#obey me lucifer x mc


An idol group piece commissioned by @sleepingindevildom,@just-a-light-among-the-starsand@yuukarinkazami featuring their OCs with the OM! boys~

Thanks a lot for commissioning me! I enjoyed doing this piece sm ^O^

I probably should have posted this sooner, but at least I will post something on time for once. Anyway-

Today is @datpeachygirl ’s birthday! ✨ So I wish my dear friend (and also waifu-) a really special and happy day because she deserves a lot of love! Also I wasn’t sure if you shared your birthday with your MC Aria @datpeachygirl ,so if I was wrong I’m sorry, but in any case I drew a quick sketch for you! About Aria being spoiled on her birthday by Camy (and dressed up nicely for a date with Lucy later). I hope it’s enough :


(Sorry but sometime MC [Camy] is like a worried mother, so she needs to have a “nice chat” with Lucifer first-)

AGAIN HAPPY BIRTHDAY @datpeachygirl!!!❤✨

✿Obey me! Masterlist✿

A/N: Here is the masterlist for my works for Obey Me!, please do tell me if there is something wrong with the links.

Fluff (), Hurt/Comfort (), Crack (), Angst (), Smut ()

Headcanons (H), Oneshots (O), Fics (F),

WIP (✏️), Completed (), Nisha’s Favourite (❣️)

➸ Masterlist

All Demon brothers

- Demon Bros with an MC who is touchy and affectionate (,H)






-Streamer!Levi x GN!Mc ()


-Romantic Satan x GN!MC (,H)







➥ Side characters


















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Other masterlists from other amazing Obey me writers

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Like Humans Do

***As an apology for Come Back To Me, I have come with offerings of fluff. This is my first poly!MC fluff fic that I’ve written in a while (if ever) so I hope you guys enjoy it! Thank you to the Hive for helping me get ideas together -B***

Summary: MC decides that, for once, they want to be the one to surprise and plan an outing for their significant others. Follow MC and the lords of the Devildom on their journey out into the human world and all the shenanigans that follow.

Dating the seven Avatars of Sin was something that you never saw coming, but something that you would never trade for the world. It was a constant thrill of guessing what surprises the day would hold for you this time. You were so grateful for them and the love that they gave you.

But sometimes you wished that you could be the one to spoil them for a change.

Since there were seven of them and one of you, it seemed like you were the one who was constantly on the receiving end of gifts, profoundly planned dates, and sentimental exchanges. It was nice and you definitely appreciated it, but you wanted to show the boys that you loved them just as equally.

So, you talked with Diavolo and with a little secretive planning, you were able to put together a day where you could do exactly that.

You bounced on your toes as you watched the brothers stumble through the portal with their eyes closed.

“Do we really have ta keep are eyes shut? I mean, it’s not like we ain’t gonna find ou- Ow!” Mammon complained as Belphie elbowed them.

“Stop complaining! Just keep your eyes shut. They put a lot of work into this, so if MC says they want it to be a surprise, then let it be a damn surprise!”

You rolled your eyes at the bickering and gently lead the brothers a little bit away from the portal. “Actually, I was just about to tell you to open your eyes, but I appreciate the backup, Belphie.”

One by one, your boyfriends opened their eyes and loudly groaned before shutting them.

“Too bright!” Levi shouted while guarding his face with his hands. “How in the world did you find somewhere this bright in the Devildom?”

You smiled as you delicately lowered Levi’s hands with your own. “Well, we aren’t exactly in the Devildom.”

Levi’s eyes instantly snapped back open as he looked around himself with the expression and enthusiasm of a kid in a candy shop. “No way! You brought us to the human world?!”

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Reblog to go with the beautiful summer vibes I’m getting today


Pairing: Lucifer x gn!reader


Word Count: 1.2k

Summary:Lucifer had no problem keeping himself under control, until he met you.

