#gender critical


“I felt masc while installing a bidet” I wish gendies knew how fucking stupid they sounded to normal people


The question of why Americans like genderism more than the British never seems to bring up how America is a religious fundamentalist environment. The presentation of unquestioned allegiance to things you don’t understand and shouldn’t try to, especially if it contradicts all your instincts and common sense, is much more embedded in the culture.


I support all GNC people but can we please stop acting like gender nonconformity is the same in men as it is in women? Like “It’s okay to be a man who shaves his legs or a woman who doesn’t” or “boys can wear makeup too and girls don’t have to :))) it’s about choosing what you want”. I understand the intention behind it and of course, these statements are true, but acting like these things are comparable is just gross. 

Gender nonconformity in men, in this context, is a performance, an active defiance (which is great and I support it!). For women it’s just… existing in their natural bodies. A woman could shipwreck onto an uninhabited island and she’d be the height of gender nonconformity. Stop treating natural female existence like it’s an active choice. 






As a trans man, a lot of the gender euphoria I experience in private is built off being gross. When I see my hairy legs, when I smell my BO after airsoft, when the sweats I wear around the house dip to reveal my boxers. I love it so much. My transness isn’t ever going to be “pretty” and I adore that.

leg hair is gross? natural body features that all men and women have and experience are… gross??? comfortable clothes are gross?

huh. you know I’ve never met a man who thinks his leg hair is gross. seems to me they don’t even give it a second thought. but I’ve met hundreds of women who think their leg hair is gross though. interesting. you ever think you maybe ur just looking for an excuse to exist naturally and comfortably, because men are allowed to do that and women aren’t?

Hey it’s almost like cis men and trans men have different experiences. But that makes almost toomuch sense

huh i wonder why that it is. i wonder why the experiences of males and females are sooooo different. sure wish we could do something about that

i love how this is literally just classic gender norms. men get to exist in a natural, “gross” state whereas women need to be “clean” (aka hairless, exfoliated, cleansed, yada yada). but now it has a progressive twist, because FTMs get happy being in their natural state and conflating it with manhood, further perpetuating the idea that body hair and BO are masculine traits.

and OP never did answer badmiffy’s question. why is body hair gross? and why do they equate manhood with being comfortable with body hair? hmm

What I find interesting is how much I relate to OP yet I am a woman who is now confident in her natural gender non conforming presentation. I used to have dysphoria as a teenager, it was a dark time of my life and it didn’t evaporate in a snap of fingers. Fast forward now and not living with my mom who criticised all the clothing options I desired and forced me to wear somewhat “feminine” clothes by simply being the ones she bought me made me more and more confident in buying clothes in the section for men.

It took years for me to even get boxers (only happened this year), as the damages my mothers did on me are numerous and deeply ingrained. So what does this leave me with ? I’m very satisfied in how I look every time I look more masculine, I have no doubt it is the same sentiment OP describes as “gender euphoria”, I see myself. It’s just … ME. It’s the authenticity I was so often denied even though as a child on holidays I could often have that. This includes letting the hair on my body grow, it’s been maybe three years since I haven’t shaved my legs ? This I have to thank radical feminism for.

Seeing my legs and my whole body like that is freeing, in a strange turn of events it’s also that same hair that makes me think “woman” in my head. This is womanhood to me as in “I don’t look like a permanent girl child, women have hair, I’m not giving in the porn culture conception of us being hairless to be tolerated”. I used to hate even the though of being called a woman when I grow up, this was linked to my internalised sexist views of what a woman could do and look like. Turns out as a woman I can smell after efforts and it’s bearable (I prefer the smell of a deodorant though, as well as being a courtesy for other people living in my vicinity, hence why I use one daily), I can wear boxes and the baggy clothes I dreamt of when I was a kid, I can wear a growing number of clothes that aren’t in the woman section of the stores and it makes me very happy to wear these, and you know what was the more telling thing I learned in the past year and a half ? When I came out over the phone to my mom, which wasn’t something I even knew I would do five minutes prior to it, the one thing she told me was that she knew because of my clothes when I was younger. She was accepting and that was very new for me but this specific sentence stuck with me because it’s telling. She didn’t want to buy me the clothes I wanted, forced me into an in-between uncomfortable state (I tried my best to not be feminine with what I had) because she suspected her daughter was a lesbian and she was homophobic about it.

This was a long addition to this post but basically, this experience is a female one. A man will never know what it feels like to enjoy this much wearing clothes associated with masculinity, it feels like finally doing something you couldn’t do your all life despite having the capacity to, because you’re a human and not a feminine creature. All these traits you’re listing OP, I am proud of as a woman, this isn’t euphoria to me, it’s freedom.


