#obey me characters



Something had snapped inside of them. They couldn’t take hearing anymore insults being directed towards their first man anymore. Especially not after knowing everything he’s done to keep them happy, at the sacrifice of his own.

And now he was gone. How ironic it was that even in death, their precious golden knight couldn’t Rest In Peace.





“Mammon left this family because you only ever saw the WORST in him!”

“MammonDIDN’T care about this family!”

“HeLOVED this family!”

Silence rang out throughout the room, only heavy breathing could be heard. Air full of tension, anger, and sadness.

Wiping tears off their face, Mc took in a gulp of air and glared at Lucifer, “He loved this family more than anythingin the world..” Mc turned and made their way towards the door. Hand on the knob, they turned back one last time.

“He really was too good for this family…”






In the corner of the living room, there stood a ghostly figure. White hair glittering gentle under soft light, anxious sun-kissed hands fumbling and picking at each other. Bright blue sapphire eyes dulled by sadness and a heart wrenching smile on his lips.

“I’m sorry… I never meant to hurt any of you.”

A light flickered only slightly before being stuffed out.





The desire to write a fanfiction of Mammon just losing it when one of his brothers decides to steal something from him as Payback.




Mammon Head Canon #9

Today was Mammon’s birthday, and there was only one thing in the world that he wanted for today. No, it wasn’t money, or expensive jewelry and colognes. For just one day, one full uninterrupted day, he wanted to spend the day alone with his big brother Lucifer. 

He could already see it in his mind, He’d take him to all his favorite places. The first stop would be the big golden casino near the 8th circle. There, he’d show Lucifer all the tricks up his sleeve. Then with the money they would win, they’ll head down to Deja Vu. He’d pick out all his favorites dishes and have Lucifer try them with him. After, they would head to Majolish, and have Lucifer pick an outfit for him while he does the same. Then, finally, they would have dinner at Ristorante Six. 

By the time, Mammon made his way to Lucifer’s office and knocked on the door, he was already buzzing in place. He couldn’t help the nervous jitters that escaped him; after all, it’d been so long since just the two of them hung out. Hearing lucifer’s voice broke him out of his stupor.  Bouncing on the heels of his feet, Mammon stood in front of Lucifer and his desk.

“Are ya ready to head out? Time’s a wasting you know!” He grinned and leaned forward putting the palms of his hand onto his desk. Lucifer grimaced at the sound of crumpled paper under Mammon’s hands, but chose to ignore it otherwise. Letting out a sigh, he stood from his chair and took off his reading glasses before making his way around the desk and toward the coat rack by the door.

“Yes, let’s hurry this along now. I have a ton of work to get done that cannot be delayed more than this.” He threw on his coat and made his way out the door not sparing a single glance back. Though if he had, he would’ve seen Mammon’s smile become just a bit dimmer and worry gnawing at him through his eyes.





Arriving at the casino, Mammon was ecstatic. He’d finally have a chance to show off his skills to Lucifer! And not be a complete and utter disappointment. Turning around, he grinned at Lucifer before grasping his wrist and pulling him inside. The entire time there, Mammon would haul him around to every section and have him try his hand with him together. Sure, they didn’t win all the time but Mammon was having a blast! He was so happy, he was finally able to have some alone time with his big brother. As embarrassed as he was to admit it, Mammon missed the times when it was only him and Lucifer. And so, being so happy he didn’t notice the look of irritation forming on Lucifer’s face.

“That’s enough Mammon.” Lucifer huffed, pulling his arm free from mammon’s grasp.

“Wah! B-but we’re barely getting started! We’re not even half way through the second floor yet!” Mammon whined, reaching back over to him, to grab his arm again. Only for Lucifer to dodge him and take a few steps back, where he huffed one more time and rubbed at the bridge of his nose.

“I don’t care. Thismay seem like fun to you, but to someone like me it isn’t. I am quite fed up with being here.” Without even waiting for a response, Lucifer turned on his heel and made his way out, leaving Mammon all by himself. And all Mammon could do was watch him leave as small bits of sadness began to pile up inside of him.

