#obey me dateables


Obey Me! You meet someone special to them [Side characters]

This is a little trope I came up with for the side characters.. I think it’ll be more difficult to implement for the brothers, so I’ll just leave this one here.

What if you met someone who the side characters used to really care for but that are long gone? What were their relations to them? What would they like to say to you or the side characters?

Honestly, probably none of this fit with the canon but it’s fun to imagine these types of situations. Most of these are kinda angsty and some of them imply to romance between MC and the side character in question.

Read the imagines down below!

  • It was 3 am as you opened your eyes, sleeping next to Diavolo in his huge, luxorious bed.
  • You watched him breathe and slightly snore and couldn’t help but smile.
  • However, you needed to use the bahtroom so you quietly got up from the bed, trying your hardest not to wake him up.
  • You glanced back as you exited the bedroom, making sure Diavolo was still calmly sleeping.
  • But when you got back from the bathroom, you noticed a figure at the doorway, staring at the sleeping prince.
  • Your first reaction was fear and worry; Who was this person? Why were they staring at Diavolo? Were they a secret admirer or perhaps just one of the servants? Were they planning to assassinate him?
  • So you quietly tiptoed behind the figure and mustered up all your strength before punching them from the back-
  • Only for your hands to go straight through them!
  • The figure turns around, a slightly humored smile on their face. In the darkness, it was hard to see their features fully, but you noticed it was a woman; a beautiful young woman at that.
  • “Hello, MC.” The woman spoke quietly and nodded as you politely. You didn’t know what to say.
  • “W-Who are you? How did you get in?!” You questioned the woman, trying to keep your panicked voice low, “If you don’t leave, I’ll wake Barbatos up to kick you out!” you threatened the woman
  • The woman chuckled with a forlorn smile, “How did I get in? Darling, I never left.. Not really.” she sighed and glanced back at the bedroom.
  • “Can’t you just tell me who you are.. Please..” you asked, your nerves eating you alive inside out.
  • “Very well.. I’m Diavolo’s mother.” the woman answered and you felt your heart drop down at your stomach. You’ve been talking to your possible mother-in-law like that?! How come you’ve never met Diavolo’s mom?
  • “Wait, how come Diavolo has never talked about you? He only ever mentions his father here and there..” you questioned, utterly confused.
  • The woman hummed with an unreadable expression, “Diavolo doesn’t remember me. Not many do. My pregnancy was kept a secret and as soon as I had given birth to my baby boy, I was executed.”
  • “Executed?!” you yelled and the woman had to hush you
  • “Yes. The Demon King.. He’s not a good man. I’m glad my son has turned out to be a much more admirable demon, even without my guidance.” Diavolo’s mother explained and turned to look at his son again, unshed tears gleaming in her eyes.
  • “But I never left. I’ve kept watch on him this whole time. He is my baby, I could never abandon him,” her voice wavered with emotion, “Not many people know of my existance.. Barbatos does. But I’ve told him not to bring up my existance with my boy. I think it’s better that way.”
  • “But wouldn’t Diavolo want to meet you? Don’t YOU want to talk to him?” you asked the woman, still looking into the dark room, staring at the sleeping shape of the demon prince.
  • “He has moved on. It’s been a very long time.. And well.. This is enough for me. Just to be able to see him.” she spoke quietly, leaning against the door frame, “You’ll stay, right?” she suddenly asked.
  • “Huh?” you yelped in surprise as the woman turned to look at you once more with a warm smile that reminded you a lot of the way Diavolo always looked at you.
  • “You’ll stay by my son’s side, right? He needs you more than you think he does,” Diavolo’s mother chuckled, placing a hand on your shoulder, “He might be all-powerful and positive but deep down.. He has never received the type of love from anyone other than you, and he depends on that love like it’s his lifeline. I know it from the way he looks at you.. The way he smiles at you.. The way he speaks to you.. The way he holds you.. The way he kisses you.”
  • You were silent for a moment, wondering just how much of your relationship this ghost had been watching, “I’m not going anywhere.” you finally promised, looking the woman straight into her transluscent, golden eyes.
  • Diavolo’s mother’s eyes lit up with happiness, “I’m glad. I’ll haunt you if you do leave or betray him,” she winked at you mischievously before throwing one last glance at her sleeping son, “I think I’ll be going now. Give my son all the love I was never able to show him. I know you have made him and will continue to make him so very happy.” She grins before walking off into the darkness, disappearing as she had never even been there.
  • You just stand there, your head still reeling from your encounter and exchange of words. You’re only broken out of your trance when a tired voice calls from the darkness of your bedroom.
  • “Mmh.. MC? Is everything okay? Come back to bed, my love..” Diavolo beckoned you, rubbing his tired eyes as he sat up in his bed, reaching out for you with a tired smile on his face.

