#obey me solomon x mc


✿Obey me! Masterlist✿

A/N: Here is the masterlist for my works for Obey Me!, please do tell me if there is something wrong with the links.

Fluff (), Hurt/Comfort (), Crack (), Angst (), Smut ()

Headcanons (H), Oneshots (O), Fics (F),

WIP (✏️), Completed (), Nisha’s Favourite (❣️)

➸ Masterlist

All Demon brothers

- Demon Bros with an MC who is touchy and affectionate (,H)






-Streamer!Levi x GN!Mc ()


-Romantic Satan x GN!MC (,H)







➥ Side characters


















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Other masterlists from other amazing Obey me writers

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Tangled with The Dateables

Request: Hello! I’d like to request a fluff of the brothers and dateables (maybe even Luke if that’s not weird? He’s like a tiny little teddy bear ). So when I sleep, I tend to wake up hugging anything in my vicinity . Like one time, my best friend and I shared a bed and fell asleep on opposite ends. When we woke up, we were TANGLED BRO so I wanted to see how the Obey Me characters would react to MC doing this .

A/N:I did dateables here first, but if you want the brothers just let me know how you like this one!! (also, i love luke so much, there was one scenario that I wrote that I wanted to add luke but i didn’t, i think it was for heavy thoughts) also! These are short, so sorry about that ^^’



  • When you first see his room, you’re taken aback by all the stairs and doors to notice that there’s a lack of bed- or any type of personal belongings in the family. It’s not until later when you visit him and he’s in his room, that you actually take it in. Barbatos can tell that you’re upset- going on and on about how he needs sleep and when he counters that doesn’t really need sleep, at least not in the way that other demons do, you give him a pointed look and his mouth closes with a faint smile tugging on his lips. Whatever it is that you want him to do, he does so without a complaint, so when you bring up that he should spend the night with you, he taps the tip of your nose and promises that one night he will.
  • After constant work around both your and his schedule, finally, you both find a night to share together. Due to him having no real bed in his “bedroom”, it’s unanimously decided that he would spend the night in your room. He knocks at your door with his bottom lip bitten between his teeth, a heavy feeling in his stomach that makes him shift his weight between his feet. You open the door, and greet him with a smile, and pull him inside. He’s seen your room before, entered to retrieve you or to leave something on your bed, but it was always a quick in-and-out type of deal. Today, he gets to see you in your room, free to look around and lift a book. Your room is so shamelessly you, your knickknacks littered over your desk, water bottles half filled on your nightstand and movie ticket stubs on your dresser. He likes how you’ve made this room your own.
  • He’ll admit, he’s never been to an actual slumber party- the words that you’ve chosen to describe this nightly occurrence. He’s slept in a room with others, but he doubts that would actually be called what you want it to be. He sits on the bed with you, his shoulders raised and eyes dancing along your room. It’s one thing to tease you and give in to your whims, it’s another to actually spend the night with you, curled next to each other in bed. You gesture for him to come closer and with a held breath, he nods, slipping under the covers with you; the scent of your cream lingering on the blankets and pillowcases, filling in his lungs with something sweet that makes every breath pressured and weighted. He stammers on, clearly out of his element, so unable to think, his words quick as he discusses his day with you. You cling to every word, the movie paused and your eyes on him as you rest on the pillow, his hand held in yours as you trace every line on him.
  • Midway through a complaint over not getting a shipment delivered to him, he feels your tracing begin to slow, only to quicken when he calls your name. Looking down, your eyes are half lidded, giving him a tired smile when he catches your gaze. You don’t mean to fall asleep, not when he’s here, but he clicks his tongue, shaking his head slightly. He pulls his hand out of yours, and stills when you clutch it desperately, bringing it close to your chest, his knuckles against you, feeling your heartbeat tap against him. He lies beside you, careful to not move as you fall into a slumber. You breathe softly, still holding onto his hand and he watches you, his free hand coming up to caress the side of your face, his thumb arching over your plush cheek, and hand curling over your neck. He’s stuck in bed with you, and there could be no better thing to happen to him at this moment. He’s given you no reason to lose your trust in him, but a part of him is overwhelmed with the fact that you still felt safe to fall asleep with him beside you, holding onto his hand and under the same covers that you sleep in. Ever so carefully, he reaches for you, pressing a kiss to your cheek, before pulling away and closing his eyes. 
  • Sleep does not come easily to him, but once it does overtake him, he can feel the weight of it envelop him in an unyielding hug. When he does wake, he finds it to be all the same. Barbatos is held tight, under the weight of the blanket and something interlaced with his own body. Stretching his legs, he rolls his ankles, feeling his muscles weak and soft, unable to do anything more than to yawn. He turns his head, trying to lift his arms above him, and he finds himself unable to move. Peeling back the blankets, he finds your limbs entangled with his, his eyes wide and face in shock for a moment until a slow smile graces his features and he’s laughing softly under his breath. The blanket covers him once more, his arms bringing you closer to him, and he lets sleep consume once more, knowing that it’ll give him more time to be with you. 


  • Diavolo is a jealous demon. He isn’t fond of sharing you with others, but he also realizes that you can’t be with him every second of the day. Not when he has work that needs to be done. Not when he knows that if you were to ask him a question, he’d drop everything to answer your question and then some. You’ve spent so much time with the others, parties and outings, breakfasts and dinners, study dates and celebratory outings. Caring for them in every intimate way that he can’t experience- sleeping beside them, cradling their head in your lap, and kissing their knuckles with your lips. He loses time spent with you, and he hates it. He hates how empty it leaves him. He decides that he needs to make up for lost time, that he needs to form a stronger bond with you. There’s a simple solution that he can offer without it being too forward, and he’s glad when you agree to have a sleepover with him.
  • The castle can be quite lonely with just him and Barbatos around. While he’s grateful to have the other demon by his side, he isn’t you. When you come around, he’s forgotten just how lively it is with you around. You make things so much more interesting. The castle has always been stuffy, much too grand for just two, too rigid and cold, and he thrives off of interaction, wants to reclaim all the time that he lost when he was a child, and had to grow up far too quickly. However, when you’re here, it doesn’t seem like that. You wander around, his hand held tightly in yours, or arms wrapped around his neck as he carries you on his back, laughing and giving you a broken version of the tour he is supposed to give, much too giddy with you around to focus on the proper words. Even his study that can be so tiresome is brought to life with you there, and you have him describe his future plans and even if he doesn’t need your approval, he still craves it desperately when you nod along with every word that drips off his tongue, so eager to listen to him ramble about something so mundane.
  • You stay up late, tucked in his room, your bag on his chair, and a blanket wrapped around your body. He’s beside you, laying on his back, listening to you talk about your current favorite show, and you’re so animated. Your hands are in the air, and your words are coming out faster than you can think, stuttering and backtracking, and you have this smile, radiant and stretched widely, and he’s admiring you from his bed, listening and nodding along, captivated, and he’s thankful that you’re here with him. That you’re making the castle feel more like a home than it has in a long time. You’re smiling at him, and he can feel the warmth in his chest sear across him, and if it’s you to leave such a scar on him, he’s happy for the reminder, wanting for you to be part of him in any way, shape, or form. 
  • Soon, he’s joining your conversation, smiling when you lay beside him and turn on your side to watch him, and he sees just how tired you are- the way your eyes droop, how your smile is slow to tilt upwards. It’s selfish of him to try to continue the conversation, to press forward so you can answer and engage with him, but he doesn’t want this moment to end. He doesn’t want this night to end. He wants to talk to you, to hear what you have to say and make you laugh. He wants you to come back and not find this night to be a waste. But you cup your hand over his cheek, and he comes to a stop, staring at you with wide eyes, waiting to hear what you have to say. When you tell him that you’re tired, he apologies. He doesn’t want to waste a second of your time, but you’re tired, and you’ve humored him enough. You smile, and shrug, telling him that you liked hearing him talk, that you adored spending the night with him, and there’s something that stirs in him, that makes him go still, his lungs growing flowers in them, making it hard to breathe, making it hard to think, making him only able to focus on how you come close to him and wish him a good night with your arms wrapped around him. 
  • In the morning, he gets to wake up late, getting the pleasure to sleep in with you. It’s another thing of you spending the night that he cherishes- waking up with you beside him even if he knows that you leaving his side is just a few hours away. He doesn’t want to move despite his body pleading for him to stretch, he wants to stay where he is, curled beside you, your face nuzzled to his chest, and arms wrapped around him. He can’t risk waking you- both out of care for you and selfishness for him; he wants you to stay as long as you can, to wake up slowly still pressed close to him. Your legs shift against his, and it’s a slow and dragging motion, and his brows furrow. Lifting the blanket over the both of you, Diavolo finds you tangled with him, and he smiles. Even in slumber, you’ve pressed yourself as close to him as possible, and in slumber, he allowed you to, and in his waking moments, he kisses the top of your head and closes his eyes, hoping that when he wakes up, you’ll still be there, tangled with him.


  • It’s become an unspoken routine for Simeon to spend the night with you- or vice versa- at least once every two weeks. It started off with you accidentally sleeping in his room after a study date, and it slowly turned into something where you come with your bag packed, and make yourself at home in his room. It’s calming. You sit beside him, and he just gets to talk to you without interruptions, without having to worry that you’ll be whisked away from him. Nothing special is done. There’s no big surprise that waits for you in his room- or yours on the off chance, he does sleep in your bed- it’s just you and him. You play on your gaming device and he finishes a manuscript with your hums and the clicking buttons as his background music. He reads a passage from an old book of his and you come to his side trying to peer at the words. There’s no greater joy than just having you by his side.
  • Tonight, you’re in Simeon’s room. A bag is left sitting on a chair, empty of its contents and now spread across his room. Your blanket is folded neatly at the foot of his bed, your chargers left by the outlets. Your clothes for the morning are hanging in his closet and he smiles to himself when he sees that you’ve already curled yourself to the far end of the couch, focused intently on a book that he gifted to you the other day. He never thought he would get this much joy from sharing a room with you. For a moment, he can imagine that this is his life, enclosed in a space with you, uninterrupted and together. You’ve already made yourself at home, spread yourself in his room- your toothbrush against his, spare clothes tucked in his drawers, and two stuffed animals sitting close together on the bed. One for you and one for him, because they should never be separated, because you feared that they’d be lonely without the other and now, he’s unable to part the two.
  • The night is still, time ticking forward without rush, and you’ve already tucked yourself under the covers, whining at him that you’ve forgotten to place the blanket over you, and he’s there at your side, tucking you in and slipping in beside you. The stuffed pair rests beside him, under the covers and staring unblinking into the ceiling. Your phone lays on the nightstand, uncharged, and he doesn’t say a word- too comfortable to go and charge it himself, and he knows that if you were to ask him, he’d do it in a heartbeat. Beside you, he has a book in front of him, and you inch closer to him, but you don’t try to peer at the words, you just lay your head beside his chest, an arm thrown around him. The corners of his lips tilt upwards and he begins to read from the book.
  • You lay beside him, still and breathing softly, and he calls your name, memorizing the page number before closing the book and letting it rest on the nightstand. He peers down, craning his neck to see you fast asleep. His hands come under your body, lifting you gently to fix you in a better position. His hands flutter on the sides of your body, tucking you in and he lays beside you, staring at the ceiling. Even after so long with you, he’s still left unknowing what to do at this moment. He lets his own desire take over, twisting in bed, an arm wrapping around you, hand flinching at your spine when you let out a soft hum. He pulls himself closer to you, resting his chin above the crown of our head, lowering down for a moment to kiss where he rests. 
  • In the morning, Simeon wakes with a yawn, stretching the arm around you, free from the confines of the blankets. His head buries further into the pillow, now moved to where his lips can kiss at your temple, and he does just that, giving you a feather light kiss before pulling away and laying for a few moments longer. He should prepare breakfast for you, and when stretches the rest of himself, he finds himself to be stuck. He moves slowly, lifting his legs, to feel weight above them, and on his back is warmth twisted in fabric. When he pulls once more, he’s met with resistance, your brows furrowing and you’re making soft noises of complaint still in your sleep. Lifting the blanket, he peers down to find that you’ve knotted yourself with him in your sleep. Giving you one more kiss, he succumbs to where you’ve trapped him, sleeping beside you for a few more moments.  


  • You can see the bags under his eyes every time you go to speak to him. They grow darker by the day, his movements slower and wittiness absent as he spends his time burying himself into books. What he has left to learn, you aren’t entirely sure. You learn from the others that he’s been spending countless nights awake, staying up till the morning, drinking some sort of energy drink to give him just that little bit of push to make it through the day. During a weekly visit, you try to convince him to spend the night with you. You’re stubborn, threatening to not speak to him if he doesn’t take a break, and with that on the line, he gives in to your whims, placing a bookmark on the page and closing the book. Solomon turns to you, legs spread and arms crossed loosely over his chest.
  • He looks so small in his seat, his hair ruffled and eyes already drooping, and you’re almost sure that he’s just seconds away from actually collapsing onto the floor. While you would prefer to sleep in your room with him- the lack of his books and his supplies, something that you’re sure would keep him from being tempted to wake up in the middle of the night to continue- he prefers his room. You give him a narrowed look and his smile is crooked, the usual teasing nature in it, dim compared to before, and he turns on his chair, ready to continue his studies until you call out to him. The pens on his table roll when you place your hands on top of the book, forbidding him from opening it once more. You make him promise that he won’t wake up in the middle of the night to continue his work and he sighs, leaning back into the chair, his pinky finger out to you.
  • Without removing the covers, or waiting for you to pull them away, he lays on his stomach, whining and burying his face into the pillow. Once in the bed, he practically melts onto it, his whole body sinking and spreading out, as if this is the first time he’s ever been granted such rest and he gives you a peek from between the covers, catching your sad smile. You must know that at least for now in these past days, that much is true. His face is sickly pale, the dark circles under his eyes much too prominent for your liking, the only color that he’s given in his features is something that makes you frown. His whole body deflates onto the mattress, sinking into the familiar bed and he hums into the pillow, pressing himself further. You whisper under your breath, the words not holding as much power as the sorcerer before you, but the words still form, the magic in the air crackling as the blankets under him, are now above him, draping him in warmth. Slipping beside him, he’s still for a minute, until suddenly, he moves in a slow crawl over to your chest. 
  • With arms curling around you, you call his name and he can only offer a noise in response. He uses his remaining energy to curl onto you, to rest his head on your chest and shift his arms until they hold you close to him. Your hand threads into the back of his hair, the silvery strands slipping between your fingers as you unknot the hair. He lays heavy above you, head pressed against your chest, and hands curling onto your clothes, holding the fabric loosely. Under his breath, he mumbles that he needs to work, that he has to continue onto something, and with a press of your lips above his head, he grows quiet. He wakes softly, coming to consciousness for a moment, and while he is still tired, he’s refreshed- every bit counts- and the spell still needs to be refined, all the kinks worked out and straightened. But, he’s warm against you, held and feeling the slow beat of your heart echo into his ear- his own lullaby granted to him. With a greater resolve than most, he moves away, trying to return to his work, telling himself that he’ll make up the broken pinky promise, but then you make a sound. It’s a low whine, tired and involuntary, and your hand tickles the nape of his neck. He is a weak man, and he succumbs to you and your whines, laying still on your chest.
  • In the morning, he wakes up feeling refreshed, much more than he did when he woke up in the middle of the night. Sleep still holds onto him like a gentle lover, warmth and heaviness dragging him back into familiarity. He turns his head after a few moments, his lips pressed against the valley of your chest, close to where your heart drums against you, but not quite. Stretching his leg out, Solomon feels a tightness, a weight holding him down, keeping him still. Pulling on the cover, he finds you to be wrapped around him, legs knotted into each other, the legs of your pajama pants lifting to rest your bare skin against his. With a slow forming smile, he lays back down, and closes his eyes. 