“ ‘s all right. He’s jus’ a lil stressed out from all the paper work he’s been doing… Yeah, that has to be it.” Mammon mumbled to himself quietly, looking at his reflection from the golden floors of the casino. “He’ll end up way more relaxed later!”





Yet, no matter how much he reassured himself, the weight of Lucifer’s words were never lifted. Especially after all the trips they made through the Devildom, where his words seemed to gain more and more venom as they progressed. Stop after stop, Lucifer would become fed up. Complaining and saying how he’s had enough, never once did he stop and consider how Mammon must’ve felt. Though it seemed that missing their reservation at Ristorante Six, is what did it for him.

“I can’t believe you were able to mess up our reservation so badly. How did you even manage to mistake the time up?” Lucifer sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that day. Lord Diavolo, help him, he could already feel a migraine forming. “Regardless, I am tired. I think it’d be best if we made our way home now.” He began to walk away.

Mammon made no move to following him though. Instead he chose to call out to him. “You have done nothing but tell me how bored you were.”

Lucifer stopped in his tracks and turned to face him, a slight look of concern showed on his face, when he noticed that Mammon not once turned to look him in the eyes. Of course, he felt guilty for the way he’s acted today, but could you blame him? Everything they had done today was nothing short of irritating for him. Softly sighing, he opened his mouth to speak but Mammon beat him to it.

“I was the chore, the job you didn’t want to do.” There was slight quiver to his voice, accompanied by soft sniffles. Raising his head, Mammon’s watery eyes locked with Lucifer’s shocked ones, before he continued. “But to me Lucifer, to me you were everything…”





This was based off of the post made by @misskokomi which I never ended up finding but do remember saying I would write.


Mammon’s Purpose

Some angels had a purpose, something to live for. It’s what gave these angels life. Of course, not every angel had to serve a purpose. Most of the angels made were made of the love of their father. Yet, what happened to those who had roles to fulfill? Had accomplished what they were made for?

With no longer having a purpose to serve, they are called back into the universe. Along with them goes all the memories made. People around them begin to forget, slowly like a small trickle of water down a hill and finally into a large pond. They are forgotten.

Mammon knew what his purpose was. He has always known, ever since he was but a small cherub held in the arms of his father who had named him. He also knew when his time would come.

It wasn’t painful, he would tell himself. Of course it hurt to know that the people he had cared for so deeply slowly began to forget him. Still he kept the smile bright on his lips with a jump in his step.

But even so he couldn’t stop the tears that dropped from his eyes nor could he stop the Silent pleas and prayers that slipped from his lips once the sun had set. Soon. His time was coming soon. He could feel it.

Taking in a shaky breath, Mammon stood up on trembling legs. Slowly, so slowly he moved towards the door. He could hear them all down stairs laughing and having fun. Even more tears began to spill down his cheeks as he slumped his head against his door and slipped to the floor. One trembling hand still grasping at the handle of the door, as he muttered small prayers under his last breath.

“Lord, no. Father, please give me one more chance. I’m begging you. Let me stay with them just a bit longer!”

Yet no matter how many times he called to his father, not once was he answered. Was this his punishment for disobeying him so? To watch as the people he loved slowly forget him? But why? He hadn’t disobeyed completely.

After all, he had completed through with his purpose up until now, hadn’t he? He had loved his brothers with his entire being. That’s what he was meant to do. Yet, why was it that his purpose was deemed complete when there was still so much to care and love for them.

It was too much to bare! His heart hurt, his throat felt constricted, he couldn’t breath in this room anymore. And so with urgency, he ripped open his bedroom door open and sprinted down the halls of the house. Following the sounds of laughter down to the living room, he could feel bits of himself slowly start to disappear.

No! Please! Not yet! Let me at least make it to them in time!

Vision so blurry from the tears, he missed a step on the way down the stair case. As he fell, it was as if time had stopped. He could only hear his brothers laughter from the living room and the air rushing past his ears as he fell.

Suddenly, it was quiet. No loud thump from what should’ve been a body hitting the floor. Only a small clink of a sound, as a pair of sunglasses laid at the bottom of the stair case. Frame, scratched and well worn and lens cracked and crooked from the fall.

Ah, his time had run out.





