#not ctm




I am living for the day when I can archive this.

Bake Off is here and now I know the French version exists too. So happy to have my fall cozy place firmly on track.





paleo diets don’t exist. you will never have the nutritional range of a caveman. your jaw and teeth have already been permanently weakened from eating soft breads your whole life and never tanning an animal hide with your bare teeth. a neanderthal would beat your ass

Not to mention a ‘real’ paleo diet would include 183 species of wild flowers, herbs and barks and definitely not choice cuts of meat at every meal.

An authentic “paleo” diet really also ought to disallow any refrigeration other than maybe burying a carcass in the permafrost.

Cavemen ate whatever calories were available in their environment so me eating an entire chocolate cake from the supermarket half a block away is paleo.

Feel like it’s worth noting that just because things are really shit in some countries doesn’t mean things aren’t also really shit in countries you don’t hear about as much. Also doesn’t mean it’s ok to dismiss their problems when they bring them up.





Europe is currently being burned alive and people still think climate change is a joke. It’s warmer in North Europe than in the middle eastern deserts.

Nearly all northern countries broke their decades old heat records this week.

Its only in the low hundreds in farenheit??? In America we get that for like a month or two straight every year??? Y'all need to deal is it really normally so cold over there that yall can live with a little heat???

If you’re gonna have an ignorant American attitude then please only stay on American posts. No one in North Europe has an AC in their houses. Stores, animal shelters, elderly houses, no one has AC. the houses are designed to keep the heat in. The people are not accustomed to the heat. A sudden climate shift like this is extremely dangerous to older people and babies specifically.

There are programs being run to inform elderly people what to do to not die in this heat. There was a heatwave in the Netherlands in 2010 in which approximately 500 more elderly people passed away than normally.

One thing people don’t often appreciate is that the southern US states arealong the same latitude as the Middle Eastern deserts, rather than northern Europe. We’re not competing with Texas, we’re competing with northern Canada. If Saskatoon can’t handle Mexican weather, London can’t handle Middle-Eastern weather. It’s not built for it at all.

When the heck are people going to remember that latitude is far from the only determining factor in climate?

Not saying that what’s going on in Europe isn’t a terrifying reminder of climate change, but using latitude to try to embarras people is really not the best move. Latitude is far from being the determining factor about what’s normal on different parts of the globe. 

For example, Toronto, Canada is only 2° further North than Barcelona, Spain and yet Toronto in January averages a high of -1°C and a low of -7°C and Barcelona averages a high of 15°C and a low of 9°C and they are within different Köppen climate type groups. People in Toronto expect snow in the winter, whereas in Barcelona it would be surprising.
Know what’s also with 2° latitude of Toronto and Barcelona? The Gobi fucking desert.

There are lots of climatic factors at play across the globe, it’s way more than just latitude. If you’re going to shame people for being surprised at what’s hot (or cold) in different regions, maybe do your research first, yeah?


chag chanukah sameach let’s get lit


I don’t remember that from the myths

That’s why we have so many concrete buildings


everyone around me: *gets things done w their life and is making money*



2020 as summed up by Great British Bake Off
