#november inuyasha redraw


Because it’s the 25th Anniversary of the Inuyasha Manga. So, I wanted to do something special for this month’s@inuyasharedraw

So, may I present the third of three panels from Chapter 474 - Wounded Heart.

… Inu going into beserker mode with a big big sword. Take that Kao, you creepy bastard.

Panel 1||Panel 2

Because it’s the 25th Anniversary of the Inuyasha Manga.
So, I wanted to do something special for this month’s@inuyasharedraw

So, may I present the second of three panels from Chapter 474 - Wounded Heart.

Inu walks out to see Kaou looming over Kagome. Kao has already made some comment about Kagome being more ‘wounded’ than even Inuyasha, so no doubt he’s about to swing into protective boy mode. And also he’s rightfully pissed off about Kao plundering his painful memories. Which leads us to…

Panel 1||Panel 3

So, I wanted to do something special for this month’s @inuyasharedraw because it’s the 25th Anniversary of the Inuyasha Manga.

I adore Rumiko Takahashi’s art style - she is a goddess, who can display intense emotion and delicateness using an economy of line. I am a humble scribbly artist, who dislikes choosing just one line when perhaps ten will do. But I’ve done my best here.

So, may I present the first of three panels from Chapter 474 - Wounded Heart.

Inuyasha has just been woken from a dream by Kagome, a deadly dream about Kikyou where he cried bloody tears. They’re battling Kaō the Flower Prince, a powerful youkai who feeds on the sorrows of others and then feeds their used bodies to the soil. He’s looking for both Kagome and Kaō, and he walks out to see…

Panel 2||Panel 3