Short Story - Your Attention

Summary: Solomon is a menace when he’s seated next to MC in class.

Characters/Ship: Solomon x MC

Word count: 901

Warnings: None, just a quick romance story =)

Ignore it… Ignore it…

MC repeated this command in their mind as they tried to focus on the lecture, but a certain sorcerer was making it increasingly difficult, currently nudging at their foot with his own. As odd as it may have seemed to anyone who noticed, this type of behavior actually was commonplace for Solomon whenever he had the chance to sit next to MC in class. By himself, he’d appear rather studious, listening to the teacher and jotting down notes for personal reference and to prepare for upcoming exams. Truth be told, he already knew much of the content that was being taught, either from past experience or having looked ahead at the material, so this “perfect student” side of him was more of a front than anything. Now, after he’d grown closer to MC, he felt no desire to keep up that persona, choosing instead to direct the majority of his attention to the fellow human beside him. That’s how he had developed this “bad habit” of messing with them each time he was able to sit next to them at RAD. When he wasn’t staring at them while the teacher’s back was turned, he liked to prod at them in hopes of witnessing an interesting reaction from them, which, at this time, consisted of him pushing and tapping at MC with his shoe. Whether MC found his antics “affectionate” or “annoying” tended to depend on their mood. Today? It was a little annoying.

Seeing that he had no intention of stopping, MC gently kicked their own foot against Solomon’s and mouthed a “What?” to him. Surely there was a reason for his pestering. He just smiled at them with feigned innocence, as if he hadn’t been doing anything the whole time. The unique look of displeasure on their face before they returned their gaze to the front of the room forced him to bring his hand up to his mouth to hide his quiet laughter. He enjoyed getting to observe different expressions from MC, ones he hoped the demon brothers rarely–if ever–got to see. He admired them all, committing them to memory. Although, he did prefer more positive reactions from his classmate, when possible, and he didn’t want MC to stay upset with him like they were at that moment.

Ever the experimenter, Solomon’s eyes traced over MC’s figure to determine a spot that might remove some of their frustration. He watched MC hunch over the table to write down something the teacher had said, creating an opening for him to poke his finger into their side. Their body flinched at the touch, and they quickly grabbed his hand before it could recoil or do anything else to them. They kept a firm grip on it, much to Solomon’s surprise. He leaned forward a little to catch a glimpse of their slightly flushed cheeks before they shot him an irritated glare. Not quite the reaction he was expecting, but a favorable one nonetheless (to him, anyway). Instead of trying to pull back, he let them continue to hold onto his hand, hidden underneath the long desk they worked at.

After a few minutes like this, with MC maintaining their focus on the lesson and using their free hand to scribble down notes, Solomon became bored. The attention needed to be back on him. Glancing down at his captive hand, he concluded it was more in a death-grip than a loving sort of hold. He started by maneuvering it so that his palm could touch MC’s. Although they weren’t looking at him, MC could tell what he was trying to do and ended up loosening their grasp for him. Once it was a natural hold of hands, Solomon noticed a light blush creep onto MC’s cheeks, bringing an amused smile back to his own face. He kept his gaze on them as he continued to carefully adjust his hand until he could interlock their fingers together. A wave of satisfaction washed over him when their flushed features darkened and their eyes darted between him and their notes. Still, all of their attention wasn’t on him quite yet.

Almost there, Solomon thought. Just a little more.

Once the teacher turned around to add something to the board, Solomon brought their joined hands up to place a kiss on the back of MC’s, finally causing them to twist toward him in their seat. He kept them positioned like that, his lips lingering on their hand longer than necessary so that he could study their blushing, wide-eyed expression and slide his thumb down to their wrist to feel their racing pulse. It didn’t matter to him if anyone else saw. At this moment, only the two of them existed, with no interruptions. MC eyes were only on him, just as his own always roamed back to them no matter where they were or who they were with. He wished it could last, but for now, this was enough. He then slowly pulled away to rest their intertwined hands between each other and out of sight, just before the teacher finished writing.

For the remainder of the class, MC had trouble retaining what they were supposed to learn, only feeling Solomon’s hand and recalling the sensation and vision of his kiss. And just like that, all of their thoughts were focused solely on him, which was a great success to the sorcerer.

Snippet - Moments with Him

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, here are some cute little moments between MC/you and each of the boys (minus Luke) using sentence startersby@myfriendthedictionary. Enjoy!!


“You want your usual, right?”

Lucifer glanced up from his paperwork to lock eyes with MC after hearing their question, a hint of surprise flashing briefly over his features. “And you know what that is?”

“Of course,” they replied with a grin. “I’ve seen you have it enough times to figure it out. I’ll make it just the way you like it, too.”

He gazed at their figure in the doorway of his study. The candlelight seemed to shine on them in a way that made them appear even more radiant in his vision than they normally did. No, perhaps it was the fact that they took the time to memorize these tiny details about him, such as his favorite drink to have while he’s working, that enhanced his view of them in this moment. Falling for a human was shocking enough, but falling more in love with them every day? The eldest demon brother wasn’t sure how they managed to do this to him. Even so, it was a strange phenomena that he couldn’t ignore any longer. He may as well accept it.

“Very well,” Lucifer said, a smile tugging at his lips as he refocused on the documents on his desk. “I look forward to it.”


“This really isn’t going how I practiced it.”

It was meant to be said in his head, but Mammon ended up muttering the words aloud in front of MC. He was trying to properly convey his feelings for them without deflecting or stumbling over himself, but the exact opposite was happening. How many times had this happened now? Why couldn’t he just say what he really thought? Despite how much he motivated himself and the time he spent making sure he’d do it right, he always got tongue-tied the moment MC was in front of him.

“Practiced?” MC repeated curiously, causing Mammon’s face to flush a darker shade of red.

“F-Forget ya heard that!” he demanded.


“Seriously, don’t get the wrong idea! It’s not like I needed to practice tellin’ ya how much I like ya or anything! I can tell ya how amazin’, intelligent, attractive, funny, and important ya are to me just fine without going over it for hours in front of a mirror, got it?!”

MC bit back the giddy grin that threatened to form on their face in favor of taking Mammon’s hands in theirs. “You sure can. Thank you, Mammon.”


“Would you maybe want to… I don’t know… do this again, sometime?”

Leviathan’s question came out hesitantly, his fingers fidgeting with the plastic bag in his hand. He never imagined that MC would actually agree to go to an anime convention with him, and yet they had. The two of them spent the whole day there, and Levi had a blast getting to experience something he loved with the one he loved. It was a wonderful combination of his favorite things! However, did MC enjoy it as much as he did? He wasn’t sure, already overthinking everything they had said and done during the convention.

“I’d love to,” MC responded without missing a beat.

“R-Really?” Levi asked, worried he may have misheard somehow. “You didn’t hate it?”

They shook their head. “Some of the stuff there was pretty cool. Plus, I liked seeing you look so happy and comfortable in your element. Make sure to let me know when the next one is, okay?”

Tears pricked at the corners of Levi’s eyes, overwhelmed with joy by MC’s answer. “I-I will! And, um, if there’s any place you really want to go to, let me know! Even if we’re surrounded by normies and extroverts, I’ll still go! B-Because I… I want to see you happy, too!”


“They say not to touch the artwork, but I have to ask… can I hold your hand?”

Satan’s grin widened as he observed MC’s reaction to his sudden flirty remark. He had invited them on a date to an art museum since both of them were curious about how the creative works in the Devildom and human world differed from each other. With the way it was going, it seemed more like an educational field trip than a date, prompting Satan to change his approach to the day’s activity. He was pleased with himself for having caught the human off-guard when he leaned in front of their line of sight to softly ask for their hand.

“Wh-Where did that come from?” MC inquired, playful nudging him away in an attempt to hide their blush.

Satan laughed lightly at their embarrassment. “What do you mean? We are on a date, aren’t we? Isn’t it natural that I’d want to hold my lovely partner’s hand? Besides, you’ve been looking at this piece for so long, I was beginning to wonder if you forgot I was here.”

Now it was MC’s turn to laugh, the familiar sound bringing a gentle warmth to the demon’s chest. Once they placed their hand in his, the two never separated for the remainder of the date.


“You always look beautiful to me.”

Asmodeus delicately lifted MC’s chin up so they could see that his expression matched the sincerity of his words. The two of them had gone out shopping for new clothes, and Asmo had suggested a variety of things for MC to try on in the dressing room. With each outfit they came out to present, Asmo gushed over them, showering them with adoration. However, when MC viewed their appearance in the mirror, nothing seemed to look right on them, and they ended up expressing this concern to Asmo when he noticed they weren’t acting like their usual self. They stared at their feet as they spoke, unable to face him from how they felt about themself in that moment. They weren’t expecting his remark or the way he brought their gaze up to rest on him.

“Even now, there’s a certain beauty in the sadness you’re showing,” Asmo continued, his hand moving to cradle their jaw while his thumb tenderly stroked their cheek. “No matter how you’re dressed or how you’re feeling, I think you’re absolutely gorgeous, MC. And I’ll always see you that way.”

MC reached their hand up to place it over the hand he kept on their face. “Thank you, Asmo.”

“No need to thank me. I’m just telling you the truth. I’ll remind you as much as you need me to until you believe it, too–and even long afterwards, okay?”


“What do you mean you burnt the popcorn?”

Beelzebub rubbed the back of his hand in guilt when MC discovered the blackened kernels that were supposed to be part of their movie night snacks. He hadn’t meant for it to happen. MC had tasked him with watching over the popcorn heating on the HoL kitchen’s flaming stove top while they were putting the finishing touches on the sweet treats they had made. Beel’s focus had drifted from the popping kernels to MC’s figure, working diligently on the other side of the kitchen. Not even the wafting smells from the food around him could peel his eyes away from the human. As a result, he hadn’t noticed the popcorn burning until it was too late.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized with an expression rivaling that of a kicked puppy. “I just wanted to see what you were adding to the treats, but I ended up staring at you instead. I like how you look when you’re focused on something, and then I started thinking about how great those treats are going to taste because you’re the one working so hard on them. Everything you make always ends up tasting better than anything I eat at a restaurant or bakery. …Then, before I knew it, the popcorn had been on the stove for too long. I’m really sorry for burning it, MC.”

It was difficult for MC to stay mad at Beel for an honest–and cute–mistake. “It’s all right, Beel. We’ll just pop another batch. I’ll even stay with you to watch over it this time.”

That was all it took for Beel’s wide grin to return. Still, after disposing of the burnt popcorn into his mouth, he couldn’t keep his loving gaze off the human beside him as the new batch of kernels popped on the stove.


“Nope! Not moving. Too comfy!”

That’s what I should be saying, Belphegor thought bitterly to himself after MC vocally refused to remove themself from his chest. The two of them had been studying for a while in MC’s room when Belphegor suggested they take a nap break. No amount of pouting or whining could pull MC away from their notes, so he reluctantly plopped himself on their bed, all alone. Well, that is, until he tricked them to come over because of a “hilarious picture Beel sent.” Once they were near, he pulled them down onto the bed with him and claimed that they had to take a break now with him since they were already there. As revenge for duping them, MC managed to situate themself to lay on his chest, which was one of his lesser preferred napping positions. Belphie wanted to be more upset, but he was actually kind of impressed they got the better of him. Still, that didn’t prevent him from complaining for a bit until he was too tired to do so anymore.

“Fine, I guess you can stay there then,” he conceded.

MC giggled triumphantly while snuggling closer to him. “Good! It’s rare that I get to rest on your chest like this. It’s nice.” They sighed in contentment as their eyes drooped shut.

Belphie wrapped an arm around them before following suit. When he thought about it, it really didn’t matter how his body was positioned when he slept with MC. He was satisfied just having them by his side. If it meant that the human he cared deeply for would stay with him and enjoy his company more, then he supposed he could let them lay on his chest more often.


“Oh, hello again!”

Diavolo greeted MC once more with a bright smile that stretched from ear to ear after bumping into them for the umpteenth time that day at RAD. What might have seemed like strange coincidences to MC were entirely intentional on the prince’s part. He had been wanting to see them more, but his duties typically kept him busy and farther away from the human whenever he wasn’t at RAD. So, he decided to find them every chance he got between classes that day in order to spend some time with them. As nice as these short interactions were, there was one last part to his plan that he was looking forward to the most, and since the school day had just ended, it was finally time to carry it out.

“Are you headed anywhere before returning home, MC?” Diavolo inquired.

“No,” they answered with a slight shake of their head. “Why do you ask?”

“Well, they have a new live show at the aquarium featuring Black Dolphins and Devilkiller Sharks. It’s said to be an exciting experience you’ll never forget! I’ve been wanting to see it since it was first announced, so I was wondering if you’d like to join me.”

“Sure, sounds like fun!”

Diavolo beamed at their enthusiastic response. “Excellent! I’m so glad I’ll get to enjoy it with you. Ah, one other thing. It may run a bit late, so allow me to treat you to dinner as well afterward. …Perhaps we can call this a date, then?”


“Yeah, I somehow don’t think this was how the recipe was supposed to turn out…”

MC’s comment brought Barbatos’s attention to the deflated cake that they had recently taken out of the oven. MC wanted to recreate one of the cakes they saw at Madam Scream’s, and when they had asked Barbatos if he knew the recipe for it, he had instead voluntarily offered his assistance in making the dessert. Lately, he had been making more of a conscious effort to engage in activities with them outside of his usual responsibilities, and since it wasn’t often they got to be alone with the ever-busy royal butler, they readily accepted his help. Although, with the way the cake looked right then, they wondered if their baking skills with Devildom desserts were beyond even Barbatos’s help…

“Actually, this is how it’s supposed to look after being baked,” Barbatos explained reassuringly. “There’s one more ingredient we need to add while it’s still hot in order for it to take its proper shape. I prepared it before you arrived.”

He brought over a heart-shaped chocolate and dropped it within the opening the unique baking pan created in the middle of the cake. The candy quickly began to melt within the cake, causing it to rise until the chocolate completely filled the inside of it and oozed slightly out of the top.

“Whoa, how’d you do that?” MC questioned him, amazed by the magical sight.

“The recipe calls for a special kind of chocolate that can only be made by someone who has overflowing feelings for another.” Barbatos turned his head to make eye contact with them, a tender smile gracing his features. “So, you could say I simply filled our cake with love.”


“There’s nothing that could keep me from coming back to you. Nothing.”

MC stared back at Simeon in awe after he finished reading aloud the draft of the latest chapter in his manuscript. The angel author had invited them over to his room at Purgatory Hall to receive their input on a new story he’d been working on. He had been mulling over a pivotal scene between the two main characters for so long that every rewrite he did seemed worse than the previous version. MC noticed how absent-minded he was during one class at RAD, so when they had asked if something was wrong, he decided to seek their outside perspective on his writing. He must’ve done something right in the draft he read to them, considering they even started clapping once they recovered from their initial astonished reaction.

“That was amazing!” MC praised. “I felt like I was right there in the scene!”

“You did?” Simeon questioned them, a feeling of shock overtaking his bashfulness from their feedback. “How so, if you don’t mind telling me?”

“Your descriptions were so detailed I could picture exactly what the area looked like. And I could feel the tension in the air and the physical and emotional pain the characters were going through… You know, I actually lost myself for a bit. Like, I thought I was the love interest for a while there and you were the protagonist. …Is that weird?”

