#sex ment

hypersuccumor: a gender related to being hypersexual, being a succubus, and not just being a sexual hypersuccumor: a gender related to being hypersexual, being a succubus, and not just being a sexual

hypersuccumor:a gender related to being hypersexual, being a succubus, and not just being a sexual being

for anon! colors are inspired by various hypersexual flags i’ve seen and my succugender redesign, plus a shade of green (opposite of red/pink) to represent the nonsexual aspect of this gender. the term combines ‘hypers’ from ‘hypersexual’, ‘succu’ from ‘succubus’, + ‘mor’ from ‘more’!

due to the nature of this term, i ask that minors do not interact! you can use this term, just don’t interact with the post. thank you!

flag id: a flag with 5 stripes. in order, they are near-black, very dark red, dark red-pink, red-pink, and light mint green. end id.

dni transcript here

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virgin elf vs chad vampire

14 whole pages apart :]

neopronouns: musilustwhoric: a gender related to cupcakke’s music, ayesha erotica’s music, hypersexuneopronouns: musilustwhoric: a gender related to cupcakke’s music, ayesha erotica’s music, hypersexu


musilustwhoric:a gender related to cupcakke’s music, ayesha erotica’s music, hypersexuality, oversexuality, lust, and identifying as a whore

for anon! colors are from one of cupcakke’s album covers, one of ayesha erotica’s album covers, and just generally colors that make me think of various aspects of the term. the term combines ‘musi’ from ‘music’, ‘lust’, ‘whor’ from ‘whore’, + ‘ic’!

because of the sexual nature of this term, i ask that minors please dni!

flag id: a flag with 5 stripes. in order, they are near-black, bright pink-red, pink, light pink, and blue-white. end id.

dni transcript here

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