#not cis


Transgenderism is a false flag

The only forms of rebellion the system allows are those which create the illusion of choice while benefitting the status quo.

Black rights activists are still murdered. Indigenous activists are still murdered. Environmentalists are still murdered. Women are still murdered.

Transgenderism is a false, sanctioned form of rebellion that falls within a framework of the oppressive, capitalist system. It benefits pharmaceutical industries and relies on patriarchy’s lie that gender stereotypes are innate.

The system creates the problem and sells a solution. Gender dysphoria is real, as any woman can attest. Gender, however, is not.

All forms of rebellion can be absorbed into the capitalist framework, especially through the sale of selfhood as an external marker. Under such defense, nothing is sacred and any idea or identity may be bought; there are no limits to what can become a commodity.

This is why activists who pursue changing the system are killed, why transgenderism as an ideology is being embraced worldwide by governments who understand that it benefits men and legally erases patriarchy.

Those who oppose this way of thinking are murdered; those who adopt it as a person choice become lauded mascots.

How do you immediately understand that transgenderism is a false flag?

By how quickly it has been embraced by celebrities and politicians, and how very quickly laws are being changed globally.

Reminder: the US never passed the ERA granting women equal rights.

We have so much work to do. We are on the brink of mass extinctions. What better way to divert from global ecological crises than to label biology itself as socially constructed by men, and who better fit to encourage bio-denial than corporations and celebrities?

It makes complete sense that the death throes of an obsolete system collectively resort to violent gnashings against nature and biology itself, at a time when our very survival as a species depends on healing biological systems.

Anyone who cares about the survival of the planet, or even of humanity itself, ought to shun outright the concept of becoming a true “self” through toxic chemicals. Instead we ought to re-establish a concept of selfhood through actions as opposed to perceptions.

Indeed, human self-identity is also at odds with the survival of the planet, as long as we shape it as dependent on external means.

You can never buy an identity, or medicate yourself into existence; in truth, your existence is nothing but part of an ecological system.

It’s my view that transgenderism goes hand in hand with climate change; that it diverts us from our own extinction by feeding an appetite for validation, to fill a hole created by a destructive system.

So we turn inward, rather than facing our shared reality.

As much as transgenderism is biophobia, extreme societal denial of physical reality, it can’t exist without the very real phenomenon of womb envy, which is to say the acknowledgement that women reproduce life and men play a less significant role in continuing humanity.

Women have emphasized repeatedly that the female ability to reproduce is what men seek to control when they oppress us.

Now, they demand our silence regarding our physical differences.

We are allowed a body, or a mind; never both at the same time.

When and if society at large realizes that this has been but a stepping stone towards transhumanism, the human merging and dependence on technology for survival, it will be too late; and undoubtedly, a man will receive credit for pointing out what is quite obvious to us as women.
