#not heavy



we need more media where transgender people are happy & have fun & kill people



The Gimli Glider is one of those stories where every aspect sounds more fake than the last and yet it all actually happened.

-A passenger plane was underloaded with fuel because Canada had just converted to the metric system and everyone supposed to double check their numbers got it wrong.
-When the plane ran out of fuel they were too far away to make it to an in-service airport and had to head towards the Gimli military base.  Which was shuttered.
-They were coming in to fast due to a lack of flaps control and had to perform a series of slips (as shown in the video above) to slow down, basically drifting a giant passenger plane.
-As they come down they realized that just because Gimli’s been decommissioned doesn’t mean it’s abandoned because a bunch of people are having drag races on the runway they’re about to need.
-Despite everything they managed to land safely and no one was killed or even hurt which is why it’s one of the best air disasters to meme on.

This story, and the Miracle on the Hudson, are my favorite air disaster stories precisely because no one dies.

#story time    #not heavy    



I have mixed thoughts on sex work. I love sex, but I hate work!

“Yeah, we hate seeing you work too!”



In french deathclaws are called Écorcheur, meaning “The Flayer” and I think that’s pretty metal

In spanish radroaches are calledNukaracha and I think that’s pretty fucking fantastic




we need 2 normalize characters who dgaf about romance

sorry im literally so tired of everyone being shipped with someone can a guy not just chill

i want 2 say this isnt just about aro characters. im aro i love aro characters i love ace characters but this also is about allo characters. its normal and healthy and fine for alloromantic people to not be in romantic relationships and i wish media reflected that





still fuckin hate that “bee-free honey” that’s made from……… apples. bitch who you think sexed up those apples

A farmer, by hand and with love and care

wild bees still sexin em up when he’s not looking

old mccuckhold had a farm it seems





You were born of a sacrilegious union. Your green dragon mom never figured the knight she seduced while masquerading as a noblewoman was a silver dragon in disguise. You’d no idea either, born a human orphan. When your dragon blood awoke, so did the dangers which all your heritage entails.

“I was born half dragon.”

“Oh shit, what’s the other half?”

“Different dragon.

#“i’m two halfs dragon” “that’s just being a whole dragon” “no”

“im two halves dragon” “thats just being a whole dragon” “YOUD FUCKING THINK SO WOULDNT YOU”




Anyways, if ‘Men DNI’ is valid so is 'Women DNI’

Even more so, if 'Cis men DNI’ is valid, so is 'cis women DNI’

If your kneejerk reaction to this is anger, consider whether you have actually deconstructed the radfemmy idea that gender based trauma can only come from one gender (men) and be had by one gender (women).



at this point its pretty much a crime for skyrim to still be 60 dollars


da2 good bc sometimes u go to ur house and see one of ur companions in ur house, uninvited, talking to your dog