Mammon Head Canon #7

Mammon’s Effort




“I give up.”

Silence rang out throughout the room. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to look at the scene. There in the middle stood the 7 rulers of hell’s circles, and in the middle of them all stood Mammon, the avatar of greed. Who would usually be all laughs and smiles was now reduced to an almost empty husk of his former self. His once bright blue sapphire eyes now dulled to a dark shade of navy blue, all light gone from his eyes and happy smile gone from his face replaced by a sad one in its stead.

Mammon lets out a small pitiful laugh while rubbing his eye with his palm before dropping his hand to his side. He looks away from his brothers choosing to turn his back toward them as he walks away. Only once does he turn his head to look at them, only then do they themselves see his dulled eyes and sad smile on his lips.

“I give up. I’m tired of fighting. I don’t care if you guys think I’m scum, a thief, or a dirty lowlife. I just wish we could’ve been brothers again one last time..”

With that mammon completely turned his back to his brothers, not an ounce of hesitance in his steps as he made his way to the door. Oddly enough, it wasn’t sadness itself that weighed him down but relief.





Mammon head canon #6

How long has it been seen the Devildom has fallen to ruin? Since the angels and demons went to war? How long had it been since his brothers and himself had a good nights rest without the anxious worry gnawing at their throats and heart? The worry of being killed at any second by the same once holy beings they used to be? The worry of having to protect his younger brothers from impending doom should they ever be caught by the angels? He couldn’t tell anymore. When was the last time he had seen all his brothers? When was the last time they had sat down together as a family, not fearing for their lives but together enjoying the moment they ever do rarely received? He could feel everything yet nothing at all. From the pulsing of his feet to the numbness of his finger tips.

Finally having been given a break, Mammon makes his way back home. If it could even still be called that. The house of Lamination, what once was a large home full of maybe not life and laughter but damn near close was now nothing but an empty husk of what it used to be. Windows boarded and closed, encased in protective charms and curses, and surrounded by ancient ruins in hopes of keeping out the angels. Swiftly and carefully as to not attract any wayward attention, Mammon makes his way inside before carefully closing the door and replacing the protective spells again. And if he happens to use a bit more magic in making them even stronger then there no ones around to be non the wiser. Finally being able to relax slightly he lets his shoulders slump and lets out a puff of air, making his way to the kitchen he passes a mirror.

He looks horrible. Worn and torn from all the fighting, so so so very tired from the constant battles and from being the front lines so often. He could feel his body ache and pain. Bones and muscles screaming out in pain and protest from over use, even with his enhanced healing abilities. Looking back once more he rubs at his eyes, in hope and in vain in making the dark circles under his disappear. He looks away and sighs before ruffling his hair into an even more disastrous mess than before. Not paying attention Mammon didn’t notice when his brothers had come out of their rooms, taking notice of his disheveled appearance and lack of proper sleep. Asmo, always the one to preach about self-care comes up to him, gently placing his hand on his shoulder. Though that seemed to be a mistake, as before he could even begin to process the floor beneath him disappeared and he was slammed against the wall an arm pressed up against his throat.

Mammon knew that he was home, knew that there was no danger to come to him here but some instincts are harder to control when having been in constant battle. So it wouldn’t, shouldn’t have come as a shock to anyone if he was a bit disgruntled when he felt a sudden weight on his should with his back turned. After all angels weren’t all pure and holy as the humans made them out to seem.

Breathing heavy and eyes wild, mammon can barely process as to what just happened. Only to be snapped out of it by the soft whimpering of his little brother. Quickly mammon removes his arm from his brothers throat, before stammering out apologies and reaching for his brother. Gasping and recoiling out of shock, Asmo flinches away from his touch. His brothers surround Asmo, asking him if he’s alright and checking on him. Mammon feels out of place, he feels horrified by what he’s just done. He can’t stop looking at his hands, hands that he swore to only use to protect his brothers and never to harm them. Mammon is once again snapped out of his stupor by a hand at his shoulder, though this time there’s someone stronger than him to stop him from flinging this brother away, it’s Lucifer.

