#obstetric violence



look, there are major issues with the way doctors are put on a pedestal and treated as infallible

when doctors are seen as always right, sick people who contradict them are always seen as wrong

when doctors are always believed, people who need medical help don;t get it because a doctor said there was nothing wrong with them

when doctors are seen as always knowing whats best, people go through the wrong treatments which can severely damage them

a climate in which people who hold power over vulnerable people are seen as unchallengeable is fucking dangerous and does literally get people hurt and killed

When doctors are seen as always right, people giving birth are treated like objects whose desires and consent mean nothing (TW: violence against pregnant people): [x] [x] [x]

I’m pro-choice, which really means I’m pro-bodily autonomy. That means I support these things:

  • Not being forced to stay pregnant
  • Not being forced to have an abortion
  • Being able to get sterilized without hassle or shame
  • Not being forced to get sterilized
  • Affordable care for carrying a pregnancy to term
  • Respecting patients’ right to consentduringchildbirth (tw: birth violence)
  • Access to affordable contraception
  • Comprehensive sex education
  • Not being forced to have sex without contraception
  • Freedom from all rape and sexual assault
  • Compassionate treatment of sexual assault victims and justice in the courts
  • Wearing whatever clothing you want without harassment
  • Access to affordable gender confirmation surgery and hormones for trans people
  • Ending infant circumcision and genital mutilation
  • Respecting patients’ right to consent to all medical treatment
  • Death with dignity for the terminally ill
  • Elimination of torture as an interrogation technique
  • Ending domestic violence and all other violent crime
  • Ending sex, organ, and surrogacy human trafficking
  • Sex workers legally working in safe, violence-free environments
  • Consent for all interactions involving your body

Your body, your choice.