  1. Abrasive - showing little concern for the feelings of others; harsh
  2. Absurd - wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate
  3. Accusatory - suggesting someone has done something wrong, complaining
  4. Acerbic - sharp and forthright
  5. Acidic - harsh or critical
  6. Admiring - approving; think highly of; respectful; praising
  7. Aggressive- hostile; determined; forceful; argumentative
  8. Aggrieved -  angry and sad because you think you have been unfairly treated
  9. Airy -  giving an impression of being unconcerned or not serious
  10. Ambivalent - having mixed feelings; uncertain; in a dilemma; undecided
  11. Amused - pleasantly; entertain or divert in an enjoyable or cheerful manner
  12. Angry - incensed or enraged; threatening or menacing
  13. Animated - full of life or excitement; lively; spirited; impassioned; vibrant
  14. Anxious -  typically with a feeling of unease
  15. Apathetic - showing little interest; lacking concern; indifferent; unemotional
  16. Apologetic - full of regret; repentant; remorseful; acknowledging failure
  17. Appreciative - grateful; thankful; showing pleasure; enthusiastic
  18. Ardent - enthusiastic; passionate
  19. Arrogant - pompous; disdainful; overbearing; condescending; vain; scoffing
  20. Assertive - self-confident; strong-willed; authoritative; insistent
  21. Authoritative - commanding and self-confident
  22. Awestruck - amazed, filled with wonder/awe; reverential
  23. Barbed - deliberately hurtful
  24. Barking - utter a command or question abruptly or aggressively
  25. Belligerent - hostile; aggressive; combatant
  26. Benevolent - sympathetic; tolerant; generous; caring; well meaning
  27. Bitter - angry; acrimonious; antagonistic; spiteful; nasty
  28. Blasé - unimpressed or indifferent to something because one has experienced or seen it so often before
  29. Bleak - without hope or encouragement; depressing; dreary
  30. Bombastic - high-sounding but with little meaning; inflated
  31. Booming - loud, deep, and resonant
  32. Bored - to tire or make weary by being dull, repetitious, or uninteresting
  33. Brash - self-assertive in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way
  34. Braying - speak or laugh loudly and harshly
  35. Breathy - producing or causing an audible sound of breathing, often related to physical exertion or strong feelings
  36. Breezy - appearing relaxed, informal, and cheerily brisk
  37. Brittle - lacking warmth, sensitivity, or compassion; aloof
  38. Bubbly - full of cheerful high spirits
  39. Burbling - speak in an unintelligible or silly way, typically at unnecessary length
  40. Callous - cruel disregard; unfeeling; uncaring; indifferent; ruthless
  41. Candid - truthful, straightforward; honest; unreserved
  42. Caustic - making biting, corrosive comments; critical
  43. Cautionary - gives warning; raises awareness; reminding
  44. Celebratory - praising; pay tribute to; glorify; honour
  45. Chatty - informal; lively; conversational; familiar
  46. Cheery - happy and optimistic
  47. Childish - silly and immature
  48. Chirping - say something in a lively and cheerful way
  49. Clipped - speech that is fast, that uses short sounds and few words, and that is often unfriendly or rude
  50. Cloying - disgust or sicken (someone) with an excess of sweetness, richness, or sentiment
  51. Coarse - rude, crude, or vulgar
  52. Colloquial - familiar; everyday language; informal; colloquial; casual
  53. Comic- humorous; witty; entertaining; diverting
  54. Compassionate - sympathetic; empathetic; warm-hearted; tolerant; kind
  55. Complex - having many varying characteristics; complicated
  56. Compliant - agree or obey rules; acquiescent; flexible; submissive
  57. Concerned - worried; anxious; apprehensive
  58. Conciliatory - intended to placate or pacify; appeasing
  59. Condescending - stooping to the level of one’s inferiors; patronising
  60. Confused - unable to think clearly; bewildered; vague
  61. Contemptuous - showing contempt; scornful; insolent; mocking
  62. Crisp - briskly decisive and matter-of-fact, without hesitation or unnecessary detail
  63. Critical - finding fault; disapproving; scathing; criticizing
  64. Croaking - a characteristic deep hoarse sound
  65. Cruel - causing pain and suffering; unkind; spiteful; severe
  66. Curious - wanting to find out more; inquisitive; questioning
  67. Curt - rudely brief
  68. Cynical - scornful of motives/virtues of others; mocking; sneering
  69. Defensive - defending a position; shielding; guarding; watchful
  70. Defiant - obstinate; argumentative; defiant; contentious
  71. Demeaning - disrespectful; undignified
  72. Depressing - sad, melancholic; discouraging; pessimistic
  73. Derisive - snide; sarcastic; mocking; dismissive; scornful
  74. Detached - aloof; objective; unfeeling; distant
  75. Dignified - serious; respectful; formal; proper
  76. Diplomatic - tactful; subtle; sensitive; thoughtful