Simeon gazed back at them with a warmth that resonated in their chest. “Not at all. I’d say you understood the characters quite well.”


“Remind me why I love you, again?”

That was the first thing MC said when they saw the state Solomon was in after he had asked them to come over to Purgatory Hall and help him with a “small problem” he was having. He had been experimenting with Hell Jasmines to see if he could alter the effects its aroma had on demons, which resulted in him creating a scent that drove every cat within a 10 mile radius into the building. Simeon and Luke were out running errands, so he knew he needed to get this mess solved before they returned (if they even could among the sea of cats). And who better to call on for aid than his beloved fellow human?

“Ah…” Solomon trailed off while a cat leapt onto his shoulder to nuzzle the side of his head. “Because I’m a witty sorcerer who teaches you magic, cooks for you, and would do anything you ask? And…I love and appreciate you above all else?”

“That was almost correct,” MC noted, stepping around the swarming felines to reach where he was trapped by a group of them.

“Almost? What did I miss?”

“We can worry about that later. For now, I’ll keep the cats off you so that you can stop whatever is causing this.”

“Thanks, MC. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

Snippet - Under the Mistletoe with MC

Merry Christmas (Eve)!! As a special gift to you all, and a big thanks for over 550 followers, please enjoy this long snippet with all the characters (minus Luke and the three newest ones) sharing a kiss with MC under the mistletoe! Since each part got pretty long, I broke it up into bullet points for easier reading. I really hope you enjoy this! =) ❤️

How would everyone respond to being under the mistletoe with MC?

It was the holiday season, and after a trip to the human world, Diavolo had enthusiastically decided to celebrate some of its traditions in the Devildom. The festivities were held at the Demon Lord’s Castle, where the interior was decorated with various holiday items that intrigued the demon prince enough to bring back from the human world. MC and Solomon had to explain most of the holiday traditions and the purpose behind the different decorations to the demons and two angel exchange students, but the whole celebration made the two of them feel a little less homesick.

Everything was going well until Luke noticed a sprig of mistletoe hanging from one of the doorways and questioned MC about it. They explained to the innocent angel that there’s a tradition where if two people walk under a mistletoe, then they’re supposed to kiss each other as a sign of love. They asked him not to tell anyone else about the practice, though, since it could cause a stir anytime someone walked under it. Plus, it was just an old tradition, not something anyone had to follow. Luke promised to keep it a secret, but someone else had already overheard their conversation.

Later on, while everyone was opening gifts, MC left briefly to use the restroom. On their way back, they suddenly ran into someone just as they were passing underneath the doorway with the mistletoe. They glanced nervously between the mistletoe and the face of the individual they bumped into.


  • Lucifer exhibited his typical serious expression after MC’s bodily impact, but on the inside, he was full of pride by how well everything in his plan had fallen into place. After overhearing MC’s explanation about mistletoe to Luke, he came up with a few ways that he could be alone with the human underneath the mistletoe. Their trip to the restroom worked with one of his ideas, so when he thought MC would be on their way back, he excused himself from the group gift exchange under the guise of “needing some air from all my brothers’ nonsense.” It was shortly thereafter that he came across MC at the exact time they were approaching the doorway with the mistletoe.
  • He initially acted oblivious to their nervousness while he explained why he had left the others for a bit, secretly enjoying the look on their face, but he soon pointed out how they kept peeking up above them. Even if MC tried to brush it off, Lucifer was insistent they tell him exactly why they were so distracted by a tiny plant decoration. “Perhaps it has to do with the tradition humans have about kissing underneath one?” he wondered aloud, pleased by their surprised reaction and the blush that followed it when he moved closer to them. “We’ve been following all of the other practices you and Solomon have taught us about tonight, so I don’t see why this should be an exception. What do you think?”
  • Once MC consented to it, he added with a grin, “Very well. Consider it an extra gift from me then.” He gripped their chin between his thumb and index finger and placed his other hand on their shoulder to keep them in place as he pressed his lips onto theirs. He let it be known that this was his kiss, asserting the most control during it, although the kiss also revealed how much he had been craving MC’s touch. He broke apart from them a little early just to feel their lips chase after his–well, and also because the last thing he wanted was for Diavolo or someone else to suddenly walk in on the two of them. “Hm? Was that not enough for you?” he inquired, a smirk playing on his lips. “In that case, when we return home tonight, we can continue this in my room. After all, I don’t need to use some plant hanging above us as an excuse to kiss you.”


  • Mammon also had this encounter planned out, and it surprisingly worked out almost exactly like he wanted it to! He had left the others behind by complaining that MC was taking too long in the restroom and needed to go check on them. Then, he waited near the doorway until he heard them coming. However, he got distracted by a painting on the wall that he thought could sell for a high profit, which caused MC to crash into him.
  • He started telling them to watch where they were going but fell short when he noticed their glances at the mistletoe and remembered why he was there in the first place. He cleared his throat and tried to put on his usual bravado, saying, “Well, I’m in a good mood, so I guess I can forgive ya for crashin’ into me. Though, I mean, ya could do somethin’ to make it up to me. Like, maybe…” Now he was the one looking back and forth between MC and the mistletoe, his blush growing more visible by the second. When MC asked him if he knew about the mistletoe custom, he adamantly denied it, his tsundere personality taking over until he finally admitted to overhearing their conversation with Luke.
  • He’d gotten himself too worked up now to initiate anything, so MC had to grab his face and give him a quick kiss on the lips. His face could’ve rivaled a ripe tomato with how red it was from the sudden action. “H-Hold on, I was supposed to do that!” he argued, wrapping his arms around MC’s waist to prevent them from retreating. “‘Sides, ya call that a kiss? C’mere, I’ll show ya a real kiss.” Mammon immediately dove in for a long, deep kiss with MC. His greediness for them required him to move one hand to the back of their head to stop them from dipping too far back. He especially enjoyed it when MC returned his energy, making him hold back a bit so they could lead more instead. Once they both broke apart for air, Mammon rested his forehead on MC’s. “I like ya so much it’s crazy, MC,” he murmured. “I just can’t get enough of ya. Let’s stay here a little longer, until my brothers come lookin’ for us. I don’t wanna let ya go yet.”
  • (Forget the expensive painting, he definitely stole the mistletoe to make sure no one else could use it to kiss MC–and to keep as a memento…and maybe future use.)


  • Leviathan was just as startled as MC when they bumped into each other. He was playing through a limited time holiday event on one of his mobile games and was so absorbed in it that he hadn’t heard the human’s approaching footsteps. In fact, it was because of his inattentiveness and frequent exclamations while playing this game that the others decided to temporarily kick him out during the gift exchange, which left him wandering the halls–still on his phone–until he was allowed to return.
  • He began to explain this to MC–and how normies could never understand how important these kinds of game events are to obtain special loot–but got annoyed when their focus kept drifting upward. A strange noise escaped his mouth when he realized they were looking at the mistletoe hanging over both of them, his mind recalling its purpose from MC’s discussion with Luke. He became far more flustered about the situation than the human was. “I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to be under the mistletoe with you!” he declared, starting to ramble. “I heard you say it’s a human world thing to kiss someone under it, b-but that’s not why I was here! And, I mean, of course you wouldn’t want to be forced to kiss a yucky shut-in otaku; who could blame you? And honestly, that’s fine, because this sort of thing is totally something only normies would do! Though, I wouldn’t mind being able to kiss y– Gahhh, n-nevermind!! Why are you still standing there anyway?! Shouldn’t you have left by now?!”
  • When MC admitted to Levi that they wouldn’t mind kissing him, his face turns an even darker shade of red than it already was. “R-Really?!” he questioned them doubtfully despite feeling on cloud nine from their words. “You want to kiss me? You’re not messing with me, are you? I don’t need your pity, if that’s what this is!” MC had to give him a quick peck on the lips just to prove their sincerity–and shut him up for a bit. Hoo boy, there had to be steam coming out of Levi’s ears from that simple action. Finally convinced that they were serious, he grabbed MC by the shoulders and practically crashed his lips into theirs, for if he took it too slowly, he’d psych himself out and wouldn’t have been able to do it at all. It was a short kiss since he’s inexperienced, and he couldn’t get himself to relax until the last few moments. He then turned away and attempted to hide his bright blush behind the back of his hand. “U-Um, sorry if it wasn’t good,” he apologized meekly. “I would’ve liked it to be more like the ones you see in anime, but– Um– Listen, I really like being able to kiss you, MC, so I promise I’ll get better, okay?”
  • (If MC suggests trying again right then and there, he might just collapse. But once he recovers, he’ll go for it.)


  • Satan felt fortunate that he got to learn about an intriguing human world tradition that he could actually use to his advantage over the rest of his brothers. Some time after MC had left for the restroom, he convinced the others that the human may have gotten lost on the way back and that he would go look for them. This plan ended up working since most of his brothers bickered that they should be the one to look for MC while he remained calm and rational (on the outside), which prompted Lucifer and Diavolo to agree that Satan could go find MC. He sighed while walking down the hallway, exasperated from his brothers’ annoying arguments over something so minor, only to accidentally collide with the human he was looking for.
  • He apologized to them for his lack of awareness, but they were more concerned with what was above them. He glanced up as well and was somewhat shocked that they both happened to meet up directly under the mistletoe. “Well, isn’t that something?” he noted aloud with a grin. “I was hoping to catch you here, but not quite like this.” When they asked what he meant, he replied, “You see, I just so happened to hear that there’s a practice in the human world where if two people are found underneath a mistletoe, which just so happens to be the plant hanging over our heads, then they must kiss each other. Care to elaborate on the topic?” He laughed lightly at their startled reaction before explaining himself. “I was thinking,” he then said, “since you’re the human world expert, maybe you could educate me on how this custom is done? For the purpose of expanding my knowledge…and having the chance to kiss you.”
  • After receiving MC’s approval, Satan rested one hand on their cheek and positioned the other on their waist to carefully bring them toward him. Any frustration he was feeling earlier melted away through their kiss, gradually making his movements even softer. He held MC like they were the most precious object in existence, and in this moment, they made him feel like he was truly his own person–not a fragment of a fallen angel or the embodiment of wrath. Once the kiss was over, he grasped the hand MC had on his face and turned his head to press a gentle kiss to their palm. “I never liked the idea of being vulnerable around others, but with you, MC,” he remarked, “I feel I can let my walls down completely. I hope you can feel the same way with me. Oh, and thank you for this learning experience.”


  • Asmodeus was full of smiles, as MC had fallen right into his trap. He’d kiss himself at how smart he was and how well he timed this, if he could! Well, he could in the mirror, but that would have to wait. “Hi, MC~!” he greeted them cheerfully. “I wasn’t expecting to bump into you here. What are the odds? Perhaps we’re just naturally drawn to each other, hm~?”
  • He tried to play innocent, saying he was on his way to freshen up in the restroom, but MC noticed him looking up at the mistletoe more often than they were. Soon enough, he admitted to having heard them talk about the human world tradition of kissing underneath the mistletoe. “I was hoping we could experience this special custom together,” he explained, his cheeks becoming rosy. “So, MC, will you let me kiss you?”
  • Once MC gave their consent, he brought his hands to their face and whispered for them to come closer, slowly decreasing the distance between each other until their lips finally touched. The kiss was gentle at first–with Asmo initially taking the lead to test MC’s comfort level–and gradually grew as passionate as MC allowed it. Somewhere along the way, Asmo moved one of his hands to MC’s lower back to ensure they stayed as close to him as possible. Even when they both separated, he kept a firm hold on MC, his thumb stroking their cheek as he studied their expression. “I could kiss you forever and never grow tired of it, MC,” he said, staring deeply into their eyes. “It must be because of how much I love you, and because of how great your love feels whenever I’m with you. …Say, since we’re still under the mistletoe, does that mean we can kiss again? We may as well, right?”
  • (He also totally stole the mistletoe later for future use with MC, regardless of what time of year it is.)


  • Beelzebub looked at MC with concern and asked if they were okay after bumping into him. Upon confirming that they were fine, he grinned warmly at them in relief. He explained that he was on his way to the kitchen to find something to eat while Barbatos was distracted with the gifts. He was about to ask MC if they wanted to join him, but he noticed they seemed distracted by something.
  • He followed their gaze up to the mistletoe and let out a soft, “Oh.” He then told them that he had heard their explanation to Luke about kissing under a mistletoe, sending a light blush to both his and MC’s faces. “I…want to do that,” he admitted. “With you. Can I, MC?”
  • When they agreed, Beel’s expression softened from their words, his lower eyelids wrinkling slightly from the smile that had formed. His hands rested on the human’s shoulders to keep them in place as he leaned in toward them. The touch of his lips on theirs was soft and delicate, revealing his fear that he might hurt them if he wasn’t careful. He felt MC wrap their arms around his neck to pull him closer in order to ease his worries, and he finally began to relax and deepen the kiss. After the two of them pulled apart, Beel had a loving, giddy smile on his face as he gazed at MC. “Your kisses are the best, MC,” he remarked. “They always make me feel full, in both my stomach and my heart.”
  • (Even so, he definitely ate the mistletoe before they both returned to the others. Come on, it had berries; how could he resist?)


  • Belphegor had actually fallen asleep against the siding of the doorway, only to be woken up abruptly by MC running into him. He was groggy and grumpy at first, but once he heard the human’s voice asking if he was okay and what he was even doing there, he regained his senses. As he straightened his posture, he told them that he was getting bored at the group gift exchange without them around, so he had decided to leave for a bit until they returned but fell asleep along the way.
  • There was a mischievous glint in his eyes while he pointed out the mistletoe above them, and a smirk formed on his lips when he noticed them tense in response. “What’s wrong, MC?” he teased, inching closer to them. “You seem kind of worked up about this little bunch of leaves. Is it because the two of us are underneath it right now?” He chuckled at their reaction to his claim and then admitted to overhearing them talk about mistletoe with Luke. “But since we’re here,” he continued, “we may as well kiss, right? I mean, I’d like to anyway, even if there wasn’t a tradition.”
  • As soon as MC agreed, Belphie wasted no time in taking a hold of their face and closing the distance between the two of them. The kiss he gives, on the other hand, is slow and a bit lazy–he’d rather have MC do more of the work. Still, he refused to separate himself from them, wanting to draw it out for as long as he could and even taking the lead if MC was nervous or not too experienced. After it came to an end, Belphie smiled in contentment. “That felt really nice,” he noted. “Your kisses seem to give me more energy than a full night’s sleep, MC. Since I’m wide awake now, how about we stay here and kiss some more before we head back to the others?”


  • Diavolo quickly reached out to grab MC’s shoulders and steady their balance from their collision into his torso. He fretted over them, worried he may have hurt them, but they assured him they were simply just caught off-guard. He nodded his head at their comforting words and began asking them their thoughts about the holiday party–like he came over just to do some sort of check-in–, but his hands never left their shoulders. MC answered his questions while struggling to make eye contact, too distracted by the close proximity, his grip on their shoulders, and the mistletoe hanging above them.
  • Then he asked them about the mistletoe, making their body flinch. “I heard you explaining its purpose to Luke,” he confessed. “When I visited the human world, I thought it was merely a decoration since it was hung in random locations. I never would’ve guessed that there’s a custom involving kissing under it. It’s rather interesting!” His smiling face then became more serious. “Do you practice this tradition, MC? If you don’t mind, I’d like to experience it with you.”
  • Once MC agreed, Diavolo’s hands slid up to their jawline while he moved in closer to their lips. His kiss was gentle at first to avoid accidentally hurting the human, but he melted into it on his own as he grew more comfortable. The demon prince was starved for affection, and MC’s matching energy in the kiss made him feel so whole that he had no intention of breaking away until it was necessary. When they did, though, he kept his face close to theirs, the tips of their noses lightly grazing over each other. “I quite like this human world tradition,” he said with a grin. “I’ll have to hang up mistletoe around the castle next year, too. You’ll join me again for the holidays, won’t you, MC?”


