#apollo devotee


I have been intensely occupied with college but everytime I manage to gain 10 or 15 minutes between my classes, I quickly go outside to start humming a lullaby and slightly dance under the sun for Apollo, it brings me so much joy I can not put it into words. I am always grateful for this life. 


My experience related to Lord Apollo and the waves of inspiration for art. He is really kind.

Good morning everyone, I’m again with a new discovering : ) !! (aaagain english is not my first language so I hope you understand hehe)

Yesterday I decided to sat under the sun and draw anything inspired in a playlist that I was listening. It is essential to know that I’ve never -and when I say never it is really never- learnt how to draw anything and much less how to draw anatomy !! I can barely draw a simple’s kid butterfly or those stick man drawings lol but as I sat down under the sun I felt like I knew what I had to do, I felt a wave of inspiration and I started drawing a human body helping myself with geometric figures, mainly circles, ovals and triangles and it’s kinda crazy ????? because I have never payed attention to any sketch like that and I still managed to make it !! so guess what ! I ended up drawing a girl figure shape kneeling and recieving like some sunlights with her hands forming a cup while her face is looking kinda up. The drawing feels so ethereal even when it’s just a sketch but I am surprised of myself, I really mean it.

I am honestly and deeply grateful with Lord Apollo. I can’t even find the words to describe how wonderful, warm and kind he is or how grateful I am to him.

 Sadly It is a real shame I don’t have my phone right now because my charger died but as soon as I get a new one I’ll for sure upload the drawing, I promise. 

Is there any new experiences you guys had these days related to Apollo or any other deity? I’d love to know.

Well, I hope you have a wonderful day today, thank you for your time.

Lots of love, 

Miel <3

Here’s what I promised !! I know it probably has mistakes but I am really surprised for what I have created !! <3

My experience related to Lord Apollo and the waves of inspiration for art. He is really kind.

Good morning everyone, I’m again with a new discovering : ) !! (aaagain english is not my first language so I hope you understand hehe)

Yesterday I decided to sat under the sun and draw anything inspired in a playlist that I was listening. It is essential to know that I’ve never -and when I say never it is really never- learnt how to draw anything and much less how to draw anatomy !! I can barely draw a simple’s kid butterfly or those stick man drawings lol but as I sat down under the sun I felt like I knew what I had to do, I felt a wave of inspiration and I started drawing a human body helping myself with geometric figures, mainly circles, ovals and triangles and it’s kinda crazy ????? because I have never payed attention to any sketch like that and I still managed to make it !! so guess what ! I ended up drawing a girl figure shape kneeling and recieving like some sunlights with her hands forming a cup while her face is looking kinda up. The drawing feels so ethereal even when it’s just a sketch but I am surprised of myself, I really mean it.

I am honestly and deeply grateful with Lord Apollo. I can’t even find the words to describe how wonderful, warm and kind he is or how grateful I am to him.

 Sadly It is a real shame I don’t have my phone right now because my charger died but as soon as I get a new one I’ll for sure upload the drawing, I promise. 

Is there any new experiences you guys had these days related to Apollo or any other deity? I’d love to know.

Well, I hope you have a wonderful day today, thank you for your time.

Lots of love, 

Miel <3

Good morning everyone, today I’m with another story as an Apollo devotee which makes me really happy ! (please consider that english is not my first language, I am self-taught)

To begin with the story, some days ago I started to feel a really a strong conection with art, which I have not practiced for years !! Therefore, with this new event happening, I’ve been offering a lot of handmade things to Apollo, such as letters, poems, drawings, lemon cookies and more. I made them to honor him with full love and happiness but never expected something in return. Although the only thing I’d have loved was to feel him or communicate with him but it wasn’t any petition so I was okay with it BUT !! and this is where the healing part begins I have had neck and back problems due to my unhealed bone spine for several years now and yesterday, for some reason, it was very painful to bear so I went to take a nap positioning myself upside down. I don’t remember how I asked or what I did but at that moment I thought about Apollo and healing… as extraordinary as it sounds, some minutes later after that thought, I started to feel my neck really really warm as if someone were placing their hand on it producing heat to heal it. I was really really surprised and I felt -undoubtely- that it was Apollo !! so with great shyness and shame I asked him to  please do the same with my back if it wasn’t too much to ask because I was in real pain and, again, some seconds later after my question, I started to feel that exact same heat on my lower back too, exactly where it hurt the most !! I knew for sure it was him, it was undeniable. I couldn’t feel him in my room exactly but I felt his warmth near me. 

