

I’m pro-choice, which really means I’m pro-bodily autonomy. That means I support these things:

  • Not being forced to stay pregnant
  • Not being forced to have an abortion
  • Being able to get sterilized without hassle or shame
  • Not being forced to get sterilized
  • Affordable care for carrying a pregnancy to term
  • Respecting patients’ right to consentduringchildbirth (tw: birth violence)
  • Access to affordable contraception
  • Comprehensive sex education
  • Not being forced to have sex without contraception
  • Freedom from all rape and sexual assault
  • Compassionate treatment of sexual assault victims and justice in the courts
  • Wearing whatever clothing you want without harassment
  • Access to affordable gender confirmation surgery and hormones for trans people
  • Ending infant circumcision and genital mutilation
  • Respecting patients’ right to consent to all medical treatment
  • Death with dignity for the terminally ill
  • Elimination of torture as an interrogation technique
  • Ending domestic violence and all other violent crime
  • Ending sex, organ, and surrogacy human trafficking
  • Sex workers legally working in safe, violence-free environments
  • Consent for all interactions involving your body

Your body, your choice.


me, patiently: the Tumblr porn ban was not a voluntary choice by the company itself because they hate sex workers and gays, it was a gun-to-their-head response to FOSTA-SESTA and the alternative was shutting down operations or getting sued/fined into oblivion. twitter and reddit can afford the lawyers and moderation and other nonsense required to operate under FOSTA-SESTA with porn on the table. Tumblr doesn’t have that kind of operating budget. all the other sites that don’t have that kind of money had to make the same changes. Craigslist personals and most of the Gigs and Community sections are almost impossible to post on now because of the same changes and lack of budget. i don’t care about defending individual companies against accusations of wrongdoing, im saying you need to understand why these things happen and who the real enemy is if you’re ever going to get anything done

a 20 year old who has never been tear gassed: why do you, personally, eliza, hate gay people



Last night my client mentioned how after I came to his house the last time I popped up on his Facebook. He wanted to warn me that even if you turn your location services off (which I always do) it still tracks your location and if you’re in close vicinity with someone you will pop up on their Facebook. So now he knows my real name and info. Thankfully he’s very nice and warned me, just be careful ladies!! You don’t want your info in the wrong hands

Here’s a helpful thing:


on the subject of sex worker, (speaking as an ace sex worker, for what’s it worth) the idea that you can respect the sex worker, but condemn the client is so incredibly toxic.

When you condemn the client, you endanger the sex worker - you endanger our livelihoods by forcing us into work that is (equally coercive and dangerous, and) not nearly as lucrative; you endanger our lives by fostering an environment where clients don’t want to give out the kind of details that will let an SW filter dangerous clients; you foster an environment where it “doesn’t matter” whether a client does their homework to make sure they’re not supporting trafficking, making it more likely that they won’t.

And by promoting the idea that women are incapable of determining whether they are being victimized, you perpetuate a culture in which women’s words cannot be trusted, which, guess what? Perpetuates rape culture.

The primary danger for sex workers stems directly from a cultural perception that sex workers are less; that sex workers are victims, that women are victimizable as sex workers. I mean, do people really not see how painting a vast swathe of the population as uniquely vulnerable to exploitation might make people who want someone to exploit take interest? 

(Otherwise, absolutely no complaints about the assessment of enthusiastic consent + asexuality + sex work. It’s spot on)

Posting this excellent submission without comment. Thank you!