“Mammon.” That’s all he says but he understands. He knows. He knows alright? That he’s no longer on the battle field but at home, with his brothers. But he’s just so tired. His body has become so accustomed to the hardships of the battle field, adapted like no other. After all he wasn’t known as a warrior back in the celestial realm for nothing. He sighs softly before rubbing at his face, tiredness more than evident.

“M’ sorry bout that..” he mumbles out an apology. He can feel all their eyes on him. Wether it’s in anxiousness or something else completely he can’t tell. Finally having the courage to look up he can now get a good look at his brothers since he’s come home. He notes that some look worse than others while others look a bit better off, not surprising since none of them are on the front lines like him. Expect for maybe Beel but even then he’s never kept out there for too long as he needs to stay and protect the youngest of them here.

The room was suffocating.

Asmo is the first one to break the silence and atmosphere, reassuring them that he’s fine, even if faint finger marks begin to purple on his neck. The rest soon begin to follow suit, albeit slower, still throwing a few cautious looks toward Mammon. Lucifer, with his hand still on Mammon’s shoulder, leads him away from the rest of them. In the next room, Lucifer begins to question him. Tired and too drained to be able to focus Mammon can’t make out what he’s saying, what he can make out though is the strong yet caring grip his elder brother has on him. Not being able to hold out for much longer, Mammon allows exhaustion to take him over and slumps against him. Only a single thought going through his mind before he let slumber and darkness over take him.

when was the last time he had rest?








I have been seeing a lot of Armageddon obey me stories and really wanted to try my hand out on this. I may add on more in the future since I seem to like this concept very much.









Mammon cries when he’s frustrated.

Being real here, I don’t think Mammon would ever be one of those physically mad people. I think Mammon has such a will to notterrify his brothers that he holds in his anger/frustration that when he does happen to get angry/frustrated, he cries.

That’s not to say that he won’t get physical at some point. Not on his brothers but maybe his surroundings. Say, throwing things around his room because he just gets so tiredof his mistreatment but has no outlet except crying when he does.

And he absolutely hates that about himself.

Mammon messes up a lot and he knows that. He’s trying his best, he really is! But, it’s just so tiring for him. It’s tiring trying to be someone he’s not. It’s tiring trying to stop being so damn clumsy all the time. It’s tiring having to go against his sin just so he can some type of affection from his family.

He’s just so tired.






Mammon had studied so hard for his test, yet why couldn’t any of the material just stick? He knew Lucifer and his brothers would find out eventually, mocking him for not getting a good grade, despite having tried his best. He regrets not taking Satan up on his offer of helping him study but it’d likely only end in failure as well, after all he was only an idiot. Thoughts began to filter through his head. ‘How could ya be so stupid!’ ‘It was such an easy thing!’ ‘All you know is how to mess up.’ ‘Ya only had ta do one thing.’ He beats himself up about it. Reprimanding himself. Scolding himself. Wishing he could be different. Wishing he could have been better. Everything would have been so different if he had just been better.

He becomes frustrated. He can feel his eyes turn warm and begin to sting. He rubs at his eyes and curses when he can feel the beginning of tears forming at the corners. He becomes even more frustrated when tears begin to flow freely down his face. ‘Stop it. Don’t cry, don’t ya dare cry now!’ He rubs at his eyes until the area around them is a flushing red. His cheeks start to sting a bit from all the rubbing once the tears start again.

He can’t take it anymore.





Out of pure anger and frustration, he grabs the nearest object and chucks it at the wall. At first comes the shock and regret from letting his emotions get the best of him, but then comes the relief. Relief on finally being able to do something. Relief that the tears had finally stopped. He just feels relief. So, he does it again. Uncoordinated and fueled by his raw emotions he begins to rain havoc on everything in his room. Tearing and ripping at his clothes, breaking expensive ornaments, shattering all the mirrors he can see, tearing open his pillows and bed. It’s a long while but once he’s done, it quiet. All he could hear was his harsh breathing and the blooding rushing to his head. He lets out a shaky breath before putting his hands to his face.

Regret. He regrets doing it.

