#nuzlocke challenge


In a Hoenn that is home to a brewing war between rival cults, a lone trainer is sent to stop them from messing with forces far beyond their control. Regular rules apply, plus my own house rule of reverse-dupe clause for some extra spice. In other words: it’s going down, y'all.


The beginning of Emerald really makes you wonder how Birch has managed to hold onto his professor title if he can’t even deal with a Zigzagoon.

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November is here, I am back, Booker’s phone is ringing at 4 in the morning, and we’re gonna meet his starter soon. How’ve y'all been during this short hiatus?

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You ever have a dream that felt so real, it sticks with you even after you wake up?

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Page 5 is up! Booker is slowly starting to get the impression the god of all Pokemon doesn’t like him very much.

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In other news, I kept a consistent schedule for a whole 3 weeks before I got sucked into the FFXV rabbit hole again by replaying episode Ardyn. This is your Official Crane Recommendation to forget anything negative you’ve about that game and go play it.

Felt like posting some more WIP stuff— I find thumbnailing nuzlocke pages traditionally with pen and paper way faster than doing it digitally. Here’s a sneak peak of the next comic page, with tastefully blocked out dialogue ;) Enjoy my messy handwriting where it is visible though.

New page is up! Reminder that you can follow along on the Nuzlocke Forums or Deviantart!

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Booker is very quickly realizing he may have gotten caught up in a fight he doesn’t really wanna be a part of.

Heads up y'all, it’s announcement time: Emerald Run is now up on the Nuzlocke Forums, and with a proper cover to boot! I hope you enjoy what’s to come no matter where you choose to follow along- ‘till the next update, take care!

Alternatively,read it right here on tumblr.
