#nutty is nuts


Happy Mothers Day to me. My hubby told me he was lucky he did not throw me into a volcano.

Me: Eldest daughter will protect me!

Eldest daughter: Nah, I’ll help hoist you up!



Not until tomorrow for us US folk, but apparently Mother’s Day is in a few parts of the world I’ve learned.

So Happy Mother’s Day most especially to the moms and grand moms out there. Nurturing another human is by far the most amazing super power, and it’s the great moms out there that inspire me to be a better person. You all deserve more than a single day, because your contribution is endless.

Thank you. Enjoy your celebration.

Happy Mums Day to all those mums who have furry, scaly, slimy, multi-legged or photosynthesizing babies too. They are just as precious and just as evil as any child :D

And the love and care is always there.

::massive group hug::

Slept through my alarm. Wake up 45 minutes later than I should, leaving ten minutes to eat, ten minutes to dress and no time for anything else.



(Trying to shove breakfast down my throat)



I wanna write…::faceplants on keyboard and starts snoring::

::passes Nutty a pillow::

::curls around pillow::

::dreams about Virgil and kryptonite::

I wanna write…::faceplants on keyboard and starts snoring::






First cold morning of the year. Something like 14C in my kitchen.

Rugged up in winter coat and beanie to drive to work.

But still need to wear sunglasses because it rained overnight, the road is wet and the sun reflecting off it will rip your eyeballs out.


(Dislike winter intensely, there will be the annual whinging)

And here I am, happy that it was 14 outside for pretty much the first time this year and I could finally go outside in a t-shirt.

This is a sign of how I could not live in certain parts of the planet.

Nutty die of lack of sun and blood circulation.


I’m with @myladykayo 14c? Heaven. I spent half the day out side with my Preschoolers, only needed jumpers or hoodies not thick coats. Even when it started chucking it down it was still warm.

I don’t do well in the heat at all, give it another month in the UK and I’ll be wearing suncream.

Another month? The British sun already has the power to burn my pasty skin! Bank Holiday Sun is officially more powerful than normal sun.

This morning it is 7C!

::shivers:: And I have to wait until September for the warmth to come back. ::shivers more::

::mutters general grumbling about winter::

@womble1 I hear ya. It takes me less than ten minutes to burn. Aussie sun is literally a killer.

But I want it back anyway ::pouts::


(Who now needs to change into work clothes, but does not want to take pyjamas off to do so. Stupid weather)
