#nsft text


honestly i’m just feeling in a very Soft mood right now… would very much like to sit in a lap completely naked and just get petted and touched and just be intimate more than horny… i’ll make cute noises too i promise

god i love it when monsters have like some aphrodisiac substance that causes me to just melt in their grasp and just ready to get used. best thing about it is that it can come in multiple forms~.

tentacles that shove a tentacle down my throat and starts pumping into me a thick sweet substance that makes me just go into bliss, just sucking on the tentacle down my throat peacefully as tentacles pound my cunt and breed me mercilessly? yes .

venom that a vampire injected into me that makes me so desperate i start whining and squirming at any touch, grinding against the air just looking for any relief? yes.

saliva from a demon that makes my mind get fuzzy and makes me unable to think about anything but pleasure? yes.

many different possibilities!!!!!!!!!

oh to be an incubator for a naga

my back is facing her as she holds onto me tightly from behind, her tail coiled snugly around my legs and torso, keeping me nice and still as she breeds me~. one of her cocks- her ovipositor, obv- is buried deep inside me, nestled right in my womb, where it belongs! it doesn’t hurt, because she has pumped me full of her venom, making me nice and loose for her eggs, and ofc, making me so horny my cunt is drooling and dripping onto her other cock, which is patiently waiting to violate me next with her seed.

she doesn’t have a large clutch this time, but her eggs are massive- feeling the lump in her ovipositor slowly go up is agonizing, making me so noisy she has to move her hand one time to shove into my mouth to suck on since i’m that desperate. when it finally pops out into my womb, she lets out a relieved hiss right into my ear, telling me i’m so perfect for her eggs, so tight and warm, and i just moan around her fingers, wanting to incubate more!! she has to keep on adjusting her tail around me because of my belly swelling the more she lays in me. she ends up only laying 4 eggs in me, my stomach having a noticeable bump now, but she’s not done yet!

i cry when she pulls her ovipositor out of me- i want to incubate more egggss- but she quickly has her other cock in me, pounding against me and the eggs, the feeling too much that my eyes roll to the back of my head and i’m just a mess of sounds. when she fills me with her seed i see her adjust her tail even more as my tummy swells more, and gods, it’s so warm and i feel so loved and honored to be here. she marks my neck as she fils me with her seed, and i feel so proud to be able to show people that i’m her incubator. once she’s done, she removes her hand from my mouth and strokes my stomach, telling me i look beautiful with her clutch with pure affection.

i feel so proud and happy to be an incubator!

auggghhhh i’m thinking about an alien just being utterly fascinated by me and wanting to study me extensively. they’ve had me on their ship for a while, and have taken me far away from earth for observations, and in their interactions with me i can tell they have taken quite a liking to me. maybe they like how soft my body feels, and how i naturally radiate heat, and how i look at them with such curious eyes, but one thing i know for sure is that they like the various sounds i can produce.

they like my laugh because it makes their body rumble, and they like the gasps i make when they probe at me… i’m very sensitive to touch, they realize soon, and that i can produce a various amount of sounds that makes them get excited and even more fascinated by me through that. so ofc they start testing that out, and it doesn’t take them too long to discover that touching my breasts and cunt is a sure fire way to make me produce noises that make their core warm.

they always end up overstimulating me because they just relentlessly probe at me with their fingers deep inside my cunt and still continue after i cum all over their hand, not stopping until i am just a shaking mess who can’t form words anymore or make nice sounds. they love it, i can tell, with the way their antennae buzzes with excitement when they explore me… they tell me, their voice unlike anything i ever heard, about how they want me to be their research subject, no, how i *am* their research subject, i’m far too intriguing to not explore further. i guess there goes my chances of ever returning back to earth.

this begins their very extensive research on my reproductive system. i’m happy to oblige to whatever invasive experiment they have come up with, and i am hooked up to a variety of machines regularly to test how far a cock can be buried into my various holes, how much i can be bred, things like that. of course, they do their own manual experimentation too, not being able to just watch a machine fuck me senseless, they have become quite obsessed with the feeling of me in their hands. they want to test all my limits- see how loud i can get, how much i can handle. they are enthralled with me in their own way, going about it procedurally, but i can tell that they are doing all of these out of sheer affection for my little human self. i’m quite pleased with just being tested on forever as a good test subject.

i don’t like it when people call turning me into a mindless pet is “breaking” me… i’m just being made into exactly what i am supposed to be, aren’t i? there’s no breaking in that!! i’m getting trained to serve, because that’s what i was made to do!