  • Barbatos had graciously invited you to have some tea with him and who are you to turn down the hot demon butler?
  • So that’s why you were now in front of the castle doors, knocking, waiting for someone to open the door for you.
  • The doors opened slowly and you got ready to greet whoever opened it for you, knowing most of the castle’s workers and servants by their names already.
  • “Oh, thank you for opening the door for me, Barbatos invited me, Hello-” you explained as you laid your eyes on the person on the other side of the door, “…Who are you?” you asked, not recognizing the demon. He was wearing a servant’s outfit but you had never seen him before.
  • “Hello, MC. Barbatos has been expecting you.” the demon smiled politely, standing back and letting you enter.
  • “Are you new here?” you asked, wanting to learn the demon’s name. There was something familiar about him, but you just didn’t know what..
  • “Oh, no. I’m one of the longest serving servants here at the castle.” he nodded formally, not even blinking.
  • “How come I have never seen you before..?” you questioned but the man didn’t answer, “It’s fine, I guess.. What is your name?”
  • “My name is Murmur, I am a Great Duke and Earl of Hell, at your service,” Murmur bowed down to you, his gaze piercing, “Pardon me if I am overstepping any boundaries, but would you please spare me a few minutes of your time?”
  • “Huh? But I’m supposed to meet up with Barbatos..” You tried to let him down gently but Murmur’s patient smile didn’t falter.
  • “Barbatos can wait for a few minutes. My matters are urgent. Please follow me.” He said and lead you to the servant’s wing of the castle. You couldn’t help but follow, feeling intrigued. Weirdly enough, the entire wing seemed to be deserted.
  • Murmur took you to a dimly lit room and let out a long sigh after closing the door. When you looked at him again, you realized his form was now transparent.
  • “Oh, you must be surprised to see me like this. Do not worry, this is normal for me. It is hard for me to keep up the corproreal form for longer periods of time.” Murmur explained as he sat down on one of the sofas. He looked older than before.
  • “So.. Why did you drag me here?” You questioned, looking down at your shoes.
  • “Ah yes. I wanted to talk to you about Barbatos.” Murmur nodded.
  • “Barbatos? Is there something I should know about him?” You asked, trying to pry the information out of the mysterious demon.
  • “I suppose, yes. But before that, you should get to know me.” Murmur smiled enigmatically.
  • “What do you mean?” You questioned with a confused tone.
  • “As I mentioned, my name is Murmur. My power is to oblige the souls of the deceased to appear before their conjurers to answer every desired question,” Murmur told you, “And Barbatos and I go way back. I have known him longer than Lord Diavolo or even his father has. We even entered the castle together.”
  • “How old ARE you guys?!” you gasped, trying to wrap your head around the new information.
  • “Older than what a human mind can understand,” Murmur smirked, “We first served the Demon King. We were both butlers; Barbatos was responsible for everything related to eating and drinking, I oversaw the cleanliness of the castle. We were inseperable; like two sides of the same coin.”
  • “What happened then? Why are you transluscent?” you held your breath, imagining how life for Barbatos was back then.
  • “I fell in love.” Murmur smiled sadly, and you swore you could have seen his eyes tearing up although I was hard to see.
  • “With whom? Barbatos?” you wondered out loud and received a breathy laugh from the ghost of a demon.