  • Barbatos responded as any refined butler would: by calmly assessing MC’s condition after they bumped into him. He behaved like his usual composed self, so the human had no idea that he had fully intended to stop them underneath this specific doorway. He explained to them that he was on his way to the kitchen to fetch some more drinks for the guests, which was true, but he made sure to time his exit well enough so that he was more likely to encounter MC on their way back from the restroom.
  • Feigning innocence, he questioned MC about the mistletoe hanging above the two of them, his smile growing a little bigger from the blush that dusted their cheeks from his inquiry. He nodded in understanding during their explanation. “So in that case, since we’re both under the mistletoe right now, it’s customary for us to kiss, yes?” he concluded. “If it’s all right with you, I’m more than happy to follow this practice.”
  • After MC agreed to it, Barbatos stepped toward them and gently cupped their face. He leaned in with his eyes closed, but he peeked open while his lips ghosted over theirs to observe the look of anticipation on their face. Amused by their expression and reassured that he wasn’t the only one who wanted this, Barbatos finally pressed his lips onto MC’s. Although he initiated it, he gradually followed their lead, not wanting to do anything they didn’t like and continuing until they were completely satisfied. Once they both separated, he looked back at them with a warm smile. “Thank you for this wonderful experience, MC,” he said. “Moments like these that I share with you mean a lot to me. I hope we continue to have many more of them.”


  • Simeon’s arms wrapped and hovered around MC’s body like a safety net to catch them in case they fell over from the sudden impact. He was just on his way to grab some more cookies that he and Luke had made to share with everyone else, but his mind was too preoccupied with other things to fully pay attention to his surroundings. He was relieved when the human was able to rebalance themselves and avoid getting hurt. He apologized for not watching where he was going while rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, but he became concerned once again when he noticed that they seemed out of sorts.
  • “Are you sure you’re okay, MC?” he inquired, his tone laced with worry. “Are you maybe feeling tired from tonight’s festivities? I could get you some water, or–” MC tried to assure him that they were fine, but when he noticed them take another quick peek at the top of the doorway, he understood what was affecting their behavior. “Ah, it’s the mistletoe, isn’t it?” he asked, relaxing a bit while speaking in a more soothing manner. “I heard you telling Luke about the tradition humans have that involves kissing under it. You also mentioned that it’s not something that has to be done, and I have no intention of kissing you without your permission, so you don’t need to worry about it.”
  • However, when MC expressed that they actually wanted to kiss him, Simeon’s eyes widened in shock, not expecting them to say that. Even so, a blush crept on his face at the thought of kissing them and from how happy he felt that they wanted the same thing. After accepting their request, he rested one hand on their cheek and tenderly placed his lips on theirs. The kiss was brief and chaste, as Simeon feared that if he lingered too long, it would become increasingly difficult for him to stop willingly. Despite the kiss only lasting a short time, he poured as much love as he could into it so that MC could get a sense of how deeply he cared for them. Still, just in case his feelings didn’t reach them completely, he told them afterward, “You know you mean a lot to me, right, MC? You always make even the darkest days in the Devildom so much brighter to me, and I want to do whatever I can to keep that smile on your face each and every day. So, even if it’s just a kiss under a mistletoe, don’t ever hesitate to ask me if you want something, okay?”


  • Solomon had temporarily forgotten about the practice of kissing underneath mistletoe until he heard MC bring it up to Luke. He had disregarded this plant some time ago since it rarely worked well in potions and he didn’t feel inclined to follow this custom from his world that mainly affected couples. However, now that MC was around, the tradition became more appealing to him, so he plotted to get the two of them alone under this mistletoe before the end of the party. Not surprisingly, it was rather difficult, considering MC’s popularity and how possessive the demon brothers were of them. By some stroke of luck, he acquired an opening after MC had left and everyone was preoccupied with a magnificent gift Diavolo had given to one of them, allowing him to easily sneak out. He was a bit early, so he hid near the doorway with the mistletoe until he heard his fellow human’s approaching footsteps. He then popped out suddenly to surprise them, and they accidentally ran into him in the process. He apologized while they tried to regain their composure.
  • Half of MC’s attention was already on the mistletoe, but Solomon pointed up to it to let them know he was focusing on it as well. “Are you familiar with mistletoe as a plant?” he inquired. “You may have seen it by itself in public places during this time of year, but in nature, it’s a parasitic plant that primarily lives off of trees. What’s more, every part of it, including its berries, is poisonous to us humans, should we choose to consume it. Though, I’m sure it’d have no effect on someone like Beelzebub.” MC wondered what he was trying to get at, so he resumed, “Anyway, despite this plant’s function in our world, there’s still the tradition where people kiss underneath it and view it as a symbol–or even a blessing–of love.” It was then that he confessed to unintentionally eavesdropping on their earlier conversation with Luke. “If you’re willing, MC, I’d like to follow this little tradition with you.”
  • After MC gave their consent, Solomon pulled them closer and tucked a loose strand of their hair behind their ear, his face flushed as he eyed their lips. He then confidently leaned in to kiss them. He was eager to express his feelings for them, and it was a big boost to his ego when the well-liked human reciprocated his kiss; it felt as though they were choosing him over the demons and angels that constantly vied for their attention–that he was able to stand out more to them than those powerful beings. He couldn’t stop his lips from curving into a smile on theirs just before the kiss reached its end. “I’ve met so many other humans in my extended lifetime, but none of them could ever compare to you, MC,” he declared. “If you’ll let me, I’d like to stay by your side and continue to show you my affection like this as often as I can. But for now, let me hold you in my arms a little longer.”

MC, Solomon, and Mammon are eating lunch together in the RAD cafeteria. While MC is excitedly telling a story in between eating their meal, they soon notice that Solomon, who is sitting across from them, hasn’t touched any of his food yet.

MC: Aren’t you going to eat, Solomon?

Solomon: I will, but you look so cute and happy right now that I couldn’t help getting distracted. I just want to watch you a bit more.

MC: *caught off-guard* Wh-What?

Mammon: *in a panic, yet annoyed* H-He said he likes to creepily stare at you, MC! Totally weird, right?! Just ignore him and finish your story already!

Mammon: *in his head* (Dammit, I was thinkin’ the same thing! How’d he say it so casually like that, though?!)

Obey Me! Side characters meeting MC’s desceased loved one

This is the second part of a request I got. I’m not sure if the person wanted a side characters’ version but I like writing them to here I go again!

I hope these don’t come across as disrespectful in any way. That is not my intention in the slightest. The same warnings apply as before.

TW: mentions of death, causes of death, meantions of drugs.. Nothing too graphic though.

[Brothers’ vers.] HERE

  • You were eating dinner with Diavolo, just gazing at each other lovingly while occasionally remembering to take a bite out of your meals.
  • You were very much in the honeymoon phase of your relationship, but Diavolo already knew what he wanted your future together to hold. And what Diavolo wants, that he gets.
  • So, while you were chewing onto your food, Diavolo spoke up.
  • “I want to talk to your parents. I want to ask for their permission to court and marry you.” Diavolo stated non-chalantly, as if he hadn’t just dropped a huge bomb onto your head. You nearly choked on your food at his comment.
  • “You want.. What?!” You asked after managing to swallow the food you were eating. Your face was red, either from blushing or nearly choking to death.
  • Diavolo just chucked at your reaction, finding it rather amusing, “You heard me right. I want to talk to your parents about my plans to marry you.”
  • You thought about it for a moment, trying to compose yourself. Diavolo, the literal prince of Devildom, had just spoken up about his intentions to marry you, a measely human.
  • “There might be.. One problem..” You mumbled quietly, not daring to meet Diavolo’s eyes.
  • “What is it, dear? I’m sure I can fix it.” Diavolo promised you, reaching out to take your hand, squeezing it.
  • “My mom.. She’s dead.” you sighed, your eyes filling up with tears as your own words felt like an arrow piercing your heart.
  • “Oh..” Diavolo gasped, surprised, “I’m so sorry for your loss.. What about your father, then?” Diavolo continued to question you. You shook your head.
  • “It’s been my mom and I since I was born. My father didn’t stick around.” you admitted, looking down at your lap.
  • Diavolo stayed quiet for a moment, “That is alright. I just wanted to be proper and introduce myself, but.. We don’t need anyone’s permission to get married.” Diavolo quickly got himself together and stated with a hearty laugh. You smiled at your lap, still feeling Diavolo’s warm and big hand interlaced with yours.
  • That vey same night after you had left the castle, Diavolo decided to take matters into his own hands. He wouldn’t be able to bring your mother back to life, no, but he if anyone would be able to reach out to her for a little talk. He was the crown prince of demons after all.
  • Summoning the dead wasn’t too difficult for him, and in no time your mother was in the same room with him, still recovering from the sudden disturbance and teleportation.
  • “Where.. Where am I?” she questioned, blinking rapidly and looking around with widened eyes.
  • “You’re in the Demon Lord’s castle, ma'am.” Diavolo explained with a gregarious smile.
  • “I’m.. in Hell?!” the woman suddenly panicked, looking around for an exit. But Diavolo’s reflexes were faster than hers and he quickly took the woman by her wrist.
  • “You needn’t fret. Your stay here is temporary and you will be sent back after you’ve heard me out,” he assured her, trying to appear kind, but fear and intimidation was still evident in the woman’s eyes, “My name is Diavolo. I’m the future ruler of Devildom.”
  • “S-So you’re Satan?” the woman questioned, confused.
  • “No. Satan is somebody else. You humans do seem to have many misconceptions of demons..” Diavolo let out a drawn out sigh with an amused grin, having heard that many people believe Satan to be the rightful ruler of Hell.
  • “W-What do you want from me? My soul? Is that it?” the woman questioned, still doubtful.
  • “Nothing like that. I just wanted to talk to you. You see, I’ve found myself quite enamoured by your child.” Diavolo stayed patient with your mother, not wanting to scare or hurt her.
  • “My child?! Is MC in Hell?! What are they doing here? Send them home!” your mother shrieked, panic setting in again.
  • “Ah, well, they partook in my exchange program to help unite the three realms. They were one of our human students we housed. It was not my original plan to fall for them, but I just found myself unable to stay away from them.” Diavolo explained.
  • “So what you are saying is.. You kidnapped my child, forced them to go to your school and NOW you are absolutely obsessed with them?” the woman accused, growing angry.
  • “No that’s not it.. Quite. They came and stayed here by their own free will. They have befriended many demons and angels alike and are well looked after. And I’m not obsessed with them, I just love them.” Diavolo tried to convince your mother that his intetions were good.
  • The woman looked at Diavolo with a hardened expression, “So why was I needed here? Is my child alright?” she finally relented.
  • “They’re perfectly fine. I summoned you here, because, well…” Diavolo took a deep breath; this first meeting had been very bumpy, but he had to take his chances, “I’m planning to properly court and marry your child and I was wishing to ask you for your permission to do so.”
  • The woman’s eyes were as big as saucers, her mouth slighly ajar at the revelation, “A demon wants to marry… My child?” she repeated Diavolo’s words in disbelief.
  • “Yes. More than anything. I’ve never felt this way towards anyone else,” Diavolo nodded with a serious expression on his face, “Moreover, your child would have everything they’d ever need or want. I can provide them with anything their heart desires.”
  • “But what if their heart desires to bring me back to life?” the woman asked. That question made Diavolo freeze up. Bringing back the dead was one of the only things that were out of his limits. Not without huge sacrifices at least. Sacrifices that could lead to disturbances and uprisings in all three realms.
  • “I am sorry.. But I fear that might be out of my bounds.” Diavolo hung his head low, feeling defeated.
  • But to his surprise, your mom reached out to lay her hand on his shoulder comfortingly, “I was just testing you. To see your true intentions. I had a feeling it wouldn’t be possible, so I was trying to see if you would either lie.. Or promise to go so far there’s no point of return.” she assured him with a calming tone.
  • “So did I pass your test?” Diavolo questioned, looking deep into your mother’s eyes again.
  • She nodded, “Yes, you did. You.. Have my blessings to go forward with your plan. I don’t have much choice either way, do I? I’m dead and my child is perfectly capable to make their own decisions. And if they choose to marry you, well, I’m happy for them.” and for the first the, the woman smiled.
  • Diavolo crushed the woman into a tight bear hug, “Thank you so much!” he laughed in pure joy, relieved and ecstatic that she had said yes.
  • “You’re welcome.. My son.” your mother called him her son endearingly, as a sign that he’s now part of their family. Just the simple word made Diavolo’s heart flutter.
  • Later, when he had already sent your mother back, he kept repeating that word in his head. Son.. He didn’t remember his mother, so having someone like her call him her son made him extremely happy and wondering if this is what it felt like to have a mother, even if in reality she was his mother-in-law and dead.

