#novel illustration



Probably one of the last things I’ll post here, but there’s not really anywhere else I can legitimately show them.

I did these about seven years ago, as part of a sort of self-insert fantasy story I was writing with my girlfriend at the time, with the intent of it being a light novel/illustrated novel. I did these with the obvious intent of finishing them, but we broke up and I didn’t really want to come back to them. It’s something of a shame, because I’ve never done this kind of work before - by that, I mean intimate/sex scenes - and it was fun to work on them.

Again, another case of something that wasn’t to be. I still hold some slender hope that my passion and enthusiasm for drawing might come back, but perhaps it’s time to let it go, find something else that might light that fire in my belly again.

Prorsus et Sursum.

TWG. 28/05/2022.

Artworx copyright ©2016-2022, Trevor W Gratton. Not to be reproduced or reblogged without permission.

willow-s-linda: Fan drawings of Theo, Ruth, and Gangfield from The Valiard Mansion, my friend Ez’ upwillow-s-linda: Fan drawings of Theo, Ruth, and Gangfield from The Valiard Mansion, my friend Ez’ upwillow-s-linda: Fan drawings of Theo, Ruth, and Gangfield from The Valiard Mansion, my friend Ez’ up


Fan drawings of Theo, Ruth, and Gangfield from The Valiard Mansion, my friend Ez’ upcoming illustrated novel :)

Feel free to check out her tumblr http://thevaliardmansion.tumblr.com/

and instagram https://www.instagram.com/thevaliardmansion/?hl=de

they’re filled with the most beautiful and inspiring art!

Incredible artwork of the Valiard characters by the amazingly talented @willow-s-linda!

Thanks so much for making these, girl! They’re stunning! <3

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