  • “Oh my, of course not! Barbatos is like family to me,” Murmur shook his head, “I found myself unable to stop thinking about a certain lady The Demon King was courting. He only saw her for her looks; silky auburn hair, tan, glowing skin, gorgeous golden eyes, a delictable body, a warm and inviting smile.. But to me, she was much more than that. She was very kind, witty, nurturing, neat and loving. If she hadn’t been a demon, I’m sure her soul would have been the brightest, shiniest and purest kind.”
  • You thought back at his words.. That description seemed to fit someone else you knew, “What happened next?”
  • “She felt the same way about me, that silly lady. Who was I to turn my dream woman down? We started a secret affair,” Murmur recalled with a fond smile, “Eventually Barbatos found out. He adviced me to stop before anyone else found out.. But I was unable to stop seeing her. I loved her so. Barbatos didn’t really understand, but didn’t blow our cover either.”
  • You had an inkling of what would happen next in the story, dreading to hear the end.
  • “After some time, we found out that she was pregnant. I was both overjoyed and scared. We didn’t know whether the baby was mine or the Demon King’s,” Murmur sighed and closed his eyes, “We knew we had to come clean. There was a chance that the baby would have been illegitimate. So we told the Demon King..” Murmur stopped, taking in a deep breath.
  • “He didn’t take it well, did he?” you sighed, your shoulders slumped.
  • “No, he did not. He locked me up, torturing me whenever he felt fit. He locked her up too, but did not torture her. However, after giving birth to her son, he executed her. He made me watch it happen, helplessly tied up. I never got to meet the child, either. Not when I was alive, anyway.” Murmur revealed the horrible truth, one that you had seen coming but did not want to believe in.
  • “Wait.. Is that child.. Lord Diavolo?” you questioned and Murmur nodded, “So, who is Lord Diavolo’s father?”
  • “There is perhaps only one being who knows the answer to that.. But he has sworn to keep that secret forever”, Murmur answered your question, “The night before I was executed, Barbatos came to see me. He offered to let me go and told me to run, but I refused. I just wanted to see my love again. Barbatos didn’t understand that time either. He did not understand why I was willing to lose my life for love. But I understood. And I think.. Barbatos understands now, too.” He fixed his gaze on you with a knowing smile.
  • “What do you mean by that?” you asked, taken back by his words. Murmur only chuckled while shaking his head.
  • “If you do not know it now, you will one day. Thank you for listening to my ancient story. I do hope it was not awfully boring,” Murmur thanked you with sincerity, “Now, I know I have already overstayed my welcome, but.. Would you mind giving this to Barbatos?” He asked and handed you something.
  • You took the item from his hand; it was an old locket, “Can I open it?” you asked but Murmur shook his head.
  • “Please do not. Barbatos can share it with you if he wishes to; but for now, I think the contents of this locket are better to be shrouded in mystery.” Murmur said apologetically before standing up, his form wavering even more.
  • “Will I ever see you again?” you suddenly question Murmur, feeling like he was an old friend leaving for a long trip.
  • “Possibly, if the Fates so allow,” Murmur hummed as he looked you over once more, “Farewell, MC. Please be patient with Barbatos. He feels way more than he lets on.” And having said that, he disappeared completely.
  • Not even a minute later, you received a worried text from Barbatos, inquiring where you were. You typed him a message, telling him you would meet him soon, putting the locket in your pocket hastily.