  • Barbatos wasn’t allowed to meddle with the timelines per his Young Master’s request. Neither did he really have any real interest to do so; it was much more entertaining to see how things would work out without him controlling the narrative.
  • Even with his powers and high position in society there were many things out of his control; like the attraction he felt towards you. It is something unspoken, new and unfamiliar to him, but he welcomes this change from the neverchaning stream of events that his ordinary life so far has been filled with.
  • Sometimes when he had some time to spare, he liked to get to know you better; not by talking to you, but by gazing at your past. Seeing you grow up from a tiny human child into the person you are today has been truly magnificient, especially since Barbatos has never been a child himself.
  • One scene captivated is attention more than anything else; you visiting an old man every Friday, sitting on his knee, showing off your drawings, telling stories and playing pretend with the smiling old man.
  • It was truly an endearing scene; the chidlike wonder in your eyes, the gentle look that the man, presumably your grandfather, gave you as you babbled on.
  • So one time after you had left your grandfather’s house, he decided to pay himself a little visit, rebelling against Diavolo’s orders. He wanted to meet the man you seemed to carry so much love towards.
  • Your grandfather was sitting on an armchair, next to a grandfather clock as Barbatos appeared on the armchair next to him.
  • “Hello, mister. Are you perhaps MC’s grandfather?” Barbatos asked politely. The old man turned to look at his, his eyes wide.
  • “Who are you? Have you come to claim my soul?” he questioned, a hint of worry in his eyes. Barbatos kept his calm demeanor.
  • “Nothing of that sort. I apologize if I scared you. My name is Barbatos and I am the keeper of time and space.” Barbatos introduced himself.
  • “I am MC’s grandfather, yes. What do you mean by… Keeper of time and space?” your grandfather requested some much needed clarification.
  • Barbatos kept quiet for a moment, thinking whether it was safe to explain that to the old man. After a moment of thinking he decided to indulge the man, knowing he wouldn’t be around to tell the story many years longer, “I keep track of timelines and might interfere with them if so needed. I’m really not from your time or space, but just found myself intrigued by your presence and influence on little MC.”
  • “How do you know my little MC?” your grandfather questions, raising an eyebrow.
  • “ We’re…” Barbatos thought about how to describe your relationship for a moment, “From the same circle.” He finally stated, not wanting to use the word friend without your consent, especially knowing how he feels towards you without you knowing about it.
  • “Well, they must be special to you, seeing you came here for them just to talk to me.” the old man laughed, leaving Barbatos slightly flustered on the inside, not that you could see it from his face, “But how do I know you’re not lying to me? What year is it in your time?” the man challenges Babratos.
  • “In human world years it’s 2022, sir.” Barbatos replied impeccably.
  • “Hmm.. As far as I know, it’s 2007. Well, what kind of major world events take place between 2007-2022?” the old man nodded his head slowly, taking in the answer and trying to wrap his head around Barbatos’ answer.
  • Babratos begins to tell about the pandemic, differets wars and conflicts that have taken place, about terrorist attacks and the financial crisis of 2007-2008.
  • “Very well.. I guess I’ll have to wait and see whether your predictions come true.” your grandfather looked thoughtfully at his hands, “Can you tell me something about my death?”
  • Barbatos falls silent. Of course he has seen it. He has watched that scene more than once. The old man, now living and healthy, will be connected to many tubes and machines in a hospital as a sobbing MC sits by his bed, holding his hand and asking him to stay for a bit longer. He had seen when the old man got his diagnosis. He had seen his health slowly deteriorating. He had seen his funeral. He knew the day, the hour, even the second of his passing. But some things should stay secret, at least to humans in his mind.
  • “Do you really wish to know?” Barbatos questions the man, a shadow falling over his eyes as he looked at the man expectantly. Your grandpa pressed his back against the arm chair, looking slightly worried.
  • “I.. I don’t think I want to, no.” he shook his head with a sigh, tapping the armrest of his chair.
  • “Thought so. Stop worrying about your time running out and just enjoy the moments you have left,” Barbatos said with a small smile, “Do you believe me now?”
  • “I suppose so… My friends are not going to believe their ears when I tell them this one!” the old man quickly recovered, turning back into his cheerful self.
  • “There is one request I would like to ask of you,” Barbatos muttered and fished a intricate pocket watch out of his pocket, “Can you give this to MC? It is nothing dangerous or special, it is just a regular watch.”
  • Your grandfather took the watch and inspected it closer. It had a rather regal looking engravings, accompanied by a fancy cursive ‘B’ and a teacup charm attached to it.
  • “Their birthday is coming up. Perhaps this could be a part of their birthday gift? I am positive they will cherish it alongside with the other presents you might give them as they come from their beloved grandfather.” Barbatos explained even further, wanting to make sure you will receive his little gift.
  • The old man stays quiet for a while longer before nodding, “I’ll do that.” he promised after his small hesitation. Barbatos’ smile widened.
  • “Thank you,” Barbatos thanked the man before standing up and dusting off his clothes, “I need to head off. I might be needed elsewhere. Thank you for your time. Don’t forget to live and enjoy the ride.” Barbatos bowed to the man before teleporting him back to the current day timeline.
  • For the rest of the day, he had been smiling to himself, proud to think that you had maybe been carrying a piece of him with you ever since your birthday back then.
  • Suddenly his phone pinged and he saw that he had received a message from you. You had written: 'I just found this old pocket watch I got from my grandfather when I was a child and it reminded me of you! Isn’t that a fun coincidence?’
  • What a fun coincidence indeed, dear MC.

  • Simeon was visiting the human world as he was ordered to do so by Michael. He apparently had to gather some information on the recent events in the human world and write them down.
  • Everthing was going well and Simeon had written down a lot of new information on the human world when he became.. Distracted.
  • There was a book fair in the city he was staying at and Simeon could not NOT visit that as an author himself.
  • Maybe he’d find some new interesting human world books and meet some human authors.
  • The book fair was a hit! Simeon talked with plenty of cool authors, got to buy so many books and even saw TSL being marketed there. He loved talking about the series with strangers who didn’t know that he was the author of it.
  • Anyway, one seminar being held there that was about an author that had passed away a few years prior. He decided to enter the seminar, having not heard about his books before.
  • Weird.. This man shared his last name with you. Must be a common surname in this country, eh?
  • He saw pictures of the man on the screen. He seemed like a kind man. But wait.. He saw a man exactly like him sitting in the crowd, listening to the seminar with a curious smile.
  • No one else seemed to notice him though.
  • So Simeon decided to take action. He changed his seats, walking up the the man, “Is this seat taken?” he questioned politely. The man turned to look at him with a shaken expression.
  • “No..” he mumbled in shock and Simeon nodded, sitting down next to him, “You can see me?” the man asked in disbelief as Simeon nodded, “You can’t be a human, right?”
  • Simeon smiled mysteriously, “Perhaps I’m not. But I don’t think you’re alive either, so what are you doing here?” he turned the question around.
  • “Well, I just wanted to see what they were talking about me. I’ve always had a curious mind, you see.” he chuckled, studying Simeon intently.
  • “I am an author myself and I’d like to ask you a few questions if that’s alright?” Simeon asked for the man’s permission to question him further.
  • “The floor is yours.” the man nodded with a smile.
  • “I’ve recently been hitting kind of a writer’s block.. What inspired you to write your books?” Simeon asked his first question.
  • “Good question..” the man rubbed his chin in deep thought, “Dreams. Life events. Love. One of my best selling books’ main character was actually inspired by a person I knew, my niece/nephew. I base many of my characters on people I know.”
  • “Oh, I do that too!” Simeon chuckled, thinking back at the demon brothers. Maybe he should start including MC and Solomon to his books, too, “Do you think the book sold well because of the main character?”
  • “Well, at least partially. MC has always been a very relatable person.. I’ve gotten plenty of comments about how my readers really related to them and loved the way they spoke and acted in my book.” the author explained and Simeon froze at hearing that name.
  • “MC? As in MC *last name*?” He tried to clear the situation up.
  • “Yes, that’s the name of my niece/nephew. Do you happen to know them?” the author asked and Simeon started to piece the puzzle pieces together. If this man was calling you his niece/nephew, that meant that this man was your uncle, right?
  • “Yes, we’re.. Friends.” Simeon answered, his cheeks slightly reddening. You might be a little more than friends or at least he had more deeper feelings towards you than that of a friend, but… He just couldn’t admit that to your UNCLE.
  • “Ah, what a coincidence. I wonder what kind of crowd my niece/nephew has gotten into, seeing they have befriended someone not quite human..” he japped at Simeon with a teasing tone.
  • Simeon bit his tongue, trying not to explain to him that his darling niece/nephew has befriended demons and angels, “so what was that book about?” he changed the subject quickly.
  • “The main character was chosen as an exchange student. But that school was not just any school - it was a school with students from three different species - vampires, werewolves and humans. Previously this three species had hated each other - humans tried to stake vampires, vampires had a natural and instinctual hatred towards werewolves and werewolves mauled human villages and houses during the full moon. It was all up to the main character to get these species to see past their differences and work together.” the man told the plot of his best selling book to Simeon.
  • Simeon couldn’t help but smile, noticing some funny parallels.. Exchange students, three species, one human to connect them all together? Sounds all too familiar to him.
  • “You said you were an author too? And that you were suffering with a writer’s block, yes?” the man suddenly asked, a serious look on his face.
  • “Yes..?” Simeon nodded, not quite catching onto what the ghost was after.
  • “I never managed to finish one of my manuscripts.. It’s actually meant to be a sequel to the book I just described to you.. If you feel up to the challenge, could you finish writing that book for me and publish it posthomously? You could donate the earnings of that book to my niece/nephew, seeing that they were my inspiration to the first book altogether.” your uncle requested in all seriousness, rendering Simeon speechless.
  • “I know it is a lot to ask, but.. I believe you would be able to finish my story the way it is meant to be finished.” the ghost author continued, seeing Simeon’s doubts.
  • Simeon thought about it for a moment. This could help him with his writers block AND he did know MC while also having the abilites to write a succesful book, “Alright. Do you have the manuscripts with you?” Simeon finally gave in and saw the ghost’s face light up.
  • “Yes, they’re in this briefcase.” your uncle handed him a leather briefcase. Simeon opened it and saw around 200 pages worth of text. He flipped the first page just to read the words..
  • 'Dedicated to my niece/newphew MC. You’re the real main character. Thank you for always making my days brighter.’
  • Simeon was about to ask the ghost another question but when he looked back up, he was gone. Simeon stared blankly ahead, trying to compute all the information.
  • “Okay, I’ll write this for you and for MC.” Simeon mumbled to himself before getting up, buying the first book your uncle had written and walking out of the book fair, clearly on a mission.

  • Luke was up in the Celestial Realm one day, baking something delicious to Michael when he suddenly heard the sound of something crashing in the dining room.
  • Luke quickly ran to the scene, finding a young boy, probably around six-years-old, and a dog standing there, shattered plated next to their feet. They had guilty looks in their eyes.
  • “Hey! What are you doing? Those plates belong to Michael!” Luke scolded them and knelt down to pick up the pieces of the broken plates, “Ugh, this is such a mess..” he muttered.
  • “I-I’m sorry…” the little boy mumbled and knelt down to help Luke out, “I’m just new here, a-and my dog is so playful..” he tried to explain himself.
  • The dog whimpered sadly, tail between its legs. Luke couldn’t stay mad at the cute dog and the poor little boy who was visibly shaking in his boots.
  • “Oh well, it’s just plates, at least no one got hurt..” he sighed before looking up at the boy, “what’s your name?”
  • The boy introduced himself to Luke. Luke also found out he used to be a human not so long ago. Luke knew what that had meant. The boy had died.
  • “This is a cute dog! Is it yours?” Luke asked, trying to cheer the boy up.
  • “Not really.. This was my aunt’s/uncle’s dog. But I guess now I’m obliged to take care of it!” the boy explained with a small smile.
  • “Is your aunt/uncle here too?” Luke questioned but the boy shook his head.
  • “No, they’re still alive. They went on to study abroad in a different school so I haven’t seen them around much.. I miss them..” the little boy told Luke with a sorrowful tone.
  • “I am an exchange student, too!” Luke exclaimed with a grin, “I went to the Royal Academy of Diavolo with Simeon, have you met him yet? Oh, and also two humans, Solomon and MC-” he was suddenly cut off by the young boy.
  • “MC? That’s my aunt’s/uncle’s name, too!” he gasped with wide eyes, “Did they look like this-” he questioned and started to describe exactly what you looked like.
  • “Yes! I think we’re talking about the same person!” Luke was flabbergasted yet excited to meet his friend little nephew, “MC is so nice! We bake together all the time when I am in Devildom!”
  • “Yeah, they’re so nice..” the boy seemed sad all of a sudden, “I’m glad they weren’t lonely while studying in Devildom.. I wonder if they even remember me anymore..” the boy questioned out loud, biting the inside of his cheek.
  • “I’m sure they do! I’m sure I can arrange you two to meet sometime! They have been to Celestial Realm before, after all!” Luke promised the boy, not wanting to see him sad.
  • “Really?” the boy sobbed, looking up at Luke with hopeful eyes. Luke smiled widely at the boy while nodding, “Pinky promise?” the boy offered Luke his pinky.
  • “Pinky promise!” Luke chuckled and wrapped his pinky around the boy’s pinky, “You can also see your previous owner, little dog!” he assured to the dog whose tail was now wagging excitedly.
  • “MC doesn’t even know we’re… Dead.” the little boy sighed, “It happened while they were away… My parents had promised to take care of their dog until they return and one day I was playing with the dog outside when I threw the ball too far.. On the road.. And the dog ran to get it and I ran after them, trying to get them to halt as it’s too dangerous to run there.. But they didn’t listen and I ran after them and then as soon as I got to the dog.. A truck came and we both..” the little boy told the story of his death, his voice trembling.
  • The dog jumped against the little boy, licking his face in order to cheer him up.
  • “Oh no.. I’m sorry..” Luke said his condolensces, wrapping his arm around the little boy’s shoulder, “But now that you’re here, you can still meet MC here and there! I can communicate through you two if needed!”
  • “Yeah.. That’s good..” the boy smiled weakly up at Luke.
  • “Hey, I was in the middle of baking, do you want to join me? We can eat it together afterwards!” Luke beamed.
  • “But I don’t know how to bake! And weren’t you baking for Michael?” the child protested.
  • “I’m sure Michael understands that you need the sweets more than he does right now!” Luke chukcled, “And don’t worry, I’ll teach you how to bake in no time! Then we can always bake together!”

  • You were in the human world, just traveling together and Solomon was helping you to cultivate your magickal abilities.
  • You were currently in your home country as you really just wanted to check up on everyone.
  • You were about to pass a cemetary when you tugged at Solomon’s jacket, looking at him expectantly.
  • “What is it?” Solomon mused, knowing what that look in your eyes meant. You were about to ask him for something.
  • “Can we visit that cemetary?” you asked rather quietly, your eyes on Solomon.
  • “Why’d you want to do that? Is someone you know buried there?” Solomon interrogated you further.
  • “Yes..” you nodded, still hoding onto the sleeve of Solomon’s jacket.
  • “I guess it won’t hurt to drop by their grave.” Solomon gave you the permission and you began to tug him towards the cemetary with determined steps. Solomon chuckled and followed you right behind.
  • You lead him to a gravestone with a singular name. When Solomon inspected the grave, he realized that the person buried there had been young- Wait, that person was born the same year as you.
  • Solomon instantly began to calculate the probabilities. Was this your twin? No, you two don’t share a birthday. Technically siblings CAN be born the same year if the older is born in the first months of the year and the mother gets pregnant right away, but that seemed very unlikely too as you didn’t share a surname. A friend, perhaps? Or a cousin.
  • “This is my classmate. She OD’d.” you finally spoke up as you knelt over the grave, plucking some withered petals off of the flowers left at the site, “I’m sorry I have no candles or flowers to bring to you..” you mumbled, words directed at the one buried within the ground beneath your feet.
  • Solomon looked at the scene with a feeling of estrangement. As someone with an eternal life he did not have to think about death too much and he had not grown so close to humans in a long time as to miss them after they pass. He’s smarter than that.
  • You’re that one exception to his rule. Imagining it was you buried there instead of your classmate pained him.
  • Suddenly the silence you shared was broken by your phone ringing. You look at the caller ID, your face lighting up, “It’s one of my old friends! Is it okay if I talk with her?” you made sure that it was okay with Solomon before heading off, talking to your friend on the phone.
  • Solomon was left all alone in the cemetary, just looking at the names and dates etched onto the cold stones.
  • All of the sudden Solomon felt a presence nearby. The cemetary seemed deserted by first glance, but there was someone.. Or somethind definitely there!
  • Using the help of his magic, he began to follow an invisible string left by the energy.
  • It lead him to the morgue. Opening the locked door was no problem for a potent wizard like him.
  • Solomon turned on the morgue light and almost jumped when he saw a young woman standing in the middle of the room, wearing a white, long-sleeved dress that reached all the way down to her toes. Her skin was pale and sunken and her hair messy and muddy.
  • “Well hello there, dead girl..” Solomon greeted the young woman quietly with an uneasy smile. He had seen dead bodies before, but rarely were they up and walking.
  • “Solomon…” the walking corpse finally gasped, her voice raspy, “Please, you’ve gotta help me.. You’re a powerful wizard, aren’t you?”
  • “Okay, I’m not even going to question HOW you know my name, so.. Yes. I am a powerful wizard, thanks for the flattery.” Solomon chuckled, starting to relax from his startled state.
  • “You’ve gotta help me.. I don’t know how to go home..” the woman stumbled forwards, her legs giving out immediately. She grabbed Solomon by his arms, hanging onto him tightly, “I’ve tried to go home! I can go anywhere I want expect home!” tears started to pour out of her eyes, colored muddy dark brown from the soil and decomposing.
  • Solomon caught the girl, taken back by the sudden outburst of emotion. She must’ve been scared and lost for a while now, the poor thing. “What do you mean by home?” Solomon questioned, not wanting to accidentally send her somewhere where she’ll be even more lost.
  • “I… I…” the girl shortcircuited, “I don’t remember… I don’t know… I just need to go home…” she begged the wizard, her frail form trembling.
  • “Alright.. Let me jog your memory a little. Do you remember your name?” Solomon questioned, remaining calm.
  • “Of course I do…” the girl nodded and repeated her name, the same one that Solomon had seen on the gravestone.
  • “How long have you been dead for?” Solomon asked and saw the girl tense up.
  • “I’m dead?” she asked before taking a look at her hands and her clothes, “Oh, that’s right… It’s been… Two years, two months and 22 days…” the girl repeated, sounding almost machine-like as she remembered the exact numbers.
  • “Very good. You’re doing great. Now tell me, how did you pass away?” Solomon interrogated her further, gently but determinedly leading her towards her big epiphany.
  • “I shouldn’t have died so young… Without those drugs, I could still be alive…” the girl mumbled, finally letting go of Solomon as she looked somewhere behind him. Solomon determined her object of interest to be the door of the morgue.
  • “What did the drugs do?” Solomon asked as the girl started to take careful steps towards the door, hand reaching out for the handle.
  • “I took too many… I overdid it… Overdosed…” the memories started to come back to her the more steps she took.
  • “Do you remember someone called MC?” was Solomon’s next question. The mention of your name made her stop momentarily.
  • “MC? My classmate MC?” she questioned and turned to look at Solomon again, “You know them?”
  • “Yeah. They are my apprentice and friend.” Solomon chuckled at the surprised expression on the girl’s face.
  • “MC.. I’m glad they’re okay..” the girl smiled briefly before turning her gaze back at the door, “I’ll text them once I get home.” she stated, her face blank again.
  • Solomon sighed in his mind. So even after all this time, the girl was confused. She couldn’t fully understand that she was dead so maybe that was why she couldn’t move on. “So what happened after you died?”
  • “Dark… It was dark everywhere… And I couldn’t find my way home… There was no floor, no path…” The girl kept mumbling and Solomon walked up to her, realizing her eyes had gone completely black.
  • Solomon put his hands in front of the girl’s eyes, reciting a spell.
  • “It’s dark again! It’s happening again! Help-” the girl suddenly screamed before a bright light filled the room, effectively silencing her. After the light faded, her eyes had gone back normal, looking more lively and bright than before.
  • “There was a curse on you. I’m sorry I didn’t realize it before. Now you can go home. See that door? Just look at it and think of it as the doorway to home. Believe in that thought harder than you’ve ever believed in anything else. Just follow the light and you’ll finally be home in no time.” Solomon instructed the girl and she nodded, her eyes glued to the door now. Her steps were no longer wobbly, but strong, and her hair was shinier than before and her skin had it’s natural hue back.
  • As soon as the young woman touched the handle, her body started to glow before slowly becoming more and more transparent. As the door opened, there was only brightness behind it.
  • “Thank you, Solomon. Say hello to MC from me.” the girl smiled before stepping out, her corporeal form fully disappearing. A sudden gust of wind slammed the door shut again as the lights of the morgue flickered. Solomon knew he was back in the normal human world again.
  • He stepped out of the morgue, the cemetary looking the same as earlier, only the weird presence was gone. In the distance, he saw your figure looking for him. He smiled as he closed the morgue door and started to make his way back to you.

