#obey me undatebales



  • This is an AU Apocalyptic Scenario
  • There will be mentions of death, but no major descriptions of it. 
  • This is mainly angst, but then again, when is it not, lmfao’
  • There is referenced self oof in here.
  • IDK why I exist sometimes,
  • Did you know that I love you? Platonically, I mean. I am not much, but I do thank you for coming by and reading when you do. I like hearing your thoughts, or just seeing people enjoy my writing. 
  • I hope you have a good day today. 
  • To the MiniFic

The Devildom was gone… 

Reduced to ruins as unknown creatures roamed the lands; the once grand kingdom was nothing more than a playground of snow, ice, and deadly traps. The kingdom had sunken into nothing, save for the few that remained in the tarnished, useless lands. 

It seems that nature was cruel. She was always waving around her wand of fate, enjoying tempting the lives of those that lie under it. 

The Angels had Destroyed everything. They had tarnished the safety of the devildom, by seeking help from the greater evils. Evils that even Diavolo himself would never permiss, let alone the estranged, former Demon King. 

Mammon looked over the desolate landscape, holding Lucifer’s coat over his shoulders. He held several weapons, and his demon form was showing. 

It was cold. 

The bitter wind surrounded his body with no second thought. He was just an obtrusion He thought back to the olden days. Closing his eyes at the memories of the warmth of the hell that he had been familiar with before the great collapse. 

Diavolo was dethroned, and subsequestially- somehow- killed. 

Whatever happened seemed to evade Barbatos’s visions… then again… if Diavolo could be dethroned… what bit of powers Barbatos had weren’t going to mean much. The green haired demon disappeared. This world was orderless. You were killed, or you killed others. 

Mammon learned that the hard way when his brothers all died off one by one. Lucifer went out first. That was no surprised. He was the strongest of the demon kin. He was prideful to the very end, no matter what happened. He had went off on his own, without the other siblings knowing- and died trying to take out as many enemies as possible, so they could find a safer place to call home. 

Beelzebub was next. With the collapse of demon Society- he was doomed from the get go… as the avatar of gluttony, he was in constant pain from the lack of nourishment. Eventually- he starved to death… it didn’t take long. His own sin ate him alive- and at the end of it… he was no bigger than a skeleton when his body took it’s toll. 

Belphegor, naturally went out next. The sibling of sloth didn’t have the energy to protect himself, led alone anyone else. The main reason he died, though, was because of the feeling of emptiness after Beel died. Some could say he died of a broken heart. Mammon begged him not to eat that poisoned plant. 

Asmodeus was soon to follow. He went out in battle. He was overwhelmed by other enemies, and Leviathan went out the same way. Both being ambushed by enemies which nearly always consisted of disfigured demonic animals, and strange, sentient plants. Maybe even fellow demons who were just trying to survive the literal snowed-over hellscape their home turned into. 

Satan was the last of kin to bite the bullet. He had also went during battle, but it was from a singular opponent… the brother of wrath was eaten alive, in a snap of greedy, evil jaws, the top half was severed from the bottom- and he became a ghoulish creatures food. 

That was all years ago. Maybe… half a decade? 

Mammon hardly could keep track of the days anymore. 

He had done nothing by survive. Nothing by try to continue in this world that had so greedily taken those he loved from him. There was nothing in this world that he wanted, and yet, somehow, he found himself chasing the concept of life this entire time. 

He avoided death by the skin of his teeth, just to have no family, or friends to go home to. 

Everything had been for nothing. It has been for far too long. 

Looking down the side of the cliff, the demon of greed sighs, and he looks up to the whitened, snow-salted skies, before narrowing his eyes. He hated seeing it. Just another reminder of how their lives were ruined. He could heard the slightest bit of movement from the water below the ice-capped revine. 

It was finally time. 

He had been fighting for long enough. 

It was time to go home. 

He looked down to the several objects he kept with himself at all times- especially after his losses. One of Levi’s old game cartiges, Lucifer’s coat, Beel’s small food-resin keychain decoara- part of a pillowcase that Belphegor used as a bracelet from time to time- asmodeus’s white nailpolish- and Satan’s reading glasses. 

He was ready. 

Closing his eyes, and turning around, Mammon opened them one more time and looked out in the distance. There was a large, aggressive hellscapre creature running right at him. So long for being able to at least enjoy the sight of the land.. 

He closed his eyes again, pulling his arms closer to his chest, before falling backwards off the cliff, and plummettning toward the icy water below. 

It felt like time was moving in slow motion. Everything was so light. 

He reflected on the amazing times he had… as well as the pain, and sorrow he had experienced. For the first time in years, he felt happiness that he never thought he was experience again. 

Soon enough, his body crashed through the cap of the ice that covered the deep revine, and he felt himself become submerged in the chilly depths of the moving current. He felt as though he was choking, but he didnt struggle. There was no point in it. 

He kept his eyes closed, and felt his consciousness drifting. The world aroud him got darker, despite his already blocked vision. even darker black peppered the dark void that rested  behind his eyelids, and he continued to sink down into the revine further. 

He truly was submerged. 


He was free.

As his final thoughts began to leave him- he smiled to himself, his body slowly becoming one of the many endless corpses that had fallen because of this oe liveable land. He choked on water, and- just before his conscious thoughts went stagnant- he felt wamth at several hands grabbed his uselessly drifting arms from within the water. 

6 hands. all different. 

His body continued to sink- alone in the water. No one would ever reach it. He would never been seen, or heard again. 

That didn’t stop his smile, though. He could feel them now. He could go where he truly wanted to be all this time. He could escape this hell of a life… finally be happy again.

He was finally… going home. 
