#dark academism



The semester has been so busy! Sorry I’m so slow with posts! I got into the Advanced Honors College this week, and started making my schedule for next semester so there’s a light at the end of the tunnel at least.

Some of my favorite fashion history notes this semester :)


Sorry for being so inactive! I got elected to residence hall council this semester and joined the debate team so that’s all eating my time up. A lot of my class work is writing this semester so I’m really enjoying it.

How are your class going so far?

Take care of yourselves!

enough (poem)

I am enough.

I keep repeating that I am enough

as if that was enough for me.

When I say I am enough

it’s because I can’t allow myself to love anyone else

but me.

— a poem by me on a midnight

Sometimes I go through these weird moments where it occurs to me nothing I say or do really matters and everything feels really empty and dismal and then I remember that I get joy from doing these “useless” things and that that’s all that really matters because fuck unreality you know what I mean?

Kawaii Academia


°cute notebooks and neat handwriting

°cute pencils and erasers

°doodle cats in the margins of textbooks

° skirts and turtlenecks, a knitted sweater falling around your shoulders

°soft voices, loud minds

°soft classical and lo-fi as you study

°customizing your computer cursor into a strawberry or something


°writing poetry at lunch with your friends, or outside under a large shady tree

°tea with a lot of honey

°whispering songs under your breath and humming as you work

°writing essays on characters you like, or concepts that will help the world

°stuffed animals you read essays and presentations to

°naming everything you see