A/N: People who are either 30+ or younger than like 15 reading Barbatos’ section like: I can’t relate to being a child in 2007 Also Solomon’s part is giving me flashbacks to the time I was working at a graveyard and no one else dared to clean the morgue so I always had to do it. Once again, comments, likes and shares are always appreciated!

Obey Me! Jealousy [Side characters]

Here is the second part to my jealousy imagines, I hope you like them! Some of these are more fluffy, some more spicy, some more serious. Characters included: Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon & Solomon.

[Brothers’ vers.] HERE

Read the imagines below v

  • Diavolo had invited you to a luncheon alongside with some important nobles from the kingdom.
  • You arrived at the castle accompanied by Lucifer who was also naturally invited. You were both dressed up in something appropriate for such an event.
  • Barbatos led you two to the dining room where Lord Diavolo was already sitting at one end of the long table alongside with some of the nobles he had invited.
  • When Diavolo noticed you, his face broke out in a wide, boyish grin and he stood up to greet you two.
  • “Hello Lucifer, MC. I’m glad you could make it!” he exclaimed and beckoned you two closer. When he did, he guided you to sit on a chair to his left, his hand on the small of your back, “Could you sit here, MC? I’d like to be able to converse with you with ease. Lucifer, you may sit next to them.”
  • You did as instructed, albeit your cheeks flared up ever so slightly. Lord Diavolo wanted you to sit next to him? During an important luncheon like this?
  • Before the luncheon officially began, a handsome demon sat opposite of you, to Diavolo’s right side, giving you a subtle smirk.
  • “Ah, hello Oriens. How have you been?” Diavolo inquired of the newcomer with a smile.
  • “Thank you my Lord for asking, I have been doing well,” Oriens nodded at Diavolo before fixing his gaze back at you, “Especially now that I’m here..” he added with smoulder.
  • “Oriens and his brohers oversee the four cardinal directions. Oriens is the overseer of affairs at the easthern parts of the kingdom.” Diavolo explains to you, still oblivious to Oriens’ flirtiness.
  • “Ah yes, the eastern part of the kingdom is truly breathtaking! Beautiful blooming trees, clear waters, snow-covered mountains.. Perhaps someone just as breathtaking as you should pay that part of the kingdom a visit?” Oriens grinned at you, cocking his brows.
  • “Uhm, it sounds nice..” you replied, feeling a bit shy because all of the sudden so much attention was on you.
  • “That’s a wonderful idea! Perhaps you and your brothers could plan a week-long trip for the exchange students where they can visit all the further parts of Devildom!” Diavolo laughed, excited with this new idea, not even realizing what Oriens was aiming at.
  • “That sounds like a wonderful idea, my Lord,” Oriens agreed smoothly, “I wouldn’t mind them staying at my manor, and I’m positive my brothers wouldn’t diasgree with the notion either.”
  • You risked a glance at Diavolo. You saw a flash of frown on his face, before he was back to his usual smiling self, “Yes. I’ll summon you and your brothers to discuss this plan further soon.” Diavolo nodded.
  • “You should invite the exchange students, too, as the plan involves them.. Or at least one representative.” Oriens suggested slyly.
  • “That’s a great point, perhaps Solomon or Simeon would do..” Diavolo tapped his chin thoughtfully.
  • “Or MC right over here as they already know about our plan, yes?” Oriens countered and suddenly you felt something caressing your leg. You looked up at Oriens and saw that he had discreetly turned into his demon form and was now touching your leg with his tail. You squirmed on your chair, trying to get as far away from him as possible.
  • You looked at Diavolo pleadingly, hoping he would do something about this situation.
  • “You have just the most amazing ideas, Oriens,” Diavolo nodded before calling out to Barbatos, “Barbatos, could you bring me a bottle of wine from the cellar? The one I have been keeping for special occasions?”
  • “Yes, my Lord.” Barbatos nodded and hastily left. In just a few minutes he came back, handing Lord Diavolo a bottle of wine with an enigmatic smile.
  • “Perfect!” Diavolo grinned and then offered the bottle to Oriens, “I’d like to thank you for your help with the exchange program with this little gift. I hope you accept it.” he explained, leaving you confused.
  • “How could I refuse a gift from my gracious Lord?” Oriens mused, “May I open it here?” he inquired.
  • “Of course, go ahead.” Diavolo smiled before leaning towards you, “Oriens is always greedy for wine. There’s no way he could turn down a bottle.” he mumbled as you two watched Oriens pour some wine into his glass.
  • “Cheers, beautiful,” Oriens raised the glass towards you before drinking the whole glass in one gulp, “Delicious..”
  • “3… 2… 1…” you heard Diavolo muttering under his breath. When he reached zero, you saw Oriens’ face go pale and twist is agony.
  • “I think.. I need to go.. Please excuse me..” Oriens muttered, gritting his teeth as he got up. He started to make his way out of the dining room but couldn’t even exit the room before starting to cough up something red.
  • “Ah, that must be just wine..” Diavolo shrugged it off nonchalantly and before long, everyone else returned to their own conversation. Only some of you realized that the wine Diavolo had offered to Oriens has been white wine, not red.
  • Diavolo took your hand under the table and gave it a comforting squeeze, “Oriens won’t bother you anymore. The way he was treating you was completely unacceptable. If you feel shaken up, you can stay at the night at the castle. I’ll make sure you’ll forget all about that slimy scum.” Diavolo smiled at you warmly even though there was a certain coldness to his voice.

  • You walked in through the open castle gates alongside the brothers, dressed up in a fancy outfit. You wore a corset underneath your outfit to give your torso a desirable shape.
  • It was time for another ball at the Demon Lord’s castle; the decorations were tasteful yet extravagant, and there were many demons of noble rank invited.
  • Your outfit seemed to catch the attention of a certain demon though.. One that you were rather familiar with..
  • “Good evening, MC. You are looking exceptionally captivating tonight.” Barbatos greeted you, eyeing you up and down discreetly. He then took your hand and planted a chaste kiss on your knuckles, like a true gentleman.
  • No one else knew, but you had been in a secret relationship with Barbatos for about a month now. You had kept it extremely down low for all this time so tonight you had really wanted to show off to him, to test his patience and stealth.
  • “You’re looking handsome as well, Barbatos,” you smiled at him with raised eyebrows, tilting your head, “Do you like my outfit?” you questioned the butler.
  • “You look like million grimms,” Barbatos nodded with a thoughtful gaze, his eyes stopping at your waist, “Care to join me in the kitchen for a while?” he then met your eyes with a professional demeanor. You knew what that meant. He was wearing his work mask, at least for a while, one that he had let slip after seeing you.
  • “Sure. Need a hand?” you kept up the charade as well, walking behind Barbatos as he began to make his way towards the kitchen.
  • As soon as you had made it into the kitchen, Barbatos turned around, closed the door and backed you against a counter. His expression was still unreadable.
  • “What’s up, Barbatos?” you whispered silently, not quite following with the butler’s train of thought.
  • “You are wearing a corset..” Barbatos mumbled, reaching out to touch your waist delicately with his gloved fingertips. His gentle touch sent electric shocks down your spine.
  • “Do you like it?” you questioned innocently, batting your eyelashes at the demon.
  • “Yes, but…” Barbatos trailed off and furrowed his brows ever so slightly, “Who helped you put it on?” he then asked, meeting your eyes with a stern look on his face.
  • “Who helped me put in on?” you thought back, remembering how you had asked Asmodeus to help you out and how he has squeezed you in way too tight ‘in the name of beauty’, “Asmodeus did!” you giggled.
  • A shadow fell over at Barbatos’ face after hearing the name of the avatar of lust and he pushed you on top of the counter, locking you at place by holding down your thighs, “Asmodeus.. He didn’t try anything funny, did he?” he interrogated you, that ever-present polite smile long gone.
  • “Huh? Of course not!” you quickly stammered, your face flushing from his sudden reaction.
  • “Good..” Barbatos muttered and nodded, his grasp loosening, “The next time you need help with corsets.. Come to me, and me only, understood? I know how to put them on properly.” Barbatos explained, seemingly trying to compose himself again after losing control of his emotions for a second.
  • “Are you implying that Asmodeus, the most fashionable one of the brothers, doesn’t know how to put on a corset?” you snorted, reaching out to touch Barbatos’ face. Barbatos leaned against your palm gently, “Better yet, does this mean you want to see me in a corset more ofter?” you smirked.
  • “I did not stutter, now did I?” Barbatos smiled mysteriously.
  • “But aren’t you busy enough as it is without me barging in to see if you can help me with my corsets?” you questioned with a surprised edge to your tone.
  • “I am never too busy for you, my love.. And putting a corset on you will not take much of my time, I have great dexterity.” he assured you with certainty.
  • “Oh really..? Want to test your speed and dexterity out with me?” you winked wickedly and you head Barbatos’ breath hitch ever so slightly.
  • “I can teach you right here and now.. Bur first, we need to take off your corset, yes?” Barbatos hummed as he took off his gloves with his teeth and slid his exposed hands underneath your clothes with a sly smirk on his face, kissing any bare parts of your skin.

  • Simeon had invited you to the Celestial Realm to meet the rest of the higher ranking angels.
  • On the table were sat Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Chamuel, Jophiel and Zadkiel. You were already familiar some of them, but most of them you were meeting for the first time face to face.
  • You learnt a lot about them; about their jobs, virtues and relations to the brothers. It was honestly such a pleasant and peaceful time.
  • You also got to eat some absolutely delicious Celestial Realm food, too!
  • Luke also popped up a few times, so excited to see you even though he was not allowed to join the table.
  • Simeon was sat on the right side of you, on the left of you sat another familiar face, Raphael.
  • That day you had noted that Raphael seemed more clingy than usual. He wouldn’t leave your side and kept a close eye on you.
  • At first you thought it was because he was not trusting you around the rest of the angels, but soon you realized it could be something else, judging by how he kept throwing you glances and lookng away when you returned his gaze, clearing his throat or rubbing the back of his head in turn.
  • You weren’t the only one who had realized Raphael’s out-of-the-ordinary behavior.
  • Simeon kept glancing at you and Raphael with a hint of discomfort in his eyes even though he did his best to keep calm and keep on smiling and conversing as if nothing was wrong.
  • After the dinner Raphael walked after you and asked you a question: “MC, would you be willing to take a walk with me in the gardens?” he questioned, sounding just a bit nervous.
  • “Oh, sure thing!” you smiled at him, completely unaware you were being watched very closely by Simeon.
  • Simeon secretly followed you to the gardens. He felt guilty about it; he had known Raphael for many millenia and they were friends, but yet he couldn’t fully trust him around you for some reason..
  • He knew how attractive you were in the eyes of both demons and angels; with your angelic heritage, your magical powers, your innocence and kind nature; it’s no surprise both angels and demons flocked to you.
  • He watched from the bushes as you two walked through the gardens; it seemed innocent enough. Raphael was telling you about the different kinds of flowers and plants around you, occassionally asking you questions about you and your life back in the human world.
  • When you went on to pick a beautiful flower you saw, you accidentally pricked your finger. Raphael was fast enough to impres you with his healing powers, taking the pain away with a swift movement of his hand.
  • He however, kept holding your hand even after he had healed it. You gave him an odd look but didn’t pull away, perhaps out of politeness.. That’s at least what Simeon was hoping for.
  • Then Raphael suddenly let his beautiful, pure white wings emerge from his back, showing them off as you stared in awe.
  • You as a human did not know what that meant for an angel, but Simeon did. Simeon knew what Raphael was up to and what he was going to next.
  • Showing off your wings was the first stages of angelic courtship. Just thinking about Raphael courting you made Simeon’s head spin, face heat up and feel like he needed to throw up. He didn’t quite understand why though.
  • Raphael then asked you to run your fingers through his feathers. This was so unfair. You should be doing that to him- No, you shouldn’t be doing that to anyone as you did not understand the significance of it!
  • And then you did touch Raphael’s wings; just the sight of it made feel like someone stabbed Simeon’s heart.
  • He could not watch that any longer. He had to think fast. You’d think that as an author, Simeon would be quick on his feet and come up with plans for situations like this easily, but right now his head felt so empty.
  • Luckily for him, somebody else had his back.
  • “Raphael! Come quick, the oven is in flames!” Luke suddenly ran to the garden, tears in his eyes, waving his hands around like a lost child.
  • Raphael quickly took off, floating towars the kitchen as quickly as he could, his feet barely touching the ground.
  • Simeon could swear Luke’s eyes met his in his hiding spot and that Luke grinned at him.. Those demons must be a bad influence for him.
  • Simeon gratefully took his chance and came out of the hiding from bbehind you, walked up to you and rested his hand onto your lower back, “Oh, MC! I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” he smiled at you sweetly, pretending he had never been watching you.
  • “Hi Simeon! I was just taking a walk with Raphael, that’s all!” you smiled widely at your angel friend, completely unaware like the little lamb you were.
  • “Is that so?” Simeon chuckled, taking your hand, “There’s much more to see to the Celestial Realm other than the gardens. Would you care to come along? I can give you a tour!” he smiled back at you.
  • “Sure! There’s no one else I’d rather go with.” you sang, giving Simeon’s hand an affirming squeeze.
  • Simeon’s heart jumped at your words and he could feel his cheeks blooming in pink, “And there’s no on else I’d rather show around than you.” he responded, holding your hand up and giving the back of your hand a gentle kiss, keeping his striking blue eyes locked onto yours.