  77. Disapproving - displeased; critical; condemnatory
  78. Disheartening - discouraging; demoralising; undermining; depressing
  79. Disparaging - dismissive; critical; scornful
  80. Direct - straightforward; honest
  81. Disappointed - discouraged; unhappy because something has gone wrong
  82. Discordant - harsh and jarring because of a lack of harmony
  83. Dispassionate - impartial; indifferent; unsentimental; cold; unsympathetic
  84. Dispirited - having lost enthusiasm and hope; disheartened
  85. Distressing - heart-breaking; sad; troubling
  86. Docile - compliant; submissive; deferential; accommodating
  87. Drawling - speak in a slow, lazy way with prolonged vowel sounds
  88. Dulcet - sweet and soothing
  89. Dull - lacking interest or excitement
  90. Earnest - showing deep sincerity or feeling; serious
  91. Egotistical - self-absorbed; selfish; conceited; boastful
  92. Empathetic - understanding; kind; sensitive
  93. Encouraging - optimistic; supportive
  94. Enthusiastic - excited; energetic
  95. Evasive - ambiguous; cryptic; unclear
  96. Excited - emotionally aroused; stirred
  97. Facetious - inappropriate; flippant
  98. Farcical - ludicrous; absurd; mocking; humorous and highly improbable
  99. Feathery - extremely light and soft or delicate
  100. Flippant - superficial; glib; shallow; thoughtless; frivolous
  101. Forceful - powerful; energetic; confident; assertive
  102. Formal - respectful; stilted; factual; following accepted styles/rules
  103. Frank - honest; direct; plain; matter-of-fact
  104. Fretful - expressing distress or irritation
  105. Frustrated - annoyed; discouraged
  106. Gentle - kind; considerate; mild; soft
  107. Ghoulish - delighting in the revolting or the loathsome
  108. Glum - dejected; morose
  109. Goofy - foolish; harmlessly eccentric
  110. Grating - harsh and unpleasant
  111. Gravelly - deep and rough-sounding
  112. Grim - serious; gloomy; depressing; lacking humour;macabre
  113. Growling - low grating voice, typically in a threatening manner
  114. Gruff - rough and low in pitch
  115. Gullible - naive; innocent; ignorant
  116. Guttural - produced in the throat; harsh-sounding
  117. Hard - unfeeling; hard-hearted; unyielding
  118. Harsh - cruel or severe
  119. Hearty - loudly vigorous and cheerful
  120. Hoarse - sounding rough and harsh, typically as the result of a sore throat or of shouting
  121. Honeyed - soothing, soft, and intended to please or flatter
  122. Humble - deferential; modest
  123. Humorous - amusing; entertaining; playful
  124. Husky - sounding low-pitched and slightly hoarse
  125. Hypercritical - unreasonably critical; hair splitting; nitpicking
  126. Impartial - unbiased; neutral; objective
  127. Impassioned - filled with emotion; ardent
  128. Imploring - pleading; begging
  129. Impressionable - trusting; child-like
  130. Inane - silly; foolish; stupid; nonsensical
  131. Incensed - enraged
  132. Incredulous - disbelieving; unconvinced; questioning; suspicious
  133. Indifferent - having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned
  134. Indignant - annoyed; angry; dissatisfied
  135. Informative - instructive; factual; educational
  136. Insinuating - suggest or hint in an indirect and unpleasant way
  137. Inspirational - encouraging; reassuring
  138. Intense - earnest; passionate; concentrated; deeply felt
  139. Intimate - familiar; informal; confidential; confessional
  140. Ironic - the opposite of what is meant
  141. Irreverent - lacking respect for things that are generally taken seriously
  142. Jaded - bored; having had too much of the same thing; lack enthusiasm
  143. Joyful - positive; optimistic; cheerful; elated
  144. Jubilant - expressing great happiness and triumph
  145. Judgmental - critical; finding fault; disparaging
  146. Laudatory - praising; recommending
  147. Lifeless - lacking vigor, vitality, or excitement
  148. Light-Hearted - carefree; relaxed; chatty; humorous
  149. Lively- full of life and energy; active and outgoing
  150. Loving - affectionate; showing intense, deep concern
  151. Macabre - gruesome; horrifying; frightening
  152. Malicious - desiring to harm others or to see others suffer; ill-willed; spiteful
  153. Matter-of-fact - unemotional and practical
  154. Mean-Spirited - inconsiderate; unsympathetic
  155. Mellifluous - sweet or musical; pleasant to hear
  156. Melodious -pleasant-sounding
  157. Mocking - scornful; ridiculing; making fun of someone
  158. Monotonous - lacking in variation in tone or pitch
  159. Mourning - grieving; lamenting; woeful
  160. Muffled - not loud because of being obstructed in some way; muted
  161. Naive - innocent; unsophisticated; immature
  162. Narcissistic - self-admiring; selfish; boastful; self-pitying
  163. Nasty - unpleasant; unkind; disagreeable; abusive
  164. Negative - unhappy, pessimistic
  165. Nonchalant - casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm
