


online pomodoro timer - perfect for days where you have several assignments to complete, this timer automatically tracks how many 25 minute sessions you complete, bringing up the five minute break timer between the first three, then the fifteen minute break timer following the fourth.

freedom for computer -this website blocks all but a list of websites you choose for as long as you need it to. i’ve found it’s great to keep me on task when drafting a longer essay i’ve already done all my research for.

forest for cellphone- i’ve linked to the one on the chrome store, but the best iteration of this app is definitely the one to keep you off your phone. something about having a small, fake tree’s life in your hands is very motivating and also frightening. plus, it’s satisfying to look back at your tiny forest after a long week.

quizlet- if you’re a student in 2021 and haven’t used quizlet what legitimately what you doing. while there isn’t the benefit of handwriting out flashcards and it’s a lot less aesthetic, it’s way more convenient for those of us with messy handwriting or who need to study on buses and the like. you don’t have to worry about dropping cards on the gross bus floor

notion- notion is already madly popular on studyblr, with many people making wildly aesthetic setups, but it doesn’t have to be all that complicated! in my opinion, lists are a very satisfying way to ensure you get everything you want to done, and notion is very nice for that. plus yeah the aesthetic arty fancy options are a bonus. 

friends and family - okay this one is definitely a cop out because it’s not actually a concrete study resource, but i’ve found it works really well to make sure my friends and family are holding me accountable. for friends, this means warning them ahead of time if there’s going to be a few days where they probably shouldn’t try to make plans with me or expect me to be on discord, and for family or roommates this means reminding them to be non-disruptive. don’t be rude to your friends and family though because being a kind person to those you love should definitely should come before academic success.

from last night’s study session with friends. slept after the exam because i only had 2hrs of sleep last night. i just ate a late lunch (possibly early dinner?) and now watching the last episode of 25 21!!! will watch another episode of bus proposal, maybe, shower, and study around 8-9pm.

just transferred my physio OB files to my google drive and had lunch. will take a shower next then go to a coffee shop (maybe squeeze in a quick cardio while studying?) so i won’t fall asleep this afternoon and be able to focus. it’s quite gloomy outside but let’s start this week strong!! happy monday!!

going to stay up late bec i really have to study fr now. first subject: physiologic obstetrics. wish me luck on my deadly exams next week!!

12.18.21 – flew home yesterday after my last final and woke up at 4:30am because of jet lag :( i can’t believe my third semester of college is over, time flies by. enjoy these sunrise pics of campus !