  • Solomon was wise. Solomon was funny. Solomon was witty. Yes, Solomon didn’t hold himself on a low pedastal even when he was surrounded my demons, he knew his worth.
  • He was more powerful than any living human thanks to his immortality, knowledge, magical powers and experience.
  • Being one of the two humans plopped into Devildom, he also felt some sort of kinship towards you and couldn’t help but feel like you must have felt the same way towards him.
  • After all, he was similar to you in many ways. He understood your humanity better than anyone else.
  • He was growing quite protective of you in fact. He did his best everyday that you would feel secure and have a great time during your stay in Devildom.
  • Even though his methods were kind shady sometimes..
  • Anyway, there was no reason for him to feel underequipped when it came to wooing you; he had an ace in his sleeve; his humanity. No one else could get you quite the same way he did.
  • However, he did feel like an underdog.
  • It was nearly impossible to find time to hang out with you, just the two of you, because the pesky demon brothers always seemed to come into the play every time he tried to get his charm on.
  • Any time he texted you, asking if you wanted to hang out, he would get an apologetic reply where you told him Lucifer had given you some sort of stupid task to do.
  • And when he ran into you in public, Mammon was always somewhere nearby lurking, coming between you two if Solomon got too close to you.
  • If you stayed with him after school hours, you would soon receive a call from Leviathan, asking you to come home to play games or watch anime with him.
  • The library wasn’t a safe place either, as every time you went there together you would run into Satan sooner or later, who would tag along with a sinister smile plastered on his face.
  • Shopping and clubbing without Asmodeus was totally out of the question.
  • Dinners and lunches together would all be crashed by one hungry boy known also as Beelzebub.
  • And you always declined his invitations for slumber parties, explaining that Belphegor sleeps better when he’s with you and becomes grumpy if you’re not around…
  • It was like Solomon wasn’t allowed to have you to himself, not even for an hour or two without some sort of intervention, and that pissed Solomon off.
  • The brothers already had you living with them! Why couldn’t they let him be alone with you? Wouldn’t you living with him make more sense in the first place, seeing that you were both humans?
  • So that’s why tonight he had a plan to sweep you off your feet.
  • A little before nighttime Solomon arrived at the House of Lamentation, using his magical powers to grant him the power of flight. The flew to your window, peering in. He saw you sitting at your desk, doing your homework.
  • Solomon gently knocked on your window and chuckled quietly as you nearly had a heartattack.
  • You opened your window for Solomon to come in, but instead of coming in, Solomon took your hand and pulled you out, sharing his magic with you so you would float too. Then he began to lead you away from the House of Lamentation at top speed.
  • “Solomon! What are you doing? I still have homework!” you scramed, surprised by his sudden behavior.
  • “Shh, MC. This will be worth it.” Solomon hushed you with a mysterious smile.
  • Before long you found yourself in an abandoned building, “What are we doing here?” you asked the sorcerer.
  • “Just wait and see~” Solomon mused and snapped his fingers. The world around you shifted and began to resemble Purgatory Hall.
  • “What..?” you gasped, looking around wildly.
  • After that, Solomon made the house around you look like all those places he couldn’t go to with you without being interrupted; the streets of Devildom, RAD, the library, the mall, the club, diners and restaurants, your room..
  • “This is our place. We can always escape here if we want to hang out or if we feel overwhelmed with the demons,” Solomon chuckled before taking your hands in his with a glint in his eyes, “They won’t find us here. It’ll be just the two of us in here, okay?” he began to lean towards you, slowly but surely, closing his eyes..
  • And it was dead silent as your lips met in the middle. No interruptions, no screaming brothers. Only Solomon and you. It was perfect.

A/N:Ahh I feel like Barbatos’ was so much shorther than everyone else’s here and I feel bad about it. Thank you for reading! Any comments, reblogs and likes are much appreciated. Which imagine was your favorite and why? I hope you’re all doing fine :)

Obey Me! You meet someone special to them [Side characters]

This is a little trope I came up with for the side characters.. I think it’ll be more difficult to implement for the brothers, so I’ll just leave this one here.

What if you met someone who the side characters used to really care for but that are long gone? What were their relations to them? What would they like to say to you or the side characters?

Honestly, probably none of this fit with the canon but it’s fun to imagine these types of situations. Most of these are kinda angsty and some of them imply to romance between MC and the side character in question.

Read the imagines down below!

  • It was 3 am as you opened your eyes, sleeping next to Diavolo in his huge, luxorious bed.
  • You watched him breathe and slightly snore and couldn’t help but smile.
  • However, you needed to use the bahtroom so you quietly got up from the bed, trying your hardest not to wake him up.
  • You glanced back as you exited the bedroom, making sure Diavolo was still calmly sleeping.
  • But when you got back from the bathroom, you noticed a figure at the doorway, staring at the sleeping prince.
  • Your first reaction was fear and worry; Who was this person? Why were they staring at Diavolo? Were they a secret admirer or perhaps just one of the servants? Were they planning to assassinate him?
  • So you quietly tiptoed behind the figure and mustered up all your strength before punching them from the back-
  • Only for your hands to go straight through them!
  • The figure turns around, a slightly humored smile on their face. In the darkness, it was hard to see their features fully, but you noticed it was a woman; a beautiful young woman at that.
  • “Hello, MC.” The woman spoke quietly and nodded as you politely. You didn’t know what to say.
  • “W-Who are you? How did you get in?!” You questioned the woman, trying to keep your panicked voice low, “If you don’t leave, I’ll wake Barbatos up to kick you out!” you threatened the woman
  • The woman chuckled with a forlorn smile, “How did I get in? Darling, I never left.. Not really.” she sighed and glanced back at the bedroom.
  • “Can’t you just tell me who you are.. Please..” you asked, your nerves eating you alive inside out.
  • “Very well.. I’m Diavolo’s mother.” the woman answered and you felt your heart drop down at your stomach. You’ve been talking to your possible mother-in-law like that?! How come you’ve never met Diavolo’s mom?
  • “Wait, how come Diavolo has never talked about you? He only ever mentions his father here and there..” you questioned, utterly confused.
  • The woman hummed with an unreadable expression, “Diavolo doesn’t remember me. Not many do. My pregnancy was kept a secret and as soon as I had given birth to my baby boy, I was executed.”
  • “Executed?!” you yelled and the woman had to hush you
  • “Yes. The Demon King.. He’s not a good man. I’m glad my son has turned out to be a much more admirable demon, even without my guidance.” Diavolo’s mother explained and turned to look at his son again, unshed tears gleaming in her eyes.
  • “But I never left. I’ve kept watch on him this whole time. He is my baby, I could never abandon him,” her voice wavered with emotion, “Not many people know of my existance.. Barbatos does. But I’ve told him not to bring up my existance with my boy. I think it’s better that way.”
  • “But wouldn’t Diavolo want to meet you? Don’t YOU want to talk to him?” you asked the woman, still looking into the dark room, staring at the sleeping shape of the demon prince.
  • “He has moved on. It’s been a very long time.. And well.. This is enough for me. Just to be able to see him.” she spoke quietly, leaning against the door frame, “You’ll stay, right?” she suddenly asked.
  • “Huh?” you yelped in surprise as the woman turned to look at you once more with a warm smile that reminded you a lot of the way Diavolo always looked at you.
  • “You’ll stay by my son’s side, right? He needs you more than you think he does,” Diavolo’s mother chuckled, placing a hand on your shoulder, “He might be all-powerful and positive but deep down.. He has never received the type of love from anyone other than you, and he depends on that love like it’s his lifeline. I know it from the way he looks at you.. The way he smiles at you.. The way he speaks to you.. The way he holds you.. The way he kisses you.”
  • You were silent for a moment, wondering just how much of your relationship this ghost had been watching, “I’m not going anywhere.” you finally promised, looking the woman straight into her transluscent, golden eyes.
  • Diavolo’s mother’s eyes lit up with happiness, “I’m glad. I’ll haunt you if you do leave or betray him,” she winked at you mischievously before throwing one last glance at her sleeping son, “I think I’ll be going now. Give my son all the love I was never able to show him. I know you have made him and will continue to make him so very happy.” She grins before walking off into the darkness, disappearing as she had never even been there.
  • You just stand there, your head still reeling from your encounter and exchange of words. You’re only broken out of your trance when a tired voice calls from the darkness of your bedroom.
  • “Mmh.. MC? Is everything okay? Come back to bed, my love..” Diavolo beckoned you, rubbing his tired eyes as he sat up in his bed, reaching out for you with a tired smile on his face.

  • Barbatos had graciously invited you to have some tea with him and who are you to turn down the hot demon butler?
  • So that’s why you were now in front of the castle doors, knocking, waiting for someone to open the door for you.
  • The doors opened slowly and you got ready to greet whoever opened it for you, knowing most of the castle’s workers and servants by their names already.
  • “Oh, thank you for opening the door for me, Barbatos invited me, Hello-” you explained as you laid your eyes on the person on the other side of the door, “…Who are you?” you asked, not recognizing the demon. He was wearing a servant’s outfit but you had never seen him before.
  • “Hello, MC. Barbatos has been expecting you.” the demon smiled politely, standing back and letting you enter.
  • “Are you new here?” you asked, wanting to learn the demon’s name. There was something familiar about him, but you just didn’t know what..
  • “Oh, no. I’m one of the longest serving servants here at the castle.” he nodded formally, not even blinking.
  • “How come I have never seen you before..?” you questioned but the man didn’t answer, “It’s fine, I guess.. What is your name?”
  • “My name is Murmur, I am a Great Duke and Earl of Hell, at your service,” Murmur bowed down to you, his gaze piercing, “Pardon me if I am overstepping any boundaries, but would you please spare me a few minutes of your time?”
  • “Huh? But I’m supposed to meet up with Barbatos..” You tried to let him down gently but Murmur’s patient smile didn’t falter.
  • “Barbatos can wait for a few minutes. My matters are urgent. Please follow me.” He said and lead you to the servant’s wing of the castle. You couldn’t help but follow, feeling intrigued. Weirdly enough, the entire wing seemed to be deserted.
  • Murmur took you to a dimly lit room and let out a long sigh after closing the door. When you looked at him again, you realized his form was now transparent.
  • “Oh, you must be surprised to see me like this. Do not worry, this is normal for me. It is hard for me to keep up the corproreal form for longer periods of time.” Murmur explained as he sat down on one of the sofas. He looked older than before.
  • “So.. Why did you drag me here?” You questioned, looking down at your shoes.
  • “Ah yes. I wanted to talk to you about Barbatos.” Murmur nodded.
  • “Barbatos? Is there something I should know about him?” You asked, trying to pry the information out of the mysterious demon.
  • “I suppose, yes. But before that, you should get to know me.” Murmur smiled enigmatically.
  • “What do you mean?” You questioned with a confused tone.
  • “As I mentioned, my name is Murmur. My power is to oblige the souls of the deceased to appear before their conjurers to answer every desired question,” Murmur told you, “And Barbatos and I go way back. I have known him longer than Lord Diavolo or even his father has. We even entered the castle together.”
  • “How old ARE you guys?!” you gasped, trying to wrap your head around the new information.
  • “Older than what a human mind can understand,” Murmur smirked, “We first served the Demon King. We were both butlers; Barbatos was responsible for everything related to eating and drinking, I oversaw the cleanliness of the castle. We were inseperable; like two sides of the same coin.”
  • “What happened then? Why are you transluscent?” you held your breath, imagining how life for Barbatos was back then.
  • “I fell in love.” Murmur smiled sadly, and you swore you could have seen his eyes tearing up although I was hard to see.
  • “With whom? Barbatos?” you wondered out loud and received a breathy laugh from the ghost of a demon.
  • “Oh my, of course not! Barbatos is like family to me,” Murmur shook his head, “I found myself unable to stop thinking about a certain lady The Demon King was courting. He only saw her for her looks; silky auburn hair, tan, glowing skin, gorgeous golden eyes, a delictable body, a warm and inviting smile.. But to me, she was much more than that. She was very kind, witty, nurturing, neat and loving. If she hadn’t been a demon, I’m sure her soul would have been the brightest, shiniest and purest kind.”
  • You thought back at his words.. That description seemed to fit someone else you knew, “What happened next?”
  • “She felt the same way about me, that silly lady. Who was I to turn my dream woman down? We started a secret affair,” Murmur recalled with a fond smile, “Eventually Barbatos found out. He adviced me to stop before anyone else found out.. But I was unable to stop seeing her. I loved her so. Barbatos didn’t really understand, but didn’t blow our cover either.”
  • You had an inkling of what would happen next in the story, dreading to hear the end.
  • “After some time, we found out that she was pregnant. I was both overjoyed and scared. We didn’t know whether the baby was mine or the Demon King’s,” Murmur sighed and closed his eyes, “We knew we had to come clean. There was a chance that the baby would have been illegitimate. So we told the Demon King..” Murmur stopped, taking in a deep breath.
  • “He didn’t take it well, did he?” you sighed, your shoulders slumped.
  • “No, he did not. He locked me up, torturing me whenever he felt fit. He locked her up too, but did not torture her. However, after giving birth to her son, he executed her. He made me watch it happen, helplessly tied up. I never got to meet the child, either. Not when I was alive, anyway.” Murmur revealed the horrible truth, one that you had seen coming but did not want to believe in.
  • “Wait.. Is that child.. Lord Diavolo?” you questioned and Murmur nodded, “So, who is Lord Diavolo’s father?”
  • “There is perhaps only one being who knows the answer to that.. But he has sworn to keep that secret forever”, Murmur answered your question, “The night before I was executed, Barbatos came to see me. He offered to let me go and told me to run, but I refused. I just wanted to see my love again. Barbatos didn’t understand that time either. He did not understand why I was willing to lose my life for love. But I understood. And I think.. Barbatos understands now, too.” He fixed his gaze on you with a knowing smile.
  • “What do you mean by that?” you asked, taken back by his words. Murmur only chuckled while shaking his head.
  • “If you do not know it now, you will one day. Thank you for listening to my ancient story. I do hope it was not awfully boring,” Murmur thanked you with sincerity, “Now, I know I have already overstayed my welcome, but.. Would you mind giving this to Barbatos?” He asked and handed you something.
  • You took the item from his hand; it was an old locket, “Can I open it?” you asked but Murmur shook his head.
  • “Please do not. Barbatos can share it with you if he wishes to; but for now, I think the contents of this locket are better to be shrouded in mystery.” Murmur said apologetically before standing up, his form wavering even more.
  • “Will I ever see you again?” you suddenly question Murmur, feeling like he was an old friend leaving for a long trip.
  • “Possibly, if the Fates so allow,” Murmur hummed as he looked you over once more, “Farewell, MC. Please be patient with Barbatos. He feels way more than he lets on.” And having said that, he disappeared completely.
  • Not even a minute later, you received a worried text from Barbatos, inquiring where you were. You typed him a message, telling him you would meet him soon, putting the locket in your pocket hastily.