But the relief was so overwhelming. Finally, finally he had some form of letting everything out instead of just crying and sobbing like some helpless child. It had just felt so freeing that he hadn’t given it a second thought. Now though, sitting in the middle of his room surrounded by the destructions he created he couldn’t help but cry again. He should’ve been better.

He was just glad he was home alone. After all what would Lucifer say if he caught acting like such a child? And what of his other brothers? They’d have a field day if they found out about this! He sighs. He gets up, goes to the bathroom and washes his face. Once he comes back he sets work, cleaning and disposing of everything he’s destroyed. Bags of destroyed objects begin to pile. One after the other until there’s a mountain of them. He should hurry and finish before his brothers get home.

He does manage to finish before they get home but from then on it’s a never ending cycle. Small bit of relief he had felt in that moment was intoxicating.

How could he just forget that feeling?






Mammon took care of Satan.

Let’s be honest, Mammon, was and still is, I’d say the most compassionate one out of the demon bros. So I don’t think it would really be much of a stretch that he cared for him in some way.

Taking into account lots of the factors, Mammon was probably more open about how he felt and felt no need to hide or play ‘tsundere’ when they first fell. He might have even tried getting closerto his brothers after, inevitability ending in failure because they’re grieving.

Ultimately he understood that they were grieving and decided to give them space while still making sure to care for all of them in someway or another. Whether it was buying small accessories for Asmo to help with getting used to his sin or making sure leviathan didn’t just stay cooped up in his room, leaving beel an extra serving of food after dinner, carrying belphie back to his bed after falling asleep in random places to even leaving warm cups of tea outside Lucifer’s room after he finished his paperwork for the day.

All in all, they were a bunch of sad sacks sitting around the house. Mammon probably also looked for ways to distract himself about Lilith’s death and well what better way than taking care of his new baby brother.






Now this isn’t his first rodeo. He’s had five other younger brothers and one sister to care for when they were back up in the celestial realm. So when Lucifer, one day out of nowhere comes home with a small bundle of green in his arms that’s immediately pushed into his with only a small mumble of “here,” he was more than ready.

At first it was pretty smooth sailing for them, sure there were a few ups and down, what with him having bowls of baby food thrown at him and having to deal with his temper tantrums, it was pretty good. Then the teething started. Little twerp would naw on anything he could get his hand on. Be it people or not, if he could get his small hands on it or you, it was free game. He was worse than a hungry Beel.

Oh, but it got much worse once he was mobile.

When the little one took his first step Mammon was over by the bookshelves picking out a bed time story for him. Now imagine his surprise when he felt a small hand grasp his pant leg. You better bet there were tears of joy because only more would follow. He couldn’t help it, he’s an emotional guy, ya know? He only wished he had gotten it on tape, so that he could rewatch it over and over again. After all, his baby brother had come to him and what a while it would be until it happened again.





“Da!”His first word. Oh, did his heart ever feel this giddy yet terrified all at once. His first word, his precious little ones first word. How over over joyed he was to finally hear him speak! Yet, the fear in his heart grew and along came a clammy feeling of cold dread washing over him. Away went the giddiness of hearing his first word and in its place sat the festering dread. Gently, he ruffled the little one’s head, tears at the corner of his eyes as he knelt in front of him. Looking him in the eyes, he spoke in the sternest tone he ever had.

And then he became“Mammy.”

After a while, once he could speak and walk properly came the question of “what’s my name?” Names. He had completely forgotten that the little one never received a name. Back in the celestial realm, names were given by their father. Father. He had no right to give him a name. He froze. Taking in a deep breath and holding it then letting it out. He marched his way up to Lucifer’s office, knocked once before opening the door without so much of a response for the other.

So what if he came back a bit bruised and battered after? It was worth it in the end because he had gotten a name, “Satan.”

Mammon and little Satan went on many adventures after. They strolled through the house garden where they met the two most curious cats. One white and the other yellow. Mammon learned that Satan loved cats. Especially the older white cat that seemed to care for small yellow one.