TRAs act like we’re the bad guys but i can’t even talk about detransitioning without getting death threats over my very real lived experience bruh i’m

Nothing is a bigger threat to a zealot than an apostate. 






Istg i think terfs have like.. no logic when it comes to actual trans peoples perspectives on feminism and their own transition

I am transgender yet I support a good boatload of their ideals because i have a working fucking brain, i’m confident in my transition because i know my own reasoning and know its not internalised misogyny or whatever the fuck (not to devalue those who have detransitioned for those reasons), and im sure as fuck not a misogynist towards others!

Goddamn ive lived as a woman surrounded by women, i know the fucking struggles and- unlike some may imply from me just being trans- i understand women arent just all cheap copies of each other and all these other things ive noticed they like to imply we transgender men think. and honestly it makes me sad…

I understand there are trans folks who fucking suck, rapists, murderers, harassers of various degrees, but i oh so fucking wish there was a comprehension that wanting my own body and mind to actually process together the way they wish didn’t make me all these awful things in their minds, but theres no real point in thinking or worrying about it… It’s just odd to have been a terf myself a good couple years back looking over the fence now.

Of course you understand: because you’re female. 

The fundamental issue is the belief that being a woman is anything other than being female. 

Most likely when these gender critical feminists you’re seeing talk about “transgender men” what they’re talking about is what you’d call MTFs or transwomen. If you were ever actually someone who got called a “terf” you would know that.

im well aware that y'all don’t actually know how to refer to us, I could’ve worded myself better but the part mentioning transgender women was more so a rant on the side of my transgender sisters, sorry for the confusion.

but we can’t pretend trans-misandry isn’t common place in gender critical circles? It’s what held me back for so long. The concept as transgender men our entire identity is based on misogyny is ripe within your community, or that we’re all manipulated little girls or just lesbians, or whatever

It is based on misogyny. Because again: the fundamental issue is the belief that being a woman is anything other than being female.

How does “trans-misandry” manifest exactly other than people just not being convinced of your worldview?

It is not based on misogyny, you do not know me my life or experiences, please do not assume you do.

And trans-misandry is what is says on the tin, people being against transgender men. Regardless if you view the concept as valid that is what is. Also I’d rather not continue this discussion, my original post was made as a vent/rant after dealing with a… very annoying terf on another platform (not saying that you are harassing me, thats simply what caused the post.) Thank you for understanding

“People being against transgender men” is such a vague statement. If it’s people disagreeing with you that members of the female sex can conditionally become men that’s just a fundamental ideological disagreement. 


If I had a nickel for every time TERFs stole terminology from adoptees of color for the sake or their own transphobia, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice right

If I had a nickel for every time the trans community has appropriated terminology from other groups, awareness campaigns and legitimate rights movements I could buy a PS5.

liberals will scream “fuck gender roles” then call themselves non-binary for not conforming to them.

claiming that penetration is normal or supposed to happen because girls and women have vaginas is rape apology. it is implying that the female body is made to be raped, that its anatomy is justification for sexual violence.

throwback to my awakening, autumn 2019.

I feel so sorry for all the young lesbians whose female partners are currently medically transitioning. They have to support their partners’ transitions unconditionally and unquestioningly lest they be called transphobic, they have to wonder whether they’ll still be attracted to their partners post-transition, they have to stop calling themselves lesbians lest they offend their partners. And if they break it off, will their friends call them transphobic? Will they be marked as terfs?

I can’t imagine being a teenager, falling in love with a girl, and then essentially being forced (I remember how deep the fear of being transphobic went) to call the girl I love they or he, watch her start testosterone or get surgery, and give up calling myself lesbian. It would be heartbreaking and confusing. I know this is happening—I can name several couples like this who show up on my Instagram feed these days. And it is heartbreaking. How many more young lesbians would there be if they didn’t give up the lesbian label to accommodate their attraction to trans identified females? How many more young lesbians would there be if they were encouraged to look up to and learn from older lesbians rather than dismiss them as terfs or … not queer enough?

(This is not meant to imply I don’t care about the hardships of the scores of “trans” teenage girls themselves. I absolutely do, having been one for several years.)




really is telling how one of the most basic things that gay people ask for—happiness, safety, and legal status in a relationship with the one you love—is something that is met with derision or mockery in the ‘lgbt community.’ it’s because it’s something that people who are just playing gay cannot connect with, and something that they don’t put a lot of stock in. that’s why you’ll see things like gay marriage put down as gay assimilation, and that’s why you’ll see the promotion of happy, healthy gay couples called homonormativity. it’s such a basic desire, and you can really just tell when someone who’s never dreamt of asking for it in their lives (i.e., straight people, asexual people). because they don’t need to and they don’t think that you should ask for it either

it’s just hurtful. people who never had to contend with the idea that they could be denied services, jailed, beaten, killed, excommunicated from a church, or otherwise socially marginalized for a relationship are being allowed to define what is “useful” activism regarding relationships. people who never felt dirty and wrong and unnatural and against god for their childhood crushes get to say whatever they want under the umbrella ‘queer.’ which they claim not because it’s politically useful, but because it erases the line between who is same-sex attracted and who is not.

and yet they still have the audacity to say the dumbest lines. not gay as in happy, but queer as in fuck you. out of the mouth of a man who has only ever desired women. i hate it.