  • You had gone to the town centre of Devildom to hang out with Simeon when all of the sudden he had to excuse himself, having remembered that he had to buy something from a store you two had walked past.
  • You waited for him outside the store, skimming through your D.D.D with a bored expression on your face.
  • You were snapped out of your trance only when a pair of hands appeared from the darkness, pinning you against the wall.
  • You looked up in fear, meeting the cold eyes of a demon with a deformed face who you had never met before.
  • “Back off! I’m not alone!” you puffed your cheeks, trying your best to appear intimidating, but the demon merely chuckled, “You do know I’m under the protection of Lord Diavolo and the seven demon brothers, right?! Do you want me to summon one of them?!” you added, your gaze unwavering.
  • “Feisty. I like that,” the demon finally spoke with a humored tone, “Come with me, little one.” he suddenly grabbed you by your wrist and started to drag you away.
  • “Let go! Do you have a death wish?!” you screamed as the demon dragged you to some back alley.
  • But the back alley.. Didn’t look like what you were expecting.
  • The walls of the buildings were painted with beautiful murals depicting a serene, celestial scene.
  • It had two figures dressed as angels; two that you recognized. One of the angels were Simeon, one of them was the demon who had kidnapped you, albeit his appearance more symmetrical and angelic.
  • “What.. What is this?” you questioned and reached out to touch the mural. It felt warm under your touch and it seemed to be moving and pulsing, as if it was a living and breathing being.
  • “My name is Bifrons. I won’t hurt you. Solomon would kill me if I did,” the demon opened his mouth, “I have a pact with him.”
  • “Sure..” you gave the demon a suspicious look, yet continued to observe the mural. Suddenly the picutre changed. Now it depicted a war, led by another familiar figure. Lucifer, shining bright like a morning star, leading a large group of angels. You could spot Bifrons in the crowd with Lucifer but you saw no Simeon in the there.
  • “You used to be an angel?” you questioned the demon next to you.
  • “Yes. Just like the brothers.” Bifrons explained with a wry smile on his face as he kept his eyes on the mural.
  • Then, another new picture. This time it was of Bifrons, standing above someone who was kneeling down, holding their hands in front of their face to protect themselves. Bifrons was holding a large, golden scimitar, ready to strike down the vulnerable angel..
  • When the mural Bifrons’ face softened and he lowered his sword, “Simeon, is that you..?” he questioned with a shaky voice. The angel who had been hiding behind his hands revealed his face. It was indeed Simeon.
  • “B-Bifrons..?” Simeon questioned, tears welling in his eyes, “What are you doing on their side?”
  • “I believe… This is the right thing to do. I can’t stand by idly any longer, Simeon,” Bifrons spoke, his eyes wide with surprise, “You can still join us, Simeon. Please don’t make me do this..” he pleaded, holding out his hand for Simeon to take.
  • “Bifrons.. My brother.. If you desert your post, I’m sure Father will find enough forgiveness to take you back..” Simeon shook his head, staring at Bifrons’ hand, unmoving.
  • “You know I have to kill you..” Bifrons mumbled, his hands shaking, “Simeon, it’s been us two before I was even me.. I don’t want to fight you..”
  • “Just do it, Bifrons.. If anyone kills me, I’d rather have it be you.” Simeon smiled with pain in her eyes, lowering his head for Bifrons to get a clean cut.
  • “Simeon, I…” Bifrons gasped, staring at Simeon with teary eyes, “I can’t!” Bifrons suddenly yelled, threw his scimitar as far as he could and ran towards the edge of the clouds, determined.
  • “Bifrons, don’t jump!” Simeon screamed and quickly got up to run after him, but it was too late. Bifrons jumped off the edge, falling down, his pure white wings burning up and turning into ash, “Bifrons!” Simeon cried out, looking over the edge, tears streaming down his face.
  • And after that, the mural went still, “Simeon and I.. We were the bestest of friends in the Celestial Realm. We were like brothers.. No, twins even. We just shared a special bond. I haven’t seen him since the fall.. I just haven’t gathered the courage to face him. I was hoping you could.. Help me out.” Bifrons admitted bashfully.
  • Before you could even answer his request, you heard a voice behind you call out, “B-Bifrons..? I-Is that you?” A familiar voice questioned and the two of you turned around to see Simeon standing at the entrance of the alley, wide-eyed and shocked.
  • “Simeon, I… Long time no see, eh?” Bifrons chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head and avoiding Simeon’s eyes.
  • “Bifrons!” Simeon screamed, dropped his shopping bags and ran to embrace the demon, “Where have you been, brother? I’ve looked for you everywhere ever since I arrived to Devildom!” Simeon admitted with a wide smile on his face as he held Bifrons close.
  • “I.. I was too ashamed.. And I didn’t want you to see me like this.. I’m only a shadow of my former self..” Bifrons confessed but hugged Simeon back.
  • “I don’t care if your face is deformed. I don’t care that you’re a demon. You’re still my best friend, Bifrons.” Simeon snuggled against the demon with a content smile.
  • You may have felt slightly jealous, but.. It was a sweet reunion, so you couldn’t be too mad.

  • It was a beautiful day in the human world. The angels had decided to pay you a visit and you were hanging around in a park.
  • You were sitting on the park bench, in the shade of a large oak tree, yet you still complained about being so hot and wanting to cool down.
  • The angels, being used to higher temperatures, offered to go and buy you some soda and ice cream. They promised to be right back as they left you all alone waiting for their return with the cool treats.
  • You closed your eyes, enjoying the soft breeze and the sounds of nature as you felt someone sitting next to you quietly.
  • You quickly opened your eyes, half-panicking and half expecting to see either Luke or Simeon but instead your eyes met the dark brown eyes of a young boy.
  • The boy must’ve been no older than 12. He sat next to you, quietly kicking his feet, avoiding your eye contact with a gentle smile on his face.
  • “.. Are you okay? Are you lost? Where are your parents?” You asked the boy with a slight hint of worry. You see the boy’s body tense up but then he took a deep breath, composing himself quickly.
  • “I’m okay. No need to worry for me.. My name is Dawid. But say.. That young blonde boy who just left..” he trailed off, staring into the distance with a smile.
  • “Oh, his name is Luke. Do you want to play with him?” You chuckled as you took a closer look at the boy’s apperance. Weird, his outfit didn’t seem too modern.. He was wearing a white buttondown, suspenders and shorts.
  • “We’re already friends,” the boy turned to face you, his cheeks suddenly turning slightly pink, “Well, at least I see him as my friend..” he grumbled and fiddled with his fingers.
  • “Oh, you’ve met him already?” you questioned, positively surprised, “How did you meet him?”
  • “It’s been a long time already,” the boy smiled at the memory, “I was playing on a playground when this older, bigger boy walked up to me and took my favorite toy and pushed me onto the ground. I was about to cry when Luke suddenly appeared, stood between my bully and I and demanded that he’ll give me my toy back.”
  • “Well, did he?” you asked, immersed into the story.
  • “No.. He punched Luke.” the little boy grimaced at the memory and you felt your blood boil.
  • “Where is this boy?! I want to talk to his parents..” you muttered angrily, balling up your fists at the thought of someone laying their hands on Luke.
  • “I took Luke back to my home and helped him patch up. After that we became fast friends.” the boy continued with his story, his eyes scanning his environment, perhaps looking for Luke.
  • “I didn’t know Luke had a human frie- I mean-!” You quickly covered up your mouth, realizing you were about to spill the beans of Luke’s real identity.
  • However, the boy seemed amused at your reaction, “It’s fine, I already know of his celestial origins. He told me about it once.”
  • You wondered whether angels were even allowed to disclose such information to humans! Was Luke going to suffer some negative consequences?
  • “Luke told me he was assigned to be my guardian angel.. That’s why he came between my bully and I. I was his first human to be guarded, some sort of test to see if he was ready for a promotion.” The boy explained the situation to you in greater detail.
  • “Well, I’m sure he’s done great job so far!” You smiled, proud of your little angel friend. You were about to open your mouth again when the pained expression on the little boy’s face made you stop in your tracks.
  • “He was doing well.. Until the war came.” He suddenly closed his eyes and winced, as if remembering a painful memory. You laid your hand on the boy’s shoulders soothingly, only for your hand to phase through him. You pulled you hand back in shock, a realization dawning on you.
  • “You.. You’re dead?” You asked silently and the boy nodded.
  • “My home town was annihilated. The death toll was in thousands. There was nothing Luke could’ve done about it,” The boy sighed, looking down at his feet, “Can you relay a message for me?” He then inquired, meeting your eyes fully with shining hope within.
  • “What kind of message?” You breathed out, not having expected to hear those words from the young ghost.
  • “Tell him.. I’m sorry he didn’t get promoted. And that I always believed in him, and still do, and that he did an amazing job looking after me. Tell him he was like a brother to me. Tell him that he doesn’t have to keep blaming himself. I know he can be hard on himself..” The boy told you his long list of wishes and you listened to him intently, knowing you absolutely had to remember each wish he had.
  • “I’ll tell Luke,” you nodded determinedly, “Hey, by the way, can I ask you something? I-” you started but got cut short.
  • “He’s coming! I need to go! Thank you for your help! Goodbye!” The boy suddenly yelled and pointed ahead where you could see two figures approaching. Before you could ever say your goodbyes, the spirit was gone, leaving you all alone on the park bench.
  • “Hey MC! I hope you didn’t have to wait for too long!” Luke yelled at you, waving his hands excitedly, “I picked all of your ice cream flavors! I hope you like them!” He kept shouting as he got closer.
  • “Here, MC.” Simeon offered you the ice cream and soda he was carrying.
  • “Wait, MC.. Are you crying?!” Luke suddely gasped and only then did you realize that there were tears streaming down your face, “Are you okay?!”
  • “Don’t worry Luke, I.. I’m okay. No need to worry about me,” you smiled and wiped your tears away, But say, Luke.. Do you remember a little boy named Dawid?“

  • You were on an adventure in the human world with Solomon, trying to find some rare ingredients.
  • You had split up around this abandoned town near a desert when out of sheer curiosity, you entered one of the remaining houses to see what’s it like inside.
  • In what you supposed to be the old living room, you found a woman standing with her back to you.
  • The woman turned to face you with a mysterious smile on her face, "Hello. My name is Naamah. I’m a princess from the kingdom of the Ammonites and Solomon’s wife.”
  • The last word the woman had said, wife, made your heart sink. Did this mean Solomon had been married this whole time?! How had he let that one slip?! You felt your face growing warm from either anger or embarrassment.
  • Naamah however seemed to sense your discomfort, “Or should I say, ex-wife.” she added, the corners of her mouth tugging upwards.
  • “Wait, so you’re divorc-” you began to speak but suddenly shut up when you thought of her previous words further. This lady was an Ammonite princess? The kingdom of Ammon has not existed in.. Centuries.. Millenias even.
  • The story of the Wise King Solomon came back to you. You guessed it made sense that someone as old as Solomon had been married before. You couldn’t really hold it against him, right?
  • You took a closer look at Naamah. She had long, brown hair, dark and warm eyes and she was dressed up in a beautiful silk gown, accessorised by extravagant jewellery. She certainly looked like a princess. You felt slightly ordinary standing next to her.
  • “Well, what are you doing here? Do you.. Do you want Solomon back?” you asked, unable to hold your tongue back any longer. Just the thought of conversing with someone Solomon used to be in love with made you somewhat jealous.
  • The woman’s laughter rang inside the room like a bell, “Oh no, you’ve gotten me all wrong!” she giggled, humored by your jealosy, “If you feel jealous, imagine how I felt having to share him with nearly 1000 other women!”
  • “1000?!” you didn’t know how you had forgotten the stories about him having 700 wives and 300 concubines, “I’m gonna kill him..” you mumbled angrily.
  • Naamah finally caught her breath after laughing so hard, “We’re all dead. We’re no competition to you, sweetie. The dead own nothing. There’s no penny to my name, no contracts tying me down, none of my previous life.. Solomon’s all yours.” she smirked.
  • “What made you think I even wanted him..” you rolled your eyes, your cheeks burning up again. Naamah shook her head with an exasperated sigh.
  • “Don’t hold his past against him. Solomon.. He has always been a free-spirited man, hard to tie down, but he’s done plenty of good, too. His intelligence and experience precedes him and is rivaled by no other living human.” Naamah spoke gently yet firmly, like looking back at a memory you treasured but were over with.
  • “I just.. Feel so meaningless in this constant stream of life. My life will be gone in what feels like a minute to Solomon. How could I ever amount to anything special?” you sighed, finally admitting your fears regarding your relationship with Solomon to anyone.
  • Naamah look at you with understanding eyes, “You’re already special to him. You might not see it that way but.. You’ve made him feel whole again, after feeling so dispersed and incomplete for hundreds of years.” she let you know with a smile.
  • “I don’t follow..” you mumbled, shying away, feeling like all air had been sucked out of the room.
  • “Solomon never remarried after his days as the King of Israel. He swore off marriage altogether. I can understand his reasoning,” she chuckled while examining her fingernails, “But I could see him taking that step again with you someday, as long as you’re interested in that.” she just dropped a bomb like that on you and expected you not to flounder.
  • “M-Marry me?! What are you talking about? That’s.. That’s insane!” you squealed, not knowing where to look and how to breathe like a normal person.
  • “Hey, if you know any nice single ghost gentlemen, can you put in a good word for me?” Naamah grinned mischievously before she froze and her smile disappeared, her eyes staring at something behind you.
  • “What?” you asked and turned around, only to see Solomon standing behind you.
  • “Naamah, that’s enough. Quit scaring my apprentice.” Solomon laughed yet you could sense something tenser behind his laughter. Something troubled.
  • “Aww, Sol. I just wanted to see who this person you’re so smitten with is like,” Naamah chuckled, having regained her composure, “Ah, and now that I remember, Sol. You haven’t been paying your child support in SUCH A LONG TIME-”
  • “Number one, child support did not exist during your lifetime. Second, Rehoboam has been dead for a long time. Third, you’re a ghost, you don’t need money.” Solomon sighed with a knowing smile, fully aware that his ex-wife was merely teasing him.
  • “Okay, okay. I understand. I’ll leave you two be,” Naamah chuckled as she started to disappear, “Oh! And if you two DO get married, please don’t forget to invite me!” she called out as she was disappearing, he voice getting smaller and quieter by the second before fully disappearing into the void.
  • “.. Does she appear to you often like this?” You asked Solomon, crossing your arms. You had many questions to ask from him.
  • Solomon cleared his throat, not meeting your eyes, “Not really. Maybe every 300 years or so unless something special takes place. She’s the only one who has stayed in contact with me all this time.”
  • “So.. I want to know more about the rest of your wives..” You spoke with a dangerous tone.
  • “Oh brother..” Solomon sighed, shaking his head.

Deleted scene:

*Simeon sees Bifrons*: Bifrons, Where the hell have you been, loca?

A/N:Any likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! :) I hope you’re all having a good day.