I am flooded with great gratitude, I still smile when I remember about his warmth.

Now I cannot do anything with my body without thinking “I am not in pain anymore, he released it”. I am deeply grateful Lord Apollo.

This is something that happened to me yesterday as an Apollo devotee and I wanted to share it :- ) (English is not my first language, hope you understand )

Everyday I light Apollo’s big yellow candle and I leave him lots of handmade offerings made with lots love, I spend a lot of time talking to him, listening to music and reading poems to him as well. Yesterday, before going to bed, I lighted off his candle and the wick turned into a clearly lungs form and in my mind I said “lungs?… umm well nevermind” the thing is that some time after I went to the toilet and started coughing like when you catch a cold. At that time I remembered that I’m very likely to catch a cold in autumn and we’re already entering autumn with a really strong cold weather. My lungs are kinda weak for so many colds I have caught in my life hehe so I instantly remembered the “lungs” wick form from Apollo’s candle so I didn’t know if take it as sign like “hey, take care, specially your lungs !” or what but then I dreamt about healing my body inside Apollo’s temple and woahh, it was so lovely, I felt full of love and light ✨ so now I’m taking care of myself with lots of love and patience :- ) <3

If you have had any experiences with Apollo or any other deity please share it with me, I love to hear stories like that !!


Message #25

Gods: Artemis, Apollo

Time: 1:55am

Artemis: You are not weak. You are strong.

Apollo: You know that we do not leave you, right? I know that you know. You feel our presence always.

Apollo: You are never alone. We may take a step back—

Artemis: But we never walk away.

Daily Simping for Apollo #2

Holding Apollo’s hand is really nice. Very warm. I feel so safe whenever he’s around. He likes giving me head pats and backrubs to help me sleep and I am very grateful for it. He probably wants me to sleep like, right now though.

Also,, naps in the afternoon with the sun shining in through the cracks in the blinds is top tier. I love sun dad.

Did I mention head pats? Also cuddling. Sun dad warm, very warm. I love Apollo so much. He gives fantastic cuddles and hugs.

Hermes and Dionysus like to join in too, but mainly Hermes. Not like I’m complaining though, I will gladly take any and all forms of affection they dish out. Also it’s very warm when they’re all around. Gotta stan a cuddle pile.

Daily Simping for Apollo #1

I finally did my first proper libation for Apollo and my heart is racing I’m so soft–

I did it before but I wasn’t that happy with it, but now I actually got the chance to pour milk in a pretty wine glass and got to put it on his altar. I am actually so proud of myself I’m sobbing

I lit his candle up so I could tell him about it and I was just so happy, and when I saw the flame in his candle was forming a heart shape I just could not and still cannot physically handle it I feel like my chest is gonna explode.

He seems so happy, like the flame was like dancing around in the candle. I could feel his energy and it felt so light and idk happy?? It felt like he was looking down at me and was like “I’m very proud of you” with a smile on his face snsnfbdbdnfbdj

I just love Apollo so much. I love you sir.

Hi! Welcome to my blog. This is where I’ll be recording some things for my grimoire as well as where I’ll be posting my experiences as a witch!

Please call me Lady Giovanni! Or Lady for short. You can also call me Vanni. I’m 17 and bisexual genderfluid (I mostly shift between femme and enby though)

I am a broom closeted eclectic chaos witch who dabbles in divination and energy work. I use tarot cards and my pendulum as well as do a bit of astrology work as my main divination methods. I don’t do a lot of spellwork unless it’s the necessities like protective charms or warding. I also most notably have a crystal addiction; not something to be happy about but hey, shiny.

I also do deitywork! I work with a pretty large number of deities, but nowadays I’ve been focusing my worship on Apollo (I asked my other deities and guides for their consent on the matter and they said it was okay since I like, desperately need to heal from some traumatic shit)

The deities and guides I work with are:

  • Apollo
  • Loki
  • Dionysus
  • Eros
  • Hermes
  • Ares
  • Hypnos
  • Zeus
  • Freyja
  • Psyche
  • Aphrodite
  • Lucifer
  • Asmodeus
  • Lifa (my spirit animal/ animal guide)

I know, I work with a lot of guides. Not like I mind much though.