  • You had gone to the town centre of Devildom to hang out with Simeon when all of the sudden he had to excuse himself, having remembered that he had to buy something from a store you two had walked past.
  • You waited for him outside the store, skimming through your D.D.D with a bored expression on your face.
  • You were snapped out of your trance only when a pair of hands appeared from the darkness, pinning you against the wall.
  • You looked up in fear, meeting the cold eyes of a demon with a deformed face who you had never met before.
  • “Back off! I’m not alone!” you puffed your cheeks, trying your best to appear intimidating, but the demon merely chuckled, “You do know I’m under the protection of Lord Diavolo and the seven demon brothers, right?! Do you want me to summon one of them?!” you added, your gaze unwavering.
  • “Feisty. I like that,” the demon finally spoke with a humored tone, “Come with me, little one.” he suddenly grabbed you by your wrist and started to drag you away.
  • “Let go! Do you have a death wish?!” you screamed as the demon dragged you to some back alley.
  • But the back alley.. Didn’t look like what you were expecting.
  • The walls of the buildings were painted with beautiful murals depicting a serene, celestial scene.
  • It had two figures dressed as angels; two that you recognized. One of the angels were Simeon, one of them was the demon who had kidnapped you, albeit his appearance more symmetrical and angelic.
  • “What.. What is this?” you questioned and reached out to touch the mural. It felt warm under your touch and it seemed to be moving and pulsing, as if it was a living and breathing being.
  • “My name is Bifrons. I won’t hurt you. Solomon would kill me if I did,” the demon opened his mouth, “I have a pact with him.”
  • “Sure..” you gave the demon a suspicious look, yet continued to observe the mural. Suddenly the picutre changed. Now it depicted a war, led by another familiar figure. Lucifer, shining bright like a morning star, leading a large group of angels. You could spot Bifrons in the crowd with Lucifer but you saw no Simeon in the there.
  • “You used to be an angel?” you questioned the demon next to you.
  • “Yes. Just like the brothers.” Bifrons explained with a wry smile on his face as he kept his eyes on the mural.
  • Then, another new picture. This time it was of Bifrons, standing above someone who was kneeling down, holding their hands in front of their face to protect themselves. Bifrons was holding a large, golden scimitar, ready to strike down the vulnerable angel..
  • When the mural Bifrons’ face softened and he lowered his sword, “Simeon, is that you..?” he questioned with a shaky voice. The angel who had been hiding behind his hands revealed his face. It was indeed Simeon.
  • “B-Bifrons..?” Simeon questioned, tears welling in his eyes, “What are you doing on their side?”
  • “I believe… This is the right thing to do. I can’t stand by idly any longer, Simeon,” Bifrons spoke, his eyes wide with surprise, “You can still join us, Simeon. Please don’t make me do this..” he pleaded, holding out his hand for Simeon to take.
  • “Bifrons.. My brother.. If you desert your post, I’m sure Father will find enough forgiveness to take you back..” Simeon shook his head, staring at Bifrons’ hand, unmoving.
  • “You know I have to kill you..” Bifrons mumbled, his hands shaking, “Simeon, it’s been us two before I was even me.. I don’t want to fight you..”
  • “Just do it, Bifrons.. If anyone kills me, I’d rather have it be you.” Simeon smiled with pain in her eyes, lowering his head for Bifrons to get a clean cut.
  • “Simeon, I…” Bifrons gasped, staring at Simeon with teary eyes, “I can’t!” Bifrons suddenly yelled, threw his scimitar as far as he could and ran towards the edge of the clouds, determined.
  • “Bifrons, don’t jump!” Simeon screamed and quickly got up to run after him, but it was too late. Bifrons jumped off the edge, falling down, his pure white wings burning up and turning into ash, “Bifrons!” Simeon cried out, looking over the edge, tears streaming down his face.
  • And after that, the mural went still, “Simeon and I.. We were the bestest of friends in the Celestial Realm. We were like brothers.. No, twins even. We just shared a special bond. I haven’t seen him since the fall.. I just haven’t gathered the courage to face him. I was hoping you could.. Help me out.” Bifrons admitted bashfully.
  • Before you could even answer his request, you heard a voice behind you call out, “B-Bifrons..? I-Is that you?” A familiar voice questioned and the two of you turned around to see Simeon standing at the entrance of the alley, wide-eyed and shocked.
  • “Simeon, I… Long time no see, eh?” Bifrons chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head and avoiding Simeon’s eyes.
  • “Bifrons!” Simeon screamed, dropped his shopping bags and ran to embrace the demon, “Where have you been, brother? I’ve looked for you everywhere ever since I arrived to Devildom!” Simeon admitted with a wide smile on his face as he held Bifrons close.
  • “I.. I was too ashamed.. And I didn’t want you to see me like this.. I’m only a shadow of my former self..” Bifrons confessed but hugged Simeon back.
  • “I don’t care if your face is deformed. I don’t care that you’re a demon. You’re still my best friend, Bifrons.” Simeon snuggled against the demon with a content smile.
  • You may have felt slightly jealous, but.. It was a sweet reunion, so you couldn’t be too mad.