i’ve . been thinking about being owned by a demon queen lately…

maybe i got sacrificed to her (or maybe i offered myself up to her) but she saw me as a pretty little thing and decided that i would look perfect on her cock, and chose to keep me..

i’d ofc be a good toy for her!!! she’s my queen, after all, i’ll be a nice warm place for her to keep her cock in when she’s sitting on her throne. her cock is so huge for my little body and i barely fit on her, and you can see a clear outline through my tummy of how far she’s in me, her entire shaft pushing my body to its limits. every single movement she makes makes me whine and squirm on her, desperate for friction, but she ignores my mewls and just pets me absentmindedly as she focuses on whatever she’s doing so i be quiet. she’ll play with me when she wants to.

and how she loves playing with me!! she loves just touching me even slightly and watching me start mewling again, words long having since left my brain. she makes sure i’m constantly on edge so i can be as sensitive as possible, and she finds it entertaining when she just has to rub her thumb over one of my nipples to get me to cum. her laugh is low and growly when she sees how desperate i am. sometimes she’ll pick me up effortlessly off her cock and instead make me worship it instead, make me kiss and suck at it and drink up any drop of cum she feeds me. she sometimes tries to ask me about my life before i was her toy, and my brain feels fuzzy and i can’t remember, but she just chuckles and pets me when she sees me struggling to remember. all i care about is being good to her now, anyways, who cares about who i was before. i’m happy and content worshipping and serving my queen.

you know, even when i’m knocked up with eggs, i’d still think my hormones would cause me to get nice and milky!

it’s so cute to see my breasts swell along my tummy as the eggs grow inside me, isnt it…? my nipples will go and turn dark as i get more engorged with milk… not to mention how sensitive i’ll get! even the slightest touch causes me to make mewling noises and milk to dribble down my chest, onto my stomach, following the patterns the eggs are making on my stomach as it drips down. ahhh, my breasts feel so full and heavy, i’m just aching to get milked. you would do that for me, right? especially when i start begging you to touch me more, begging to milk me until i’m dry?

i’d love to get chosen by a monster lady to be her personal little incubator pet. of course i’ll be a little surprised i got chosen at first, but she will just stroke her claws through my hair and say i’m too adorable to be anything else, breeding me with my first clutch then and there as i whimper and drool as her ovipositor fills me slowly, my legs shaking as cum drips out of my cunt. she keeps on petting me the entire time, saying that i look even cuter full with eggs.

i soon forget about anything else. mistress is so kind and spoils me often, petting me and feeding me sweet treats, telling me what a good girl i am as she caresses my swollen stomach. after i give birth to my first clutch, i whine and rub my stomach, feeling so empty, and she just laughs lightly and hoists me back onto her ovipositor, telling me i don’t need to worry my pretty little head, i’m her incubator now. i cry out with joy as i get filled to the brim again, and i fall asleep content and happy in her lap with my womb full, wanting nothing more than to carry my mistress’ clutch forever and be a good girl for her.


would like to eat a boy out until he’s pulling my hair and shaking so hard i have to hold him down right abt now >:0(

he/him, cishets dni

abt me updated~

- 20 years of age

- trans masc

- he/him

- bi with preference for men (i just say i’m mlm or queer, though i also am attracted to every trans person of any form because we’re hot, sexuality is what i make of it)

- verse/switch, just depends on who i’m with

- about a year and a half on testosterone

- been with Him for over a year now :0)

- in an open relationship. so if you are a fellow trans person (if you’re cis stay the fuck away from me, i only want the cis guy i already got, everybody else can leave) then uh hmu perchance thru dms/asks ;3 not tryna b romantic w anybody else tho just like, honry yanno lol

DNI if~

- minors or no age in bio. i feel extremely uncomfortable with kids anywhere near accounts such as mine. i post/reblog shit for/from adults only.

- cishet individuals of any kind. period end of sentence. this is a queer only space. weird old cis guys thinking i’m a girl with the terminology i tend to use can get fucked.

ok onto KINKS I AM INTO~~

- breeding

- spanking/slapping/impact play

- edging

- spitting

- praise/degradation

- cnc

- somno

- bondage

- exhibitionism

- group/orgy

- overstim

kinks i’m interested in exploring a lil more~

- petplay

- master/slave

- humiliation

- monster fucking


- detrans/misgendering

- piss/scat/vom

- ageplay/cgl

- incest

that’s abt it lol ;3