I’ve been a hellenic polytheist since 10th grade and Asatrui since about 8th grade but has dabbled in demonolatry a bit earlier on (Lucifer can vouch for that with my numerous attempts at summoning him at like, age 10)

So like, yeah. Follow me if you want to hear about the countless shenanigans that is my spiritual journey.

A night with the Guides and the joys of having a sister who doesn’t mind witchcraft

In layman’s terms, last night was wild. I share a room with my sister and the vibes have just been super off recently, and I decided I finally wanted to try smoke cleansing (I usually use sound cleansing for the energy in my room.) So I stole bay leaves from my kitchen (we don’t have sage) and my sister and I tried to burn them without nearly burning the house down.

Note:nearly. It’s April fool’s, I work with three trickster gods and quite literally the best friends trio of the Olympian gods. So you know shit was wild.

To start off, my sister and I were trying to light the bay leaves on fire inside this small candle since we didn’t have anywhere to burn it (I’m broom closeted and my sister is the only one who knows and is accepting of it.)

However we just couldn’t get it to stay on fire. And during one of our attempts, my sister dropped a lit match on our wooden floor and she and I lost it.

We blew it out and we were both shaking, not in fear, but at the fact we quite literally were the dumbest bitches alive and nearly burned our house down trying to light bay leaves.

Apollo and Dionysus were there watching us the entire time and were just laughing at our dumbassery. Hermes joined in soon after and the trio were watching us like we were some sitcom. Loki was there too, as he usually is when things nearly go horribly wrong.

Apparently it was part of their April Fool’s joke. Like, there was no burn mark on the floor at all and was no evidence of it happening. No soot, black spot, no nothing. A lit match was dropped on directly exposed wood and there wasn’t even an ember forming. Mind you, the fire on the match was like, big enough to reach halfway down the matchstick.

It was a disaster I swear.

Soon enough, we finally got the bay fire going and it was relaxing. The overall vibe was just really nice and warm, the lights were off and the room was lit up by two candles: one where the bay leaves were burning and another I have for Apollo.

And I decided that since he and the rest of the trio were here, I wanted to play some music. I played Yellow by Coldplay (I consider it to be a song that binds me to Apollo, since the first time I fully felt his presence as a whole was when I invited him to listen to this song with me) as well as some Big Time Rush (I read somewhere he liked BTR so I asked him if he wanted me to play it and his little candle was just going wild so I did.)

Cute anecdote: The fire of Apollo’s candle would flicker in beat to the songs and I thought that was the cutest thing (especially to Boyfriend.)

I sang along to some of the songs and it would flicker as if singing with me. It also happened when I played the Phantom Of The Opera theme for Dionysus, who used the candle we were burning the bay leaves in as his temporary candle. It was really cute.

It was also the first time my sister fully acknowledged the presence of my gods. Both of us are some form of clairvoyant (both of us are very sensitive to energy and in turn, we can see visuals in our head brought about by the energy as if pinpointing certain things like where my deities were sitting in the room; if that makes sense? It’s a bit difficult to explain and put into words and I’m not sure if anyone experiences the same thing, but I initially thought I was crazy until my sister pointed them out too. Then we sorta like, tested each other on it and it worked so far.)

She experienced sitting next to Hermes, feeling his energy directly, she saw Freyja, Lucifer, Apollo, and even felt Aphrodite hold her hand. She told me she’s never experienced something like this before, and I told her that stuff like this just happens at times.

A lot of other wild shenanigans happened last night. Like my sister meeting my deities and guides, feeling their presence, and even witnessing me getting pranked for April Fool’s.

Womenly things; it’s my red week and apparently it was the perfect opportunity for a prank, so some of my gods thought it would be funny to not tell me that I started bleeding through. Loki and Hermes fucking lost it and I was just dying last night. Freyja and Aphrodite were trying to get me to change, etc. Wild night.

I was even visited by an unexpected newcomer in the form of Zeus, who I hadn’t made contact with properly at all. I was doing shadow work earlier on that day with Apollo and apparently Zeus was listening in, I asked Apollo to make sure after witnessing the tree outside my window going batshit crazy because of the wind.