  • It was a beautiful day in the human world. The angels had decided to pay you a visit and you were hanging around in a park.
  • You were sitting on the park bench, in the shade of a large oak tree, yet you still complained about being so hot and wanting to cool down.
  • The angels, being used to higher temperatures, offered to go and buy you some soda and ice cream. They promised to be right back as they left you all alone waiting for their return with the cool treats.
  • You closed your eyes, enjoying the soft breeze and the sounds of nature as you felt someone sitting next to you quietly.
  • You quickly opened your eyes, half-panicking and half expecting to see either Luke or Simeon but instead your eyes met the dark brown eyes of a young boy.
  • The boy must’ve been no older than 12. He sat next to you, quietly kicking his feet, avoiding your eye contact with a gentle smile on his face.
  • “.. Are you okay? Are you lost? Where are your parents?” You asked the boy with a slight hint of worry. You see the boy’s body tense up but then he took a deep breath, composing himself quickly.
  • “I’m okay. No need to worry for me.. My name is Dawid. But say.. That young blonde boy who just left..” he trailed off, staring into the distance with a smile.
  • “Oh, his name is Luke. Do you want to play with him?” You chuckled as you took a closer look at the boy’s apperance. Weird, his outfit didn’t seem too modern.. He was wearing a white buttondown, suspenders and shorts.
  • “We’re already friends,” the boy turned to face you, his cheeks suddenly turning slightly pink, “Well, at least I see him as my friend..” he grumbled and fiddled with his fingers.
  • “Oh, you’ve met him already?” you questioned, positively surprised, “How did you meet him?”
  • “It’s been a long time already,” the boy smiled at the memory, “I was playing on a playground when this older, bigger boy walked up to me and took my favorite toy and pushed me onto the ground. I was about to cry when Luke suddenly appeared, stood between my bully and I and demanded that he’ll give me my toy back.”
  • “Well, did he?” you asked, immersed into the story.
  • “No.. He punched Luke.” the little boy grimaced at the memory and you felt your blood boil.
  • “Where is this boy?! I want to talk to his parents..” you muttered angrily, balling up your fists at the thought of someone laying their hands on Luke.
  • “I took Luke back to my home and helped him patch up. After that we became fast friends.” the boy continued with his story, his eyes scanning his environment, perhaps looking for Luke.
  • “I didn’t know Luke had a human frie- I mean-!” You quickly covered up your mouth, realizing you were about to spill the beans of Luke’s real identity.
  • However, the boy seemed amused at your reaction, “It’s fine, I already know of his celestial origins. He told me about it once.”
  • You wondered whether angels were even allowed to disclose such information to humans! Was Luke going to suffer some negative consequences?
  • “Luke told me he was assigned to be my guardian angel.. That’s why he came between my bully and I. I was his first human to be guarded, some sort of test to see if he was ready for a promotion.” The boy explained the situation to you in greater detail.
  • “Well, I’m sure he’s done great job so far!” You smiled, proud of your little angel friend. You were about to open your mouth again when the pained expression on the little boy’s face made you stop in your tracks.
  • “He was doing well.. Until the war came.” He suddenly closed his eyes and winced, as if remembering a painful memory. You laid your hand on the boy’s shoulders soothingly, only for your hand to phase through him. You pulled you hand back in shock, a realization dawning on you.
  • “You.. You’re dead?” You asked silently and the boy nodded.
  • “My home town was annihilated. The death toll was in thousands. There was nothing Luke could’ve done about it,” The boy sighed, looking down at his feet, “Can you relay a message for me?” He then inquired, meeting your eyes fully with shining hope within.
  • “What kind of message?” You breathed out, not having expected to hear those words from the young ghost.
  • “Tell him.. I’m sorry he didn’t get promoted. And that I always believed in him, and still do, and that he did an amazing job looking after me. Tell him he was like a brother to me. Tell him that he doesn’t have to keep blaming himself. I know he can be hard on himself..” The boy told you his long list of wishes and you listened to him intently, knowing you absolutely had to remember each wish he had.
  • “I’ll tell Luke,” you nodded determinedly, “Hey, by the way, can I ask you something? I-” you started but got cut short.
  • “He’s coming! I need to go! Thank you for your help! Goodbye!” The boy suddenly yelled and pointed ahead where you could see two figures approaching. Before you could ever say your goodbyes, the spirit was gone, leaving you all alone on the park bench.
  • “Hey MC! I hope you didn’t have to wait for too long!” Luke yelled at you, waving his hands excitedly, “I picked all of your ice cream flavors! I hope you like them!” He kept shouting as he got closer.
  • “Here, MC.” Simeon offered you the ice cream and soda he was carrying.
  • “Wait, MC.. Are you crying?!” Luke suddely gasped and only then did you realize that there were tears streaming down your face, “Are you okay?!”
  • “Don’t worry Luke, I.. I’m okay. No need to worry about me,” you smiled and wiped your tears away, But say, Luke.. Do you remember a little boy named Dawid?“

