#nyotalia prussia

Because ladies didn’t command divisions of panzers! (Or knights… or anything else for t

Because ladies didn’t command divisions of panzers! (Or knights… or anything else for that matter… Prussia was an army with a state, not a state with an army.) Let’s quote Voltaire, yes.

Mod 1 feels personally victimized by the fem!Prussia mini-skirt; The design is cool, but so impractical! Mod 2 just thinks this is hilarious.

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[Hetaween 2021]: Day 11  - Kissing Death

Warning: contains NUDITY


And in the end, she did not fear…for Death held her in a warm embrace.


“Prussia is dead” jokes aside, I just had to draw either Gilbert or Julchen in this concept..so Julchen it was!!

Tumblr please don’t fl4g me, that part showing is for artistic purposes only, and if you come at me you’re a freaking hypocrite



[Previous:Gourmet Vampire] | Day 11 | [Next: Surprise~]

Unfiltered version under the cut
