#not ao no exorcist


I know this doesn’t belong on my blog but… 

There’s a shit ton that’s going on right now. 

Please..hear me out. 

I’m sure everyone on here takes suicide and depression and awareness very seriously. I know I do. 

Do NOT ‘attempt’ to kill yourself to trap your significant other with you. 

If they want to break up with you, if they want to leave you, talk to them about it - ask them why and hear them out and REALLY hear what they’re saying. 

And let them go. 

And then cry and scream and call your friends and family and watch movies and eat junk food. 

And in a couple weeks - call them, go visit them - see how they’re doing. Chat. Maybe continue the conversation, say you heard them out and that you would like a second chance. 

But if they still turn you down, let them go. 

You do not own people. 

And no one owes you anything. 

No matter how much you love someone - DO NOT threaten to harm yourself so that they are FORCED to stay with you OUT OF FEAR. 

That’s toxic. 

That’s bullshit. 

And that’s sick. 

So, one of my Senators - Thom Tillis - just responded to one of my e-mails regarding my concerns for Net Neutrality. 

Here’s what he had to say: 

“As you may know, newly appointed FCC Chairman Pai released a plan to overturn the FCC’s 2015 mandates. On December 14, 2017, the FCC voted 3-2 to overturn these mandates. I am supportive of this vote and believe the actions by the FCC will bring new innovation and broadband investments.“ 

Translation: ‘I don’t give a fuck about what you or anyone else wants - I support Ajit Pai because this will put money in my pocket also.’

Sorry, I’m just a little disheartened about this. idk

EDIT - I emailed him THIS back: 

“Hi, you responded to one of my previous e-mails regarding my concerns for Net neutrality and something that you said struck me as odd. 

“As you may know, newly appointed FCC Chairman Pai released a plan to overturn the FCC’s 2015 mandates. On December 14, 2017, the FCC voted 3-2 to overturn these mandates. I am supportive of this vote and believe the actions by the FCC will bring new innovation and broadband investments." 

Okay, so - you support people who want to steal money from the poor for a service that was labeled as a HUMAN RIGHT. 

"Due to the lack of access and suppressive tactics by certain governments, the United Nations (U.N.) has declared that “online freedom” is a "human right,” and one that must be protected. This was in the form of resolution A/HRC/32/L.20. In July 2016 the U.N. issued a declaration, cementing this view.“ 

Besides, you’re a senator - you’re supposed to represent the people - correct? Which means if enough of us contact you (which considering 85% of Americans are AGAINST Ajit Pai means that MANY individuals have contacted you) then it doesn’t matter how you feel on the issue - because you’re supposed to use your voice for ALL of us. 

Or is it just that YOU will profit from the lower class losing money and internet access? Is that why you don’t care what we have to say? Ajit Pai openly MOCKED everyone’s calls and e-mails that were defending Net Neutrality! Do you understand that severity? 

America is slowly spiraling into dictatorship - and one of the firsts steps is to take away Human Rights, Freedom of Speech, and the ability to find true information - all of which applies to the internet. Think about what you’re doing. 

Listen to the people, not your wallet.”
