#obey me poly



Like Humans Do

***As an apology for Come Back To Me, I have come with offerings of fluff. This is my first poly!MC fluff fic that I’ve written in a while (if ever) so I hope you guys enjoy it! Thank you to the Hive for helping me get ideas together -B***

Summary: MC decides that, for once, they want to be the one to surprise and plan an outing for their significant others. Follow MC and the lords of the Devildom on their journey out into the human world and all the shenanigans that follow.

Dating the seven Avatars of Sin was something that you never saw coming, but something that you would never trade for the world. It was a constant thrill of guessing what surprises the day would hold for you this time. You were so grateful for them and the love that they gave you.

But sometimes you wished that you could be the one to spoil them for a change.

Since there were seven of them and one of you, it seemed like you were the one who was constantly on the receiving end of gifts, profoundly planned dates, and sentimental exchanges. It was nice and you definitely appreciated it, but you wanted to show the boys that you loved them just as equally.

So, you talked with Diavolo and with a little secretive planning, you were able to put together a day where you could do exactly that.

You bounced on your toes as you watched the brothers stumble through the portal with their eyes closed.

“Do we really have ta keep are eyes shut? I mean, it’s not like we ain’t gonna find ou- Ow!” Mammon complained as Belphie elbowed them.

“Stop complaining! Just keep your eyes shut. They put a lot of work into this, so if MC says they want it to be a surprise, then let it be a damn surprise!”

You rolled your eyes at the bickering and gently lead the brothers a little bit away from the portal. “Actually, I was just about to tell you to open your eyes, but I appreciate the backup, Belphie.”

One by one, your boyfriends opened their eyes and loudly groaned before shutting them.

“Too bright!” Levi shouted while guarding his face with his hands. “How in the world did you find somewhere this bright in the Devildom?”

You smiled as you delicately lowered Levi’s hands with your own. “Well, we aren’t exactly in the Devildom.”

Levi’s eyes instantly snapped back open as he looked around himself with the expression and enthusiasm of a kid in a candy shop. “No way! You brought us to the human world?!”

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Reblog to go with the beautiful summer vibes I’m getting today