And apparently he wants to work with me too, as I clarified with him earlier today.

Overall, last night was just so positive and warm. I experienced so many surreal encounters with my gods and guides, who were all present with me. Heck, even Asmodeus made an appearance, and I barely interact with him.

I witnessed a lot of stuff too, like Eros and Psyche being lovey dovey, Lucifer being standoffish when I mentioned possibly working with Hades, and even Loki just being outright weird. Ares even went dad mode when he went downstairs with me so I could change since he knew I’m like, a major coward and that I’d be too scared to go alone.

Heck, my sister and I finally got around to locking our numerous mirrors. I showed her how to do it, and I wanted to cry in being a proud sister while watching her figure out how to draw the sigil right.

Also, Apollo hugs and cuddles. Very nice.

I can’t forget what happened later that night though. Everything was going really well until I spotted Apollo’s candle flickering. It usually wasn’t an odd occurrence, but it was like it was trying to get my attention. Apollo’s presence and energy changed a bit, going from warm and amused to something a bit more protective. I then felt something coming from outside the door, like an odd energy. We just cleansed the room, so a lot of lingering entities/energies were kicked out and apparently it was one of them (according to Apollo anyway) and he told us not to go near the door or leave the room anymore.

I could feel a bit of tension coming from some of my gods and guides, such as Ares, Lucifer, and Freyja who were the closest to the door. Even Zeus’s energy seemed a bit tense. My intuition was telling me they were watching it in case something happens, so it began to worry me.

Apollo told me to sleep then, and I in turn asked him if I could put out the candles. However, after my inquiries, he told me that I really couldn’t. I was worried, seeing as it was a literal fire hazard, but I trusted him and the rest of my gods to keep me safe. I am not sure what it meant to keep the candles on or what would happen if I put it out then, but I let them stay on. I couldn’t sleep easily at first, seeing as I didn’t want my house to burn down, but after Apollo’s and Hermes’s coercion, I ended up falling asleep.

Another cute anecdote: holding hands with Apollo is my new favorite thing. Like, he’s such a dad, like I even call him Pater or Papa. He’s just really warm, both in personality and his energy. Hermes too. The two were just looking after me and calming me down so I could sleep already.

I felt safe, with all of my guides being there looking after me.

I woke up pretty abruptly a few hours after, the sun was rising and the energy of the room had changed. I put the candles out, seeing as the odd energy I felt outside the door a few hours prior was gone. I was still sleepy then, and I ended up falling asleep again directly after. I still felt Hermes’s and Apollo’s energy then, and it was just really surreal.

I really love my gods and guides. I really do. I’ve always known it, I know they know it, and now even my sister understands why I confide in them.

In conclusion; burning bay leaves with my guides on April Fool’s night is a totally fantastic and safe bonding experience. Well, if you don’t count dropping a lit match or dealing with a possible energy vampire. Would totally recommend, but be sure to have a fire extinguisher on hand just in case.

Hi guys! Would anyone be interested in me doing a witchy podcast? I plan on discussing general witchy topics as well as other specific topics, such as shadow work, deity work, divination, etc.

On this note, how about a tiktok account focusing on witchcraft? I don’t know how to feel about the baby witch and fake witch stuff I find on my fyp, so I was wondering if you all wanted to see witchtok content from me!

Do let me know how you feel about it!

The Loki Arson chronicles part II

Me and my sister, burning sigils: hopefully we don’t nearly burn the house down this time

Small fire: skrrt skrrt onto the wooden floor I go *pieces of flaming paper proceeds to fall onto floor*

My sister, sitting back in silence: I accept my fate.

Me, panicking while patting the fires out barehanded: FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK–

Loki, in the corner: Let’s gather ‘round the campfire and sing our campfire song–

In the background:



Apollo: *trying not to laugh*

Me, hands covered in ash: Wow gee, thanks guys


What really kills me was that the fire had time to burn marks into our floor but there were none. Not one.

Like,, this happened last time when I was smoke cleansing too–

Heck I put two hand-sized fires out barehanded and I don’t even have a single burn and I just

Loki just likes fire, and messing with me. He likes messing with me using fire. Particularly whenever I have to burn shit through messing with the fire. I still love him though.