  • You were on an adventure in the human world with Solomon, trying to find some rare ingredients.
  • You had split up around this abandoned town near a desert when out of sheer curiosity, you entered one of the remaining houses to see what’s it like inside.
  • In what you supposed to be the old living room, you found a woman standing with her back to you.
  • The woman turned to face you with a mysterious smile on her face, "Hello. My name is Naamah. I’m a princess from the kingdom of the Ammonites and Solomon’s wife.”
  • The last word the woman had said, wife, made your heart sink. Did this mean Solomon had been married this whole time?! How had he let that one slip?! You felt your face growing warm from either anger or embarrassment.
  • Naamah however seemed to sense your discomfort, “Or should I say, ex-wife.” she added, the corners of her mouth tugging upwards.
  • “Wait, so you’re divorc-” you began to speak but suddenly shut up when you thought of her previous words further. This lady was an Ammonite princess? The kingdom of Ammon has not existed in.. Centuries.. Millenias even.
  • The story of the Wise King Solomon came back to you. You guessed it made sense that someone as old as Solomon had been married before. You couldn’t really hold it against him, right?
  • You took a closer look at Naamah. She had long, brown hair, dark and warm eyes and she was dressed up in a beautiful silk gown, accessorised by extravagant jewellery. She certainly looked like a princess. You felt slightly ordinary standing next to her.
  • “Well, what are you doing here? Do you.. Do you want Solomon back?” you asked, unable to hold your tongue back any longer. Just the thought of conversing with someone Solomon used to be in love with made you somewhat jealous.
  • The woman’s laughter rang inside the room like a bell, “Oh no, you’ve gotten me all wrong!” she giggled, humored by your jealosy, “If you feel jealous, imagine how I felt having to share him with nearly 1000 other women!”
  • “1000?!” you didn’t know how you had forgotten the stories about him having 700 wives and 300 concubines, “I’m gonna kill him..” you mumbled angrily.
  • Naamah finally caught her breath after laughing so hard, “We’re all dead. We’re no competition to you, sweetie. The dead own nothing. There’s no penny to my name, no contracts tying me down, none of my previous life.. Solomon’s all yours.” she smirked.
  • “What made you think I even wanted him..” you rolled your eyes, your cheeks burning up again. Naamah shook her head with an exasperated sigh.
  • “Don’t hold his past against him. Solomon.. He has always been a free-spirited man, hard to tie down, but he’s done plenty of good, too. His intelligence and experience precedes him and is rivaled by no other living human.” Naamah spoke gently yet firmly, like looking back at a memory you treasured but were over with.
  • “I just.. Feel so meaningless in this constant stream of life. My life will be gone in what feels like a minute to Solomon. How could I ever amount to anything special?” you sighed, finally admitting your fears regarding your relationship with Solomon to anyone.
  • Naamah look at you with understanding eyes, “You’re already special to him. You might not see it that way but.. You’ve made him feel whole again, after feeling so dispersed and incomplete for hundreds of years.” she let you know with a smile.
  • “I don’t follow..” you mumbled, shying away, feeling like all air had been sucked out of the room.
  • “Solomon never remarried after his days as the King of Israel. He swore off marriage altogether. I can understand his reasoning,” she chuckled while examining her fingernails, “But I could see him taking that step again with you someday, as long as you’re interested in that.” she just dropped a bomb like that on you and expected you not to flounder.
  • “M-Marry me?! What are you talking about? That’s.. That’s insane!” you squealed, not knowing where to look and how to breathe like a normal person.
  • “Hey, if you know any nice single ghost gentlemen, can you put in a good word for me?” Naamah grinned mischievously before she froze and her smile disappeared, her eyes staring at something behind you.
  • “What?” you asked and turned around, only to see Solomon standing behind you.
  • “Naamah, that’s enough. Quit scaring my apprentice.” Solomon laughed yet you could sense something tenser behind his laughter. Something troubled.
  • “Aww, Sol. I just wanted to see who this person you’re so smitten with is like,” Naamah chuckled, having regained her composure, “Ah, and now that I remember, Sol. You haven’t been paying your child support in SUCH A LONG TIME-”
  • “Number one, child support did not exist during your lifetime. Second, Rehoboam has been dead for a long time. Third, you’re a ghost, you don’t need money.” Solomon sighed with a knowing smile, fully aware that his ex-wife was merely teasing him.
  • “Okay, okay. I understand. I’ll leave you two be,” Naamah chuckled as she started to disappear, “Oh! And if you two DO get married, please don’t forget to invite me!” she called out as she was disappearing, he voice getting smaller and quieter by the second before fully disappearing into the void.
  • “.. Does she appear to you often like this?” You asked Solomon, crossing your arms. You had many questions to ask from him.
  • Solomon cleared his throat, not meeting your eyes, “Not really. Maybe every 300 years or so unless something special takes place. She’s the only one who has stayed in contact with me all this time.”
  • “So.. I want to know more about the rest of your wives..” You spoke with a dangerous tone.
  • “Oh brother..” Solomon sighed, shaking his head.

Deleted scene:

*Simeon sees Bifrons*: Bifrons, Where the hell have you been, loca?

A/N:Any likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! :) I hope you’re all having a good day.
