#nsfw ment







unrelated but the genre of post that’s like “omg judaism and SEX??!? judaism and DRUGS??!?? there’s no way judaism would ever have anything to say about such deprived subjects so we should just like make up fake halacha about it as a joke!!!”

are so exhausting

like yeah there is actually halacha that’s either about this or can be legitimately extrapolated to this and it’s not actually scandalous it’s just life? or even if it would be sociologically scandalous to the people who’ve created halacha throughout the generations they’re not afraid of it halachically

this isn’t christianity where it’s like hOw DaRe YoU tAlK aBoUt SuCh ThInGs

and it just feels like weirdly ignorant and sensationalizing at the same time

no you can’t use your chanukah candles as part of wax play but it’s not because ooooooo kink is scandalous it’s cause you can’t use chanukah candles for something else and then stick them in a menorah, and you also can’t take them out before they’re done burning (i don’t think).

no the bracha for weed is not “borei pri haganja” please shut up. it’s also not a food bracha unless it’s an edible because smoking a thing is not eating it. it’s probably borei minei b’samim or one of the similar ones about smells (not sure which). halacha still has consistent rules even when the subject is sCaNdAlOuS ooooooo

and then on the other hand “omg judaism DOESN’T HATE SEX??!!?? lol lol lol also i heard that a religious jew smoked wEeD” are exhausting too.

it just feels fetishistic and like you’re coming at it from a christian-culture perspective. which i get it, in the US we all are immersed in christian culture so i understand why this happens but it’s still annoying. it’s only wild and funny if you assume there’s something inherently at odds with religion about these topics.

look, traditional judaism is not even that sex-positive. there’s a lot of weird shit going on tbh. but it also is fine with discussing a really wide range of stuff in a halachic context. like there is a lot in the talmud about sex. some of it it misogynistic and not great but like… it’s discussed. and it’s normal that it’s discussed because sex is a thing humans do. this should not really be that shocking

lmao I JUST saw a debate in a Jewish kink group I’m in about using channuka candles for waxplay


  • you can do it with the Shamash
  • don’t do it with the other candles
  • maybe don’t do it with channuka candles at all? but only cause they weren’t made for that, you should really get pure paraffin candles, shabbat candles would actually be better, y'know-
  • if you must, you could always use last year’s candles
  • oh, at least two people in the group have done that already. cool.
neopronouns: musilustwhoric: a gender related to cupcakke’s music, ayesha erotica’s music, hypersexuneopronouns: musilustwhoric: a gender related to cupcakke’s music, ayesha erotica’s music, hypersexu


musilustwhoric:a gender related to cupcakke’s music, ayesha erotica’s music, hypersexuality, oversexuality, lust, and identifying as a whore

for anon! colors are from one of cupcakke’s album covers, one of ayesha erotica’s album covers, and just generally colors that make me think of various aspects of the term. the term combines ‘musi’ from ‘music’, ‘lust’, ‘whor’ from ‘whore’, + ‘ic’!

because of the sexual nature of this term, i ask that minors please dni!

flag id: a flag with 5 stripes. in order, they are near-black, bright pink-red, pink, light pink, and blue-white. end id.

dni transcript here

Post link

One of my longtime follows keeps putting freddy fazbear cock on my dash what the fuck do i even do about this. Why.