Warnings:Corruption kink (i think thats it, lmao)

a/n: So the lovely @sevensins-stuff decided it would be haha funny to send me this ask. It influenced me to make this drabble/blurb/scenario???? I don’t know what this is really but I hope you enjoy! It’s my first smut piece so I hope it’s okay <3


There was something in the way you looked at Lucifer when you were on your knees and waiting for his command that made him go feral. 

You had been such a sweet little thing when he met you for the first time. When you arrived he was sure there had been a mistake and you were actually from the Celestial Realm. He hadn’t ever seen a human basically glow with kindness. You walked around all these demons without a care in the world because of your obliviousness. You were always thoughtful and kind to him and his brothers. You were nothing but good through and through.

And it drove him insane.

But not in the way it did with the second eldest, who frequently called you a goody two shoes. To be frank, it really turned him on. 

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Deserted Island

Mc told Divaolo about how humans live the concept of living off the grid (like come one everyone played in the woods as a kid) so he set up a week long competition!


Older bros:

- Lucifer



Younger Bros:

- Satan

- Asmo

- Beel

- Belphie



- Luke



- Diavolo


- Solomon

- Mc

The rules are simple no magic! So how does everyone do?

Older bros:

- Did well at first Bc of Lucifer

- Their first objective was building a shelter

- They built a little stick and leaves hut but it could only fit two of them

- They made Mammon sleep outside

- When they were trying to go after a wild boar Levi tripped and scared all of them away so he got to eat the left over berries they found

- By the end Lucifer was tired, Mammon got a cold, and Levi got food poisoning from those berries

Rating: 5/10

Younger Bros:

- They did great the whole time

- The first objective was food

- The had plenty the entire time but their shelter was not much of one

- It was a fire on the beach with “beds” made of leaves and twigs

- It rained

- Beel had to be watched so he wouldn’t eat the food supply so satan did that thing you do with bears and tie it up in a tree

- It went fine until Asmo found something that resembled a mud bath and decided he needed a spa day

- It was quick sand

- Satan had to pull Asmo out but in the process Asmo lost his pants and he wasn’t wearing underwear

- So for the rest of the time Asmo had to kinda streak

Rating: 8/10


- They made a shelter first

-Simeon and Luke found vines and wove them into makeshift hammocks and used twigs to keep it rain proof

- They played it pacifist route so they ate vegetarian for their time

- The adventures of Simeon and Luke were rather uninteresting until they ran into Asmo

- Simeon sat with his head in his hands for a solid hour

- Luke started collecting shells he found on the beach to take home

Rating: 10/10


- Barb did most of it and Diavolo well…

- Barb found a natural spring and decided to build a small shelter around it and then went to look for- where’s Diavolo?

- Diavolo wandered off by the time Barb found him he had a boa constrictor wrapped around his waist

-“ Look barbatos the human ecosystem is truly wonderful *tightens* even if it is slightly painful”

- Barbatos: *he made this place and put snakes on it?*

- Barbatos got the snake off Diavolo (no snakes were harmed dw) and dragged him back to the shelter

- Then in the middle of the night he heard it. The unmistakable noise of his greatest foe…..a rat

- Barbatos got up and left

- He sat in the ocean for a awhile till Diavolo came and found him

- He refused to go back so for the rest of the time they had a beach shelter

Rating: 3/10


- How do you think it went?

- Well surprisingly it was ok at first

- They climbed to the top of the island and made a shelter up there and found some local flora right for consumption

- They were mushrooms.

- Solomon and mc got a really bad trip and when they came to they were covered in blood and naked

- Not sure where their clothes went they found some leaves and made it “work”

- They we’re out looking for their clothes one day and found an abandoned camp

- Free stuff? Hell yeah!

