#obviously gay



im imagining an au where everyone survives at the end of ch2, and bill goes on to write a novel inspired by the events of the losers club. he doesn’t tell the exact story of pennywise- just a monster loosely based off of IT and a group of characters inspired by his best friends.

when it finally comes out of course the losers read it, and as richie’s reading it he can quickly identify which characters are supposed to be who, and he has to say he’s a little flattered by his own character’s portrayal. but then as he keeps reading, he begins to pick up on the way that his character and what is clearly eddie’s character interact with each other….. to the point where richie calls up bill and asks him why there’s a whole romantic sub plot between his and eddie’s characters. bill, who would definitely win an award for the most oblivious person out there, is confused, he’s like “??? i didn’t write any romance between you guys…?”

and richie’s like “no you did, they way they’re acting, it’s so obvious that there’s something more going on there.” and bill just says, “i don’t know what to tell you, man, i just wrote them the exact same way that the two of you used to be when we were kids.”

and that’s when it all hit richie, that eddie- his childhood crush who he realized he never really fell out of love with after reuniting after 27 years- maybe felt the same way. meanwhile eddie is also reading the book and freaking out because “holy shit i never thought i was that obvious about my feelings for him but jesus christ how did he never notice if this is the way we were acting with each other ?!?!?!!?!??

Richie: Why did you write us gay?

Bill: … I didn’t? What’re you talking about?

Richie: But the characters who are Eddie and me
are acting so gay together.

Bill: … Dunno what to tell you, dude. I just wrote them
like you two used to act together.

Richie: So you’re saying … we acted gay?

Bill: No, *you’re* saying you acted gay. Have fun with
contemplating the ramifications of that.

Richie: … fuck.

megalomari:why is ryuji… so cute… i’m crying….. Morgana: Why, though?Akiren: I dunno. He’s adorable,megalomari:why is ryuji… so cute… i’m crying….. Morgana: Why, though?Akiren: I dunno. He’s adorable,megalomari:why is ryuji… so cute… i’m crying….. Morgana: Why, though?Akiren: I dunno. He’s adorable,


why is ryuji… so cute… i’m crying…..

Morgana: Why, though?

Akiren: I dunno. He’s adorable, loyal, brave, tough.

Morgana: He’s also an idiot!

Akiren: Yeah, but so is everybody else. You and me included.

Morgana: … I guess that’s fair. 


Morgana: He’s also an idiot!

Akiren: Yeah~ Such an idiot~

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megalomari:gym bros… or something Akechi: Maybe … it’s not *just* Akiren? Maybe I’m just &helmegalomari:gym bros… or something Akechi: Maybe … it’s not *just* Akiren? Maybe I’m just &helmegalomari:gym bros… or something Akechi: Maybe … it’s not *just* Akiren? Maybe I’m just &hel


gym bros… or something

Akechi: Maybe … it’s not *just* Akiren? Maybe I’m just …
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … gay?
For friendly, handsome guys … who are displaying competence?
Never thought I’d associate *Sakamoto* with competence,
but he undeniably knows what he’s doing in the realm of fitness …
   But, no, surely not! It’s unthinkable! This is all a fluke!
   With Akiren, it’s merely the thrill of facing a worthy opponent.
   With Sakamoto, it’s merely that my heart is literally racing
   due to the extended, physical exertion. But how to prove it …
      Ah, yes! Kitagawa is supposed to excel at artistic creation,
      and is generally considered quite handsome, too.
      I’ll simply ask him to give me some tips on sketching,
      perhaps observe his method and listen to him explain it,
      and when I feel nothing but bored derision, I’ll know for certain.


Akechi: Well, fuck.

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