On their second outing Satan finally met one of his other brothers, Asmo. He was out in the garden with the two cats. Sat by the back glass doors so that Mammon could keep an eye on him at all times when he went inside. He sat there waiting for his Mammy to bring him the glass of apple juice he asked for, he didn’t notice when Asmodeus caught sight of him. As he continued to play the other brother had started to make his way over, pulled by some force and fueled by some unknown rage, he finally reached the small child. Seeing a shadow loom over him, little Satan turned around and the only thing he could remember before everything went dark was blazing pink orbs and the feeling of wrath coursing threw him.

That day he became aware of his other brothers. Ones who weren’t gentle like his Mammy. Ones who didn’t cuddle and care for him when he cried. Ones who didn’tlove him like his Mammy does.

He learned to stay away from them when his Mammy wasn’t around.





As time went on Satan grew right before his eyes. He was both saddened and happy. Saddened that his little boybrother was growing up so fast and probably wouldn’t need him again like he used to. Saddened that the tight knit relationship they once had was coming undone right before him. But he was happy. There came a strange form of relief and happiness from watching someone who was once so small grow right in front of you. Time continued on and everything began to change. He was saddened yes, but he was happy. Happy that his other brothers were coming around to the idea of Satan being a part of the family. Happy that they had finally overcome their grief, and accepted the loss of their sister. They were finally a family again. Ah, his eyes were starting to sting and the smile on his lips began to wobble.

Oh no. He was getting emotional again, wasn’t he?






Mammon has to have a poker face.

Like listen this man plays poker and black jack and all sorts of other games. So he’s probably learned to completely be able to bluff his way out of those situations when playing.

Now imagine how the brothers would react to seeing his poker face, because admittedly they’ve probably never seen it before. Mammon is the overconfident emotional brother, they’re basically able to read him like an open book.







I’d have to say that mammon was likely out playing for cash in the casinos and well it was getting pretty late. Lucifer would’ve gotten tired of waiting up for him and so went out to look for him himself, in the process waking up the rest of the brothers. Inevitably they’d end up tagging along for no reason or just for the sake of seeing mammon get scolded in public.

Anyway, they make it to the casino. First thing they see or well hear, is a crowd of demons around the betting table or whatever it’s called, talking and whispering in awe. Going right up to the table completely forgetting their task at hand the last person they expect to see people awing in amazement at would be, well, Mammon.

There he is, dead serious. His eyes completely turned gold, shining brightly under the fluorescent lights of the casino. Almost no blue in sight, pure melted gold molded right where there should have been. No smile, no smug smirk or wide victorious grin. Just a small upturn of his lips barely visible and in his hands only four measly cards. Across from him sat another demon, sweat dripping down the side of his face and from his upper lip. The lights making them shine and sway as he wipes his face with the back of his hand.

They make eye contact. He folds. Mammon wins. It’s silent. And then… clapping. Slowing all the demons around start to clap and cheer. Clapping their hands on his shoulders congratulating him. They eventually disperse and all that’s left at the table is Mammon. He sighs, leans back in his chair, closes his eyes and rubs at them. He opens his eyes, the blue now visible, even if only slightly.

He turns and there stand his brothers, starring. Golden eyes turned completely sapphire. He stands up startled before he starts sputtering out excuses, wiping his hands down the front of his pants. Seeing the sudden change in character, almost lead the brothers in believing what they witnessed ever being real. If only it weren’t for the large pouches of golden grim glittering under lights just like the eyes of their brother had moments ago.

Questions filtered through their heads with not an answer in near sight. But, that was a conversation for another time.






Mammon knows multiply languages.

It first started off as a means to be able to scam or con people out of their money but he eventually learned to really like learning new languages.

Also considering he’s a demon, he’s most likely had a ton of time on his hands to learn and grow fluent in the languages he’s learned.

Mammon wouldn’t have gone around showing off to people since it’s probably a secret hobby he keeps to himself.









He also might just sort of feel a teeny bit scared and self-conscious that his brothers will make fun of or ridicule him for learning them in the first place.

(Considering that there likely aren’t multi languages in the Devildom and the Celestial realm, there really shouldn’t be any need to learn them. Also, I like to think that any language spoken in either of the two realms is automatically translated because of magic.)


In this scenario, the demon brothers likely had some businesses to take care of per the exchange student program. They also likely forgot that unlike the Devildom, there isn’t just one language in the human realm and that there isn’t any magic in place to translate for them.