- They stole it and brought it up to their camp out

- They had a little feast to celebrate

- Then things just went even more downhill

- They thought they were being watched ever since those mushrooms man

- Went full on Lord of the Flies

- Solomon and Mc even turned on each other

- By the time it was over Solomon and Mc were wrestling (still naked) in the mud yelling about moon soldiers

Rating: -10/10

Oh Baby…

(Fem Mc )

“How? How the frickty fuck did this happen?”


It all started with Satan wanting to prank Lucifer which is nothing new. He wanted a sure fire way to get back at his older brother for? Well for allowing “that hell hound mutt around the house but refusing one cat!” As anyone could tell you getting between Satan and his cats was lethal. He had already been fuming all week when he had student council business at the palace. He figured while he was there he would check out the restricted section of the library while everyone was busy.

They broke for a short 30 minutes to get up before the next meeting. His biggest worry was Barbatos but he seemed to have his hands full with Amso flirting with him so he took his chance. Saying he simply wanted to take a walk he causally made his way to the library. Since he was a Lord no one payed much mind to it was a cake walk. Once inside he found the perfect book “How to turn a demon into a Baby”. No

His plan was simple wait for Lucifer to walk in and catch him off guard with the spell. It was fool proof or almost that is because Satan underestimated one thing. That being Lord Diavolo who happened to come over that day. It was to late by the time Satan realized it was Lord Diavolo and not Lucifer who he directed the spell towards and well that’s why he’s holding a baby Diavolo in Mc’s room.

“You are going to get killed Satan!! Wait now you’ve dragged me into this so I’m an accomplice?!”

“Mc cal-“

“Oh don’t tell me to calm down when you turned Diavolo into a baby! We are so screwed man!”

“Mc be quiet only you and I know about this and if you keep yelling he’s going to start crying.”

“Fine…” (whispering) “What do we do? It’s not like Diavolo just vanishes on a daily basis”

“Let me think mc!”

“Think faster”

*Knock knock*

“You gotta be shitting me”

Pushing Satan and Diavolo into her closet and the knocking only grew more rapid as mc rushed to put her things in a somewhat normal looking manner.


Swinging open the door mc was met with an irritated glance from the Avatar of Pride him self. [shit]

“Uh hey Lucifer what’s happening?”

Mc said loudly so Satan could hear in her closet. She was also haphazardly blocking the door as to keep Lucifer from walking in.

“Mc why are you blocking the door?”

“I uh… why didn’t you answer my question?” Mc shot back

Sighing Lucifer easily pushed past and took a seat at her desk chair waving her over. Mc closed the door silently hoping Diavolo wouldn’t wake up and cause her room to be destroyed again.

“Mc why are you hiding Satan in your closet?”

“I uh what Satan’s not in my closet-“

“Mc I heard you talking outside the door”


Satan walked out of Mc’s closet holding baby Diavolo but at least he only looked like a regular baby.

“Satan why do you have a baby?”

“Well I-“

“We stole it!”

Demon hunters:

Damn I haven’t posted in a month my bad shawty

I’m so sorry I haven’t seen this before yesterday it’s not that I have a lot of requests I’ve just been busy. But onto the request

Until very recently most humans had not believed in demons or angels believing it to be no more than fiction. This rapidly changed once Divaolo opened up the devildom in hopes of peace between the three realms. This led to many becoming fearful and the church growing in size. Due to fear some humans who were backed by the church devoted their lives to destroying demons. Mc knew of the changes but was still shocked when visiting the human world.

Walking with one of the demon brothers past shops and stopping to look here and there. They wanted to take you somewhere they knew the others couldn’t tag along and ruin it for once however it seems the perfect day wouldn’t last. You both were stopped by a younger looking man with a crucifix in his hand. He started spewing prayers and whatnot and you could see your date wince some. You tired talking the random person down but they wouldn’t listen. Eventually seeing their prayers were not working the man walked closer and threw a rosary at the brother which seemed to burn the area it made contact with. Fueled by anger this stranger had hurt your boyfriend you used magic and hurtled them backwards. By now a scene had been created so you grabbed the brother and began walking away.

