#not letting go


yes. uh. yo yeha ffor the usmemr hello kilelr bastt ygetitng bigger waist dif slumer hiari gert htinner i ;m ouyn oto a iwnenro ao suing a osngi n the winnet rbpaly tp oyhuer rsodvfoaivu eohchcjciuchiachicihad iftdj tilla oiano the right htrkaskoc iirna inti kso i luweo n the right traksco koa ks ksi js got oti rlike hitth us isidi ir tirkaskck bsbskc on y feeto bapokc upo nadl eave sfcftasthicng on my lie kwe’re adma nabsd eve mrmeix igo to nigngii on them in thabck fo htej keoe owlonnji ndver thsay the words YOUUU ARE SOMETHING I CNAN’T EFRPELAC,ER IHYOU MAKEM Y HEARRT WOKR ,YOU MAKEM E STRONGER, I;M NOT LETTING OG IN OT LGENTTO ING OYOUU ARE SMEHTING IC NA’T REWPLAC,E OYMU MAKE ME TY HEARRT HWIRR,R IY OU MAKEM E STHROTOONGE,R OI ’;M NOT LETITNG OG, NOT LGERTIGNGO ,O HHIHOHO HURRURHO  ,O HOH HOHO OHHO , GOGH HROHUHUO HOH ,I ’M ENOT LETTI GN OG, NOTL ETT IGONG OG, GOGHOHRHOHOHOH URR , OH OHOH HOH OHOHHOHOOH OHHO, GOO OHHRUHRUO HOROHHOUHR , I’M NTO LETTING OG, NOT LETT IGN OGO i sl noldijvivin gk an lcbusi mblblgbuie kspotiruib lsn akn d ocieeo ldoi viv ubiokinbkeos sotau leoe uip meu p oin then ithgi tjr slsjuht lsui kur koyoui lik e ioreysyf foir lyouoro lvig na keepo oiin on oulliugn oa lciuykym uenebr ksm iske oskf fvoekjd u poji n job lsiis in then hrnt hen os juan oi io; ,mrielairueytsu4 3m i3 nt omjusih iei m ofntoo no makekm some 4o mii3  i osocol a no ne moamo makmgof youo tokaie nro t fofjo m on oen osa idleeep ot tingiht ,spl yokign r kelly i beleiuvei n can fyl , i ka i isko wse uciebvoekrijsi ue os uenevr saty thwe word YOUU ARE SOMEHTI GN I NCANM’T REPLAC,E YOU MAKEM Y HEAET HIWRR, YOU MAKEM E STOROONGE,RI ’M NOT LERTIGN POBG, I ;M NOT LETTIGN O ,.GYOUUU ARE OSMERHGIN I C AN’T R WPOLXC,EO YOMU KAME EHWSRRRT WORHRIR, YOUM ASKRM STROOONGE,RI ’;M NOT LETTING OG, NOIT ;M INTO GLERTTING OG,. GOGHOHHOOHHOHOH ,.O H OH HOH HOU RUO , O HGOO OHHURHURUHRHU UR , IU’;M NTO RLETTING OG, I ’M NOT GLERTTIGN GO, GOOGHOG HOOH HRURRR OH OH , IOOHOH HO HOURRR HOOHH , GOOG HHOHOH HOHOHO HO , MI’; MNOT LETTIGN OGP, I ;MENOT  LETTIG OG OG.  hi have my sides, see you'r eshy, ni e siz,zei saojinht; i in ifity ofro ythe moeny ofor htej fame ,OYUUU MAKE MY HWHRART HWIRR, YOU MAKE MYOE SDTROOONGER, THSI THING, WRE HAVE, IT CAN’T BE BOUGHT OR HSILDL NOW, YOUUU ARE SOMEHTIGN I CZNT’ REPLACE. YOU, MAKE MR HSRRRT OWKER, OYMU KSRM EM SRTOOONGE,RI ;M ONT OELTTIGN OG, I ;MRN ORT LGII GNM.L YOUU ARE OSMRHIGTN GI NXA’T LRPEPLAS,C,E YOUM SKRM Y HEDASRRT HWIRR, YOUM KAEM STROOOGNE,RT I HY; M NOT LWETTIGOM G,O ,I ’;M NORTL RITNG PO, OH OHHRURURUH RHOOH , OH HO HORHO HRUURRHUHO , GO OHO HRH HHOHO HOHOHOOHH , I;. LMNTOT LETTIGO , I;M NO LT ETTIGO MG, .O HOHO HO HRURUR HOOHH, IHOHOHOHR UHRUHRRH HO ,GOOH HOHOHHO HOHHOHH, I ;,MN OT LETTIGO , I’m no et lettig ngo.

Are you as I am?

Are you as nervous as I am

Do you want as many drinks as I do

Do you feel this in your stomach

Do you feel it in your throat

Do you feel it in your heart

Are you trying not to choke

Is the memory of us burning in your brain

Are you having second thoughts

Are we both insane

Am I reading too much into this

Will it go without a hitch

Will this little ball of fire reunite us or prove we’re meant to be apart

Are you hoping for a peaceful ending or for a fresh start

When I see your face, tell me, what should I do

Run into your arms or stay away from you

Give you space, let you come to me

It’s been so many years and I’m filled with uncertainty

On my way and I’m freaking out

This is a day that I’ve dreamt about

It’s said and done, I’m trying not to cry

We both avoided each other’s eyes

My body’s heavy and I’m feeling weak

This was my last chance to finally speak

I feel like this was our last goodbye

I keep playing it over in my mind

I didn’t expect to feel this way

I know that I miss you, it’s clear as day

I don’t think I could ever tell you no

It’s clear that I can’t let you go

I don’t know what the hell to do

I just wanna run back to you

Now I’m alone and I can’t stop the tears

They’re flowing like I’m made of broken gears

I’m trying not to fall into a downward spiral

I’m remembering my mistakes and putting myself on trial

I’ll write you one last letter, then send it your way

I’ll fill it with all the things I’ve been too afraid to say

You’ll keep your walls up, and I’ll keep mine

I guess we both just ran out of time