I=other language

Lucifer: Alright, I’ll be doing all the talking from here on out. Which means keep your mouths shut, especially you, Mammon.

Mammon: Wha-! I ain’t said nothin’ yet!

Lucifer: I know and keep it that way until we’re done.

Leviathan: lololololo! Mammon didn’t even have to do anything and he already got yelled at!

Asmo: Hehehe~ looks like you’re already in trouble, Mammon, I’d watch what I say if I were you!

Satan: Not surprising considering all the other stupid stuff he’s done.

Belphie: Idiot Mammon… mmm…

Beel: Lucifer, can we get going yet? I’m really hungry…

Lucifer: Right then, the new exchange student should be meeting us here in a few minutes.

*few minutes later

Asmo: is that them? They’re so cute! Of course not as cute as me!

Lucifer: Again, please keep your mouths shut, I have enough with Mammon being here.

Mammon: Hey-!

Lucifer: Quiet unless you want me to hang you up all night again!

Mammon: ….

Lucifer: Good. Hello there, I’m Lucifer and these are my brothers. I’ll be the one conducting the interview for the exchange student program, and your name is?

E/S:*random name* it’s nice to meet you! Though I am curious if you happen to know *some foreign language* since it might be easier for the both of us!

Demon bros: *shocked silence*

Lucifer: I’m sorry, could you repeat that again?

E/S:*repeats it*

Leviathan: what do we do now! We can’t understand a word that they’re saying! This is just like an episode of ‘I reincarnated into another fantasy world, but it’s actually only the future of my world and I’m the only one who knows how to speak old tongue!’ Where the main character as he grows older-

Lucifer: Levi, that’s enough! I’ll figure it out one way or another.

Satan: And how exact do you plan on doing that?

Belphie: Yeah, let’s see how the big and prideful Lucifer manages to solve this.

Asmo: Oh you don’t need to be able to speak the same language to understand each other! Having two warm bodies is more than enough to help get a message across~

Lucifer: Asmo! You stay away from them! If I see you make any funny movements-

Beel: Lucifer, I’m hungry…

*Demon bros arguing with each other*

E/S:*laughs loudly* really? Well, that’s more than enough to convince me! Alright, where do I finish signing up for the exchange program?

Mammon:Right here! Also, if ya really liked my services that much, I’d be willing ta throw in a little extra. Of course for the right compensation?

E/S:*laughs again* ahhh… that was a good laugh! So glad that there was at least someone I could talk to here. I thought I’d have to translate everything on my phone, thank goodness I didn’t. By the way, how’d you get so good at *some foreign language*?

Mammon: Eh, I got lots of free time, not that I’m never busy of course! Plus, just thought it was kind of cool to learn!

E/S:Well I’m glad you think so. Anyway I’ll start heading out now, thanks again for all the help. Hopefully I’ll see you again the starting school year, later!

Mammon:See ya! *sighs* Gah! What’re y’all lookin’ at?

*Demon bros staring in shock*

Asmo: You never told us you could speak *language*!

Satan: Yes, it was quite a shock.

Leviathan: Yeah! You’d usually brag about this kind of stuff!

Beel & belphie: Mmhmm!

Lucifer: I must admit Mammon, even I myself am quite surprised. Why didn’t you ever tell us you could speak other languages?

Mammon: *looks away and rubs his neck* I dunno. Felt embarrassing tellin’ you guys, plus I thought you’d make fun of me since we don’ really need ta worry about it in the Devildom.

Lucifer: Mammon, why would you think we’d ever make fun of you for something like that?

Leviathan: Yeah, as much of a scum bag that you are, that was pretty cool!

Satan: It was quite impressive hearing you speak so fluently.

Asmo: Even I’m jealous! Me! The most beautiful and perfect existence in the world!

Belphie: It was pretty cool

Beel: mm!

Mammon: *blushes* A-anyway! It’s all over an done with so let’s head on back now, yeah? *stomps off*

*Demon bros shrug, smile or laugh or whatever they do, before following after him*










That’s basically it. Just felt like writing it before it flew away from me.