However the man determined to finish what he started pulled you backwards by your hair before you could realize what was happening. He pushed you to the ground where you hit your head among falling. Due to the stinging sensation and the blinding light of your s/o transforming it was a blur. One second a man stood in front of you and the next he was nothing but a pile of ash. The people around you screamed and ran in different directions some stepping on you. The brother simply picked you up and teleported the both of you to his room.

(Sorry if it’s short I’m kinda out of practice)


Mc(waking up Levi at like 3am) : so I just realized would Lucifer be a dilf?

Levi: mc what-

Mc: because Satan is his son technically…

Levi: I- I’m going back to sleep mc

*at breakfast*

Mc: *thinking*

Amso: Mc are you alright you look stressed?

Mc: I am just have an existential crisis nothing to worry about

Mammon: Mc?! Whaddya mean nothing to worry about

Mc: I am just coming to the conclusion that Lucifer is a dilf and I’m not sure how to feel about it

The brothers: …..

Mc: See it’s confusing wait-

Mc: would that make Solomon a gilf

Lucifer: Do I even want to know what you are talking about?

Levi: Probably not

First time posting in forever and it’s dumb shit anyway have a cat


My personal Obey Me Rabbit hole of theories

(Spoiler Warning for Lesson 36)

(So I haven’t updated in forever but finals are done and I’m on break so hopefully I should have more frequent posts now)

I like learning about things so go on a journey with me to learn about demonology and whatnot. So remember that post I made about the circles of hell? And how obey me has the circles according to Lucifer referencing them? Well I’ve found some more stuff.

So based on what the story and other characters have told us Solomon has made 73 pacts so far (I believe before coming to devildom) Going off this we can assume that our Solomon is based of the biblical character King Solomon. (I believe it’s said he’s king Solomon in one lesson but I honestly can’t remember which)

Why I bring this up is because in the mid 17th Century a book was published titled “The Lesser Key of Solomon”. It was an anonymously published series of grimoires about demonology. It’s where we get a lot of information about demonic rituals and practices. This book claims to have been written by King Solomon but considering it takes a lot of information from the 16th century it’s speculated if that’s entirely true. It tells us how Solomon got his powers and how we could do it as well.

The book is divided into five sections:

1.Ars Goetia- it contains descriptions of 72 demons King Solomon supposedly had control over

2.Ars Theurgia Goetia- The second part explains names, powers , and characteristics of 31 aerial spirts Solomon had summoned and controlled.

3.Ars Paulina- It was apparently discovered by the apostle Paul and has two chapters. Both chapters deal with angels and how you deal with them as well as their powers.

4.Ars Almadel- This part is basically telling us how to make Almadel, which is a wax tablet with protective symbols drawn on it. It tells us about seals and rituals if you want to summon demons and which angels to summon if you fuck it up.

5.Ars Notoria- Mainly comprised of prayers to attain knowledge for example. It also details the rituals you would need to practice.

Fuck now I forgot what I was thinking about

Uh let me know if you want more stuff like this I guess

Resident Evil: Village




- He doesn’t get the big deal about some silly mortal game until mc dragsasks him to play it with them

- He spent ten minutes going through every tiny detail in the Winter’s home

- He did not like our wife Mia but he also didn’t know what happened in Resident Evil 7 so he’s really confused or the majority of the game

- Oh you know he loves the castle because like who wouldn’t

- He isn’t horrible at the game but he takes it agonizingly slow at times

- it took him ten minutes to leave the village once the gate unlocked

- Lady Dimitrescu is relatable to him honestly

- Does he find her hot? Well he doesn’t strike me as a milf connoisseur but I could be wrong

- He had fun playing the game but mc he has better things to do he just was sad about what happened to lady d

- Oh he hated the doll house area with the babies

- He really didn’t care that much about what happened after Lady Dimitrescu died same tho

- like I said before when we learn Ethan I like infected and died at the bakers house he doesn’t get it

- He would have preferred a different out come but hey he didn’t make the game


- Oh he hates this but gave him puppy dog eyes and he’s weak to that

- “Oh this is nice…fucking shit she got shot”

- Mammon wasn’t ready and since he wanted to get this game done with he didn’t do much investigating

- Dead crow… mc why… why must you do this to him

- Looks like he might actually cry

- No! More dead crows!