Anyways, don’t be like us kids. Be safe. Practice not being a walking fire hazard and please don’t burn sigils inside your house. Thank you.

Daily Simping for Apollo #3

Pet name, pet name. I really want a pet name but I don’t wanna force Apollo to call me anything. I am hoping for a pet name at some point though.

Apollo is just so sweet. He tends to look over my shoulder when I draw, or just tag along whenever I’m going about the house to do things. It’s like the sun is just following me everywhere I go, making the room more positive and bright.

He’s also very warm. I dislike the cold since it makes me uncomfortable, so Apollo showing me affection that therefore grants me warmth is all welcome to me.

Also, Apollo getting excited over Big Time Rush is the cutest. Like, I said I was gonna play Boyfriend by BTR and his little candle flame was going WOOO–!!

He’s also so patient with me, like I honestly don’t deserve it because I know I’m a major pain in the ass but he’s still so warm and sweet I’m sobbing

I got covid at christmas dinner with my fam, how’s that. Anyways, because of it i have connected more with Apollo because of his health aspect and after researching a bit for adding to my grimoire I read many posts saying how they couldn’t worship their deities properly because they saw everyone doing it in a certain way so that made them compare themselves with that certain everyone and made them insecure about their practice…

Which is a mood tbh.

And I feel I have said so many times the same thing on my posts but I will dedicate one just for this, do what it feels right for you and remember social media is fake. So, first, with the social media thing, some of your favorite bloggers or whatever you follow regarding your worship most of the times won’t tell you when they fuck up. I personally don’t sit everyday and say “oh this last month I didn’t move a finger for my worship because of x and x reason” because I don’t feel the need of sharing it, and I know many others who feel the same. 

Imagine this hypothetical scenario. Your mom asks you how you’re doing at school, work, college, whatever and you’re doing really bad because of x reason. The probability you will open up and be honest is very low, we all probably want to say “i’m doing great, achieving all my goals, etc” so when we are not we just rather avoid it. The same happens with worship. There will be exceptions of posts in which we say we fucked up in certains ways, but that wont be constant because the human race has been known for not accepting their mistakes, who would be proud of them tbh.

This leads me to my next point which is don’t be scared to fuck up, the fact that you don’t see everyone messing up doesn’t mean it’s not common to do so… I’m pretty sure everyone has had their downs when it comes to worshipping, the important part is to be able to recover and do something about it. Find a way of worship you feel comfortable with, not a way of worship someone else feels comfortable with.

If there’s something I really like about Hellenism and Paganism in general is how personal the practice can be, there is not a book full of rules to follow, they are just some ground rules and from that you can create your own beautiful practice that fits into your lifestyle and way of living your religious aspect of life. 

So please, don’t compare yourself to people on social media and the way they practice, that’s their personal way that fits into their lifestyle not yours. 

Really short post but im sick so i would rather go to sleep, goodnight and trust your gut. 

I sing, Muses, of gentle healer Apollon,

who hums a divine tune as he stitches wounds.

I sing of Apollon the protector,

who shields the young from horrors.

I sing of shining Phoebus,

whose light caresses the faces of his worshippers.

But I also sing of Apollon of plague,

whose powerful arrows tear through evildoers.

I sing of Apollon the fierce, leader of the hunt,

who spares none of the wicked.

I sing of Apollon the oracle,

whose scathing prophecy makes confused men weep.

Golden lord, you are awe inspiring.

I shall sing your praises far beyond the end of my days.

i don’t know whether i was drawn to lord apollon because of my love for academia or my devotion to music or my fondness of just sitting outside letting the light caress my face or my passion for learning history or my excitement towards art. but honestly, i don’t think it matters. i was captivated by him all the same.

i did NOT just see Lady Artemis throw an arrow to Lord Apollo and chase him down the hallway in an ethereal castle

Saw this little guy hop around and sit down in a patch of dandelions.

Big Apollo energy lmao

Mighty Apollon we know thee
The God in art unsurpassed
In melody present from times immemorial
Who turns nature into music and
Through song turns people


Poderoso Apolo, nós conhecemos-te
O Deus em arte incomparável
Na melodia presente dês tempo imemorial
Que torna a natureza em música e
Pela música faz de alguém um
