus Ajax’s CMD to throw him over Gander’s head? Ajax, I am going to make you like a baseball and throw you over Gander’s head to get you to safety.

Jay: Fastball special!

DM: *sighs* Okay, Ajax, are you resisting at all?

Jon: No, I wanna get the fuck outta here. People turn invisible at will? I am getting the shit outta here!

Me, rolling: Uh, that’s a total of 12.

Gander: I can turn invisible! It’s no big deal!

DM: Where are you trying to throw him?

Me: Over here, by Helker.

DM: Okay, Lara, you can throw him in a 30-foot range increment.

Me, counting off squares to rope: Yup, I can make it!

DM: Okay, well, Ajax, you are airborn.

Jay: Helker will step aside to let you through.

DM: Ajax, do you have any Acrobatics?

Jon: Well, I have a +2 miscellaneous modifier to it from being a hobbit.

DM: Okay, you can attempt a roll.

Jon, rolling:14.

DM: Okay, you made it. You’re on the ground behind Helker, you take a point of subdual damage.

Jon: I am getting up and scurrying up the rope.

Helker: What the hell is going on in there?

Me: Gander is being a fucking- he’s gonna get us killed! *to the DM* What is it, a Dex roll to try to slip by Gander?

DM: You can try to overrun him.

Me, rolling: Ok, that’s a Nat 1, I’m probably gonna knock myself over.

Gander: At a Nat 1, I stiffarm you.

Me: Okay, Ajax is behind you. Go that way! Go fetch! That was the entire point of throwing Ajax, because you kept interrogating Ajax, so I thought you’d follow.

Scott: Wow, Gander is trying to stay calm.

*whole party laughs*

Me: You can stay calm upstairs! How many times do I have to fucking say this?

Gander: The air starts swirling around me with my emotions.

Me, rolling again: 15, to try to get past.

DM: It’s getting pretty windy in this tunnel for some reason.

Me: I do not give a fuck.

Scott: Your hair is blowing in the wind.

Me: I give even less of a fuck. 15 to get past Gander.

Scott: I got a 16.

DM: You’re not getting past him.

Me: Move, Gander! Please!

Scott: … I step aside-

Me: Thank you! I move up the rope.


DM: The chain shirt is very supple.

Me: It’s probably mithril. *pause* Or it’s human skin.

Jon: You play this game far too much if your only guesses are mithril or human skin.


DM: Lara, your turn! Fetal position?

Me: I sit on the floor with my back to the wall and contemplate the hollowness of life.

DM, laughing: Sit down and open the Book of Fuck It?

Me: I open the Book of Fuck It and take a good long read.


“Intimidate is an important skill, especially when you’re 2'11".”

— Jon.