- He got up and left totally not to cry

- You promised him not more dead crows so he reluctantly agreed to play again

- That was a mistake

- He wasted all his bullets on the monsters for that cutscene

- Got attached to every npc we meet

- When he saw the castle his skills came in handy

- He was actually pretty good at running and hiding from enemies

- Did not like Lady Dimitrescu mainly because she scared him

- Oh a nice shack….

- Yeah after the baby monster thing he won’t pick the game back up


- He’s played all the resident evil so he was the most competent at playing

- He may or may not have speed run it without you so he knows the story already

- Both of you want to be steped on by Lady Dimitrescu

- He doesn’t die once

- Doesn’t want to leave the castle

- You guys kinda just play around with mods for the game

The Commercial

Solomon: Are you to short for respect to come to you naturally?

(Camera Pans over to Luke and Mc looking unimpressed)

Solomon: Well have I got the product for you now patten pending “Knife Hat”

Mc: I don’t know about this Solomon-

Solomon: Shhhh! Of course you do!

Luke: No Solomon you never told us what we came here for.

Solomon: (ignoring them) Knife hat solves all your problems! With just three payments of $19.99 it can be yours!

Divaolo, Simeon, and Lucifer watching from the corner: …….

Shower thought

So like remember how in um lesson 9 I think or whichever lesson it was here mc, mammon, satan, and Lucifer had to go to the human world? Well in that Lucifer said they could go through like the 9 circles but he doubts mc would handle it mentally. That’s a jab at Dante’s inferno (Actually it’s just “Inferno” by Dante Alighieri) right?

For those of you that don’t know it’s basically this dude, Dante, being lead through the “layers” or “circles” of hell. They get progressively worse the further you go down. The circles also are split up kinda between sins but not exactly because the first circle is just for those who were good people but didn’t believe in god or whatever. The last circle is for the traitors of history Lucifer/Satan is waist deep in a frozen lake of fire I believe (yeah it’s kinda confusing).

Here’s a good diagram of it I found on google

Anyway moving on from my explanation…. does that mean the “circles” exist in the obey me universe or was it a clever reference? I mean to be fair I’m lazy and I’ve been trying to get my cards leveled high so I haven’t progressed much in the story but I found it interesting. Plus learning can be fun right?


Kink:Masochism || Hair-pulling ||Orgy 

Pairing: 7 Demons x MC (F) [Lucifer x MC, Mammon x MC, Leviathan x MC, Satan x MC, Asmo x MC, Beelzebub x Belphegor x MC]

Fandom: Obey Me.

Warning: Fingering, Oral (Male and female), vaginal sex,   over-stimulation, breath-play, multiple-partners, spit-roasting, marking, rough-play, internal cum-shot, aphrodisiac. 

Day 14 of  @alloveroliver​.

Including prompts from @xxsycamore​​​

Thank you once more to @theinariakuma​​,@crystal13unny​​ and @andinewton​​​ for beta-ing (You are all angels).

Part 2

Tags:@thequeenofotakus-blog​, @kumovii @fairstival @acr2m @lilliansstuff @coldnachopeace @omg-mz-fanfic @mammonsmainsimp​​​ @0-miles-away

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I’m just back to re-blog this for hitting 3500 followers

Thank you for the support - and if you haven’t checked out part 2 it’s right here (featuring more demons, some angels and a twisted sorcerer, and of course much more smut)

And as a thank you, just enjoy some hot gifs to think visualise as you read!

