


N O U M E N I A   T R A D I T I O N S

Noumenia is the second day in the three days that mark the start of the new month in the Hellenic calendar though I only recognize Noumenia as an eclectic revivalist. Please refer to other Hellenic polytheists for more information.

In my practice Noumenia is a day to honor Hestia. I refresh and cleanse my household, cook a nice dinner and bake honey cakes, and take some devotional time out of my day for Hestia. 

R E F R E S H   T H E   H O U S E H O L D

  • take care of any chores and tasks leftover from the past month
  • take time to do some monthly chores and tasks
  • clean and cleanse altars/shrines
  • refresh the kathiskos
  • cleanse the house through cleaning, burning incense, misting with cleansing water, ringing a bell, et cetera

Prayers for Hestia: 

Hymns for Hestia: 

Honey Cake Recipes: 

Devotional Suggestions: 

Last updated 12/6/18

Update on the altars!

Cleaned and ready for the new month! ✨

Once I finish my recent set of Theoi drawings I’ll print them and put instead of the pics I have now. So they all will be in one style and size ⭐

The chthonic altar is on the other side of the table:
