#nyander guard

An Animal Hero Naoto Matsumura defied the evacuation orders of the Japanese government and returned

An Animal Hero 

Naoto Matsumura defied the evacuation orders of the Japanese government and returned to the irradiated area of Fukushima back in 2011 to save abandoned animals. He lives in seclusion with them to this day & needs funding ❤️ Donate here: https://www.plumfund.com/community-cro…/savefukushimaanimals

In addition, the Nyander Guard Animal Rescue is a small B&B that has rescued hundreds of cats and dogs in the aftermath of the Fukushima crisis. Get a pet photo in exchange for a donation here: http://nyanderguard.org/items.html and learn more here: http://nyanderguard.org/index_ENGLISH.html


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