Lucifer’s Gem (pt.2)

The romance is killing me ❤.

Lucifer’s Gem (pt.1)

Luci trying to play it cool


Headcanon: Scenting

Mild NSFW, big stranger danger (Satan’s part, marked in work for connivence), Brothers

Male reader

No mentions of female organs, not A/B/O

Prompt: How do demons scent? How does it work with themselves and their mate? A little dive-in from my perspective

This post is purely for fun and my opinion!!!

I’m sorry I’ve been gone for a while but I’m still a student trying to attend college (_ _|||) hope the long post makes up for my absence


  • Scenting is nothing new in the Devildom
  • All types of demons, succubi, incubi, and many others use this method of marking their mate
  • It’s painless and an easy message to make other demons back off from their mate
  • While it is common, the system itself is very fragile
  • A demon can easily place their scent on someone else just by being close to them
  • The only way to avoid that is a scent mark; a small bite, not too deep, over where the scent glands would be on demons
  • The glands themselves are usually placed on the junction of the neck and shoulders but are practically invisible because they’re under the skin
  • A scent mark can’t be taken back, so getting or giving one to your mate is a heavy form of intimacy
  • A demon’s scent can be implanted by one of two ways; indirect and directly
  • Directly being that the demon lays close to you and rubs their face in your shoulder or neck
  • Indirectly by wearing or being around things that smell like them like blankets, jackets, or shirts
  • When it comes to family, it’s a bit of a different story, but a part of the culture of scenting nonetheless
  • This type of bond is very important to demons, so how does a human fit into this?

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Smut Alphabet - Lucifer

All the letters for Luci have been answered now, so here’s a post compiling them all together!

A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)

When he’s the one in charge, Luci acts like the kingof aftercare. As much as he loves seeing his partner fall apart, he always makes sure to put them back together in the end. His go to thing is running a hot bath for his partner, letting him clean them up while also giving him a reason to hold them close and relax for once. After the bath, he’s pretty much at their beck and call, willing to run out and get them anything they need until they’re ready to go to bed. It’s one of the only times when Luci won’t put up a fight about going to bed at a decent hour, instead opting to snuggle under the covers and pulling his partner close to his chest.

B = Body part(their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)

For a long while, Lucifer’s favorite parts of him were his wings, but now they carry too many memories for him to view them with the same light. Now, his favorite body part would be his hands. He has long fingers and a firm grip, perfect for grabbing his partner’s wrists with one hand and pinning them down.

When it comes to his partner, Lucifer’s favorite body part of theirs is their neck. It’s such a vulnerable part of their body and it’s his favorite place to leave marks. It’s a trust thing for him, as well as something that makes him feel powerful. Knowing that he could kill them in a second with his sharp teeth pressed to their throat, yet they trust him not to hurt them excites him to no end.

(cont under the cut)

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Lucifer: MC, what are you doing?

MC: *holding an unlabelled cardboard box* Preparing.

Lucifer: For what?

MC: Daylight savings is making Halloween last 25 hours this year.

Lucifer: *raging internally*

Lucifer: MC, what is this?

MC: A lemon.

Lucifer: Why did you give it to me?

MC: No reason Lulu *snaps a picture*

The Life of Royals (RoyaltyAU)

Genre:Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Crack


Summary:When you were seven, you held a fake wedding by the swings with a kid you met at a park. You never saw your childhood ‘spouse’ again after that day. Today you received a letter summoning you to a foreign country, where your wedding to the heir to the throne twenty years ago is seen as valid. -Prompt by @/writing-prompt-s

  1. Truth
  2. The Long-Awaited Arrival
  3. Mixed Emotions
  4. The Flaws
  5. Mending the Bond
  6. Anything for You
  7. His Side of the Story
  8. Teamwork Makes the Dream Works
  9. My Vows to You
  10. Her Hidden Colours
  11. Your Majesty