#not wrong





honestly, Homura’s character makes so much more sense when you remember that she was raised catholic

Homura claims that she went to a catholic school in episode 1, and I honestly just accepted that that was the reason why she acted Like That, even before we learned about the time looping


sam: barnes why is your hair always a mess

bucky, who does his hair immaculately every morning:

steve, who cannot keep his stupid giant banana fingers to himself:


moment of silence for everyone who’s just like their dad but a girl


i love being subscribed to dracula daily as a person that only knows the broad plot of the book Dracula. i feel like im going out for lunch with jonothan harker and hes telling me about a ye olde grinder hookup he had that was basically a tour of the red flag factory 


I’m generally of the opinion that if your film requires so much cgi that your actors are performing against nothing but green screens, maybe you should just be making an animated film instead. Because you’re basically already making one anyway.


attractive men in complete despair has gotta be one of my favorite genres of man.

i saw a twitter thread recently that was like ‘what the one touhou you draw constantly says about yo

i saw a twitter thread recently that was like ‘what the one touhou you draw constantly says about you’ and reimu’s entry was ‘gay and completely done with the world’

please do not use or repost

Post link


damn javert really went “wtf? morality exists in shades of grey? i am going to kill myself because of this information” and then he did


u cant be slut shamed if ur not ashamed of being a slut


granted i havent read lotr since i was 13 but the way legolas joins the fellowship always cracks me up, like hes literally a prince but they sent him as a messenger to basically tell the council like “whoopsiedoodles we fucked up and gollum is gone, that’s what you get for entrusting him to the party elves of mirkwood you know how we get” and he feels SO bad he joins this super deadly quest like imagine you’re thranduil and you’re like “hey son can you go to elrond’s house and tell him we fucked up royally” and your son is like sure pops can do but then you don’t hear from him for like two months so you call elrond like hey e-dog what’s good have you seen my son. and elrond is like. well i dont know how to tell you this but he went on a homoerotic voyage to the most dangerous place on earth. id be so mad
