#oc illustration



Which look is your favorite??

Miss Zahra Kilani, the newest addition to the coven!


Scene Unlocked: Saving Ren | ICE-Verse

Ren’s body contorted, seizing in pain as Kieran watched, helpless. Ren’s sire, the vampire who had turned him, was trying to end him. Knowing his aunt, Kieran knew she would make this as painful as possible but… That, oh, there was still that to do—

Determined, he shredded Ren’s shirt and let his hand rest on the tense skin of his chest, claws poised and ready to carve the mark.

Forgive me, he thought grimly, For this pain. Ren’s scream echoed in their chambers.

He would claim Ren as his own, and hopefully it would be enough to save him. If Ren loathed him for this afterwards… well, at least Ren would be alive.

– • – • –

Vampire angst! Here we are, finally getting some of Ren’s story. He was turned at 17, and met Kieran about four and a half years later. They were roommates while Ren lived there and investigated some immoral supernatural happenings, but after Kieran’s aunt saw them at an event and was shocked that Ren had survived, the stakes were raised.

And thus, this scene, and Kieran marking Ren as one of his own subordinates to shake any claim she had over him. It does come with the side effect of a soul bond, but, well Ren’s always been good at handling the unexpected.

“ICE-Verse” just refers to the dumb name I have for our collective OC universe. Ren, with the mark, belongs to me. Kieran belongs to my partner (✿◠‿◠)

Scene Unlocked: Saving Ren | ICE-Verse

Ren’s body contorted, seizing in pain as Kieran watched, helpless. Ren’s sire, the vampire who had turned him, was trying to end him. Knowing his aunt, Kieran knew she would make this as painful as possible but… That, oh, there was still that to do—

Determined, he shredded Ren’s shirt and let his hand rest on the tense skin of his chest, claws poised and ready to carve the mark.

Forgive me, he thought grimly, For this pain. Ren’s scream echoed in their chambers.

He would claim Ren as his own, and hopefully it would be enough to save him. If Ren loathed him for this afterwards… well, at least Ren would be alive.

– • – • –

Vampire angst! Here we are, finally getting some of Ren’s story. He was turned at 17, and met Kieran about four and a half years later. They were roommates while Ren lived there and investigated some immoral supernatural happenings, but after Kieran’s aunt saw them at an event and was shocked that Ren had survived, the stakes were raised.

And thus, this scene, and Kieran marking Ren as one of his own subordinates to shake any claim she had over him. It does come with the side effect of a soul bond, but, well Ren’s always been good at handling the unexpected.

“ICE-Verse” just refers to the dumb name I have for our collective OC universe. Ren, with the mark, belongs to me. Kieran belongs to my partner (✿◠‿◠)

Since this is a naturally censored peice I didn’t add a cover sticker but I’m still putting a cut.

I am still figuring out how to draw Aidma’s body type, and while I’m getting closer to my goal, I don’t think this is fully accurate yet! But I am happy with it generally. Also I bet you didn’t notice that I forgot to shade her eyes! Good. Keep on not noticing plz <3