  166. Nostalgic - thinking about the past; wishing for something from the past
  167. Objective - without prejudice; without discrimination; fair; based on fact
  168. Obsequious - overly obedient and/or submissive; fawning; grovelling
  169. Oily - unpleasantly smooth and ingratiating
  170. Optimistic - hopeful; cheerful
  171. Outraged - angered and resentful; furious; extremely angered
  172. Outspoken - frank; candid; spoken without reserv
  173. Pathetic - expressing pity, sympathy, tenderness
  174. Patronizing - condescending; scornful; pompous
  175. Pensive - reflective; introspective; philosophical; contemplative
  176. Persuasive - convincing; eloquent; influential; plausible
  177. Pessimistic - seeing the negative side of things
  178. Philosophical - theoretical; analytical; rational; logical
  179. Piping - high-pitched.
  180. Playful - full of fun and good spirits; humorous; jesting
  181. Pragmatic - realistic; sensible
  182. Pretentious - affected; artificial; grandiose; rhetorical; flashy
  183. Quavering - shake or tremble in speaking, typically through nervousness or emotion
  184. Querulous - complaining in a petulant or whining manner
  185. Rasping - harsh-sounding and unpleasant; grating
  186. Reedy - high and thin in tone
  187. Refined -  elegant; cultured
  188. Regretful - apologetic; remorseful
  189. Resentful - aggrieved; offended; displeased; bitter
  190. Resigned - accepting; unhappy
  191. Restrained - controlled; quiet; unemotional
  192. Reverent - showing deep respect and esteem
  193. Righteous - morally right and just; guiltless; pious; god-fearing
  194. Robust - strong and healthy; vigorous
  195. Saccharine - excessively sweet or sentimental
  196. Satirical - making fun to show a weakness; ridiculing; derisive
  197. Sarcastic - scornful; mocking; ridiculing
  198. Scathing - critical; stinging; unsparing; harsh
  199. Scornful - expressing contempt or derision; scathing; dismissive
  200. Scratchy - rough; grating
  201. Sensationalist - provocative; inaccurate; distasteful
  202. Sentimental - thinking about feelings, especially when remembering the past
  203. Shrill - high-pitched and piercing
  204. Silvery - gentle, clear, and melodious
  205. Sincere - honest; truthful; earnest
  206. Skeptical - disbelieving; unconvinced; doubting
  207. Smarmy -  excessively or unctuously flattering; ingratiating; servile
  208. Smoky - a raspy, coarse and tone of quality that is deeper than usual
  209. Snide - derogatory or mocking in an indirect way
  210. Solemn - not funny; in earnest; serious
  211. Somber - oppressively solemn or sober in mood; grave
  212. Sonorous - imposingly deep and full
  213. Sour - resentment, disappointment, or anger
  214. Steely - coldly determined; hard
  215. Strident - loud and harsh; grating
  216. Stony - not having or showing feeling or sympathy
  217. Suave - charming, confident, and elegant
  218. Subjective - prejudiced; biased
  219. Submissive - compliant; passive; accommodating; obedient
  220. Sulking - bad-tempered; grumpy; resentful; sullen
  221. Surly - bad-tempered and unfriendly
  222. Sympathetic - compassionate; understanding of how someone feels
  223. Thoughtful - reflective; serious; absorbed
  224. Throaty - deep and rasping
  225. Tolerant - open-minded; charitable; patient; sympathetic; lenient
  226. Tragic - disastrous; calamitous
  227. Tremulous - shaking or quivering slightly
  228. Unassuming - modest; self-effacing; restrained
  229. Unctuous - excessive piousness or moralistic fervor, especially in an affected manner; excessively smooth, suave, or smug
  230. Uneasy - worried; uncomfortable; edgy; nervous
  231. Urgent - insistent; saying something must be done soon
  232. Velvety - soft; smooth
  233. Vindictive - vengeful; spiteful; bitter; unforgiving
  234. Virtuous - lawful; righteous; moral; upstanding
  235. Whimsical - quaint; playful; mischievous; offbeat
  236. Witty - clever; quick-witted; entertaining
  237. Wonder - awe-struck; admiring; fascinating
  238. World-Weary - bored; cynical; tired
  239. Worried - anxious; stressed; fearful
  240. Wretched - miserable; despairing; sorrowful; distressed


Weaponized incompetence my ass just weaponized it back. Once my dad tries to pull the “but I don’t know how to clean the counters as well as you” on my mom and she said “ok honey I’ll show you” and she made him stand in the kitchen and watch her clean the counters. Then she pulled out a bottle of chocolate syrup and proceeded to spray the entire kitchen in chocolate, hand him the sponge and said “okay now it’s your turn”


God, so much this. It pisses me off to no end that video games are entertainment only for the wealthy nowadays.

#vidya games    #classism    #not heavy    #media criticism    #crapitalism    


sorry cis gamers but arcade gannon is the most transgender name that exists. Take it from a girl named cassette