In 2015 in the US our rights movement actually accomplished real normality for us and that just made a bunch of heterosexuals lose their minds. They invited themselves in, claimed to be one of us for asinine reasons (”oh I’m a sapiosexual panromantic greyace agender person!”) and insisted that things needed to be “queered” up again. We had to be out there. We had to be freaks. We had to be counter-culture and shocking. We had to be their wild entertainment that they never thought would actually gain equality even while they praised themselves for paying us lipservice. 

So now they trot out all the same old homophobia. They try to excommunicate us from our own organizations or our communities our own venues our own events and finally our own movement. They try to change the meanings of our words to include themselves and exclude us. They try to call us old hat, claim that we’retherealoppressors and they’re the ones truly suffering from our lack of cooperation.

And they outnumber us. And the rest of straight society either consciously or unconsciously approves. Because, hey, it’s just gay stuff. It’s just queer stuff. It’s just homo stuff. So who cares?

Another reason why kink should never be grouped in with LGB. Just encourages the idea that we are sexual deviants and should be “proud” of it, when all we’ve ever fought for, for centuries, eons, has been normal lives and acceptance from society. To love who we love and have nobody bat an eye. To bring home our girlfriend and have our parents laugh and throw cards at her when she beats them at Uno. And to get married, to have children.

The most boring gay couple with two kids and a white picket fence will always be more meaningful to me than a juvenile contest of who can be the queerest.

How liberating it is to realize that I am a lesbian not because I ‘identify’ with ‘lesbian culture’, look and dress a certain way, see myself in other lesbians, or *suppresses laughter* enjoy the ~lesbian aesthetics~ and the word lesbian, but only because I am a female exclusively attracted to other females.

I can be whatever kind of person I want to be and nothing I do can make me more or less lesbian.

A lot has changed, but your sex is still the same. You can change your clothes, your name, even have plastic surgery on your genitals, but your sex is in every cell of your body and affects every system in your body and you can never change it.

And apparently you can’t change your male socialization either, since you’re still using derogatory terms to tell actual female women what to do with and believe about their bodies.

“Completely reversible.”

The truth is that even without puberty blockers, HRT or SRS, the practices that transgender ideology promotes can leave lasting physical damage and emotional distress.

Affirmation-only treatment for gender dysphoria hurts girls and women.

The rates of young women identifying as trans has increased 4,500% in recent years. There are now over 30,000 detrans people on Reddit alone.

Transgender ideology is the source of this epidemic of pain. Abolish gender.


Women are oppressed on the basis of sex. Women are oppressed so that men can take advantage of their ability to give birth. Women are gendered (indoctrinated into femininity) so that they will be less able or even desirous of liberating themselves.

Sex is not gender. Sex matters because our lives and our freedom matter.

That’s between you and the Oxford English Dictionary, which defines lesbian as “a homosexual woman”; defines homosexual as “attracted to one’s own sex”; and defines sex as “a person’s genitals”. So yeah, that’s kind of why this is all inherently about “somebody’s fucking genitals.” That’s just how sexualities work.

You can make up your own definitions for these words or use the wrong label for your sexuality all you want, but don’t be mad at the rest of us for using words correctly.

And there’s nothing wrong with being bisexual and not caring about which genitals your partner has. So maybe stop erasing yourself.

“Trans man here. I have a uterus and can have periods and get pregnant. Am I a woman? If you say yes, then you’re transphobic. If you say no, then you agree that men can have periods and get pregnant.”

Yes, you’re a woman because you’re biologically female. You might not look like it, and you might pass for male in your daily life, but by virtue of having female body parts (especially with the ability to get pregnant), you are still subject to misogyny that discriminates against all of your fellow adult human females.

You could die of an ectopic pregnancy due to lack of safe abortion access just as easily as any other woman. You could suffer complications or die from one of hundreds of medical issues that have only been studied using male patients. Misogyny affects you even if nobody knows you’re a woman.

And no, that’s not transphobic. I’m not afraid of trans people, nor do I hate them. I just don’t agree with gender ideology. I think it’s obvious bullshit.
