#not religious


“Oh, you can’t be serious. If it were up to me, you would still be strung up in that cave.” She stepped forward and a hand wrapped one of the bars Loki was holding. As she lowered her voice to a near whisper, her tattoos that were indeed gently gliding across her light brown skin, began to glow. The pastel inks of the flowers and fruits softly glowed with a neon light and the skulls with grinning teeth and black sockets glowed in dark purples and reds. “I sweet-talked my way onto the throne of Hell itself. Don’t think for a second your aluminum tongue has any sway over me.” Loki yelped and jumped back from the bars. He held his scarred head and shivered as if in pain and fear. The goddess let go of the bar and her tattoo lights faded and her arms were once again normal. She turned and smiled. “Come on, guys. We’ll be late.”

Persephone confronting Loki

-excerpt from my WIP novel

My number one fear about being a pagan secretly from some of my friends is accidentally sending a post from this blog instead of my main. That strikes true fear, my